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Red Hot!

Kanti: Kanti sat in one of the many garden's around the Palace, this garden a private grove of trees with a path and flowerbed surrounding a small lawn.

It's on this lawn that Kanti sits, in a meditative pose, wearing a simple black kimono, though anyone running their fingers over the silk could feel the quality of the silk that made it. Her long dark hair was still unbound, from the fire this morning that had burned away the small band.

Her eyes are closed and above her hands there floats four iris blooms, orbiting lazily and occasionally dropping a single petal, which soon seems to vanish on the floor.

Xue is nowhere to be seen.

Alexander: The prince's feet touch the grass, not too far from her...

He seems... smaller. More frail. Less... beautific, part of perfection, of greatness that permeated him due to Ainerach gone. His face was still more beautiful than any human had the right to be, however... just... less than it had been. He looks up, at the night sky, and the Moon appearing shy behind the Clouds... he lets himself shine as he walks through the darkness, always uneasy in such shadowed gardens... always. Trees at night, always appearing to be monsters stalking him...

"I looked for you everywhere, Kanti..." He says, his voice... worried. Confused. Devoid of joy... "... what are you doing...?"

Kanti: Kanti looks up as her Prince steps onto the grass, her face instantly looking concerned as she discerns the tone of his voice and ... that he has ... changed ...

The iris blossoms vanish.

"I am sorry, my prince. I just sought out somewhere quiet to meditate and practice my magics."

"You seem to be troubled, what is wrong, my prince?"

Alexander: "I..." His voice falters, as he walks closer, a light in the shadows...

"I went to meet my sister..." He says, a little shaken... "It did not... go very well..."

He touches her face, caressing her, not so much as to give her warmth but as to feel hers', as if he needed to hold on to her... "She heard of me and Lilith... she was angry. I wanted to just give up Ainerach, but... she told me I had to prove to her. To prove my love of Lilith to her. And until then..." Almost without noticing it, his nails dig on her raven hair, as the memory goes through him, making hims so angry... so angry with his loved sister...

Kanti: What did she do to you?

Where is my prince?

Why are you so worried?

She winces as he digs his nails in, but doesn't let him see that, instead pressing her face up to his hand, rubbing her cheek against it, before turning to kiss it.

"Until then, my prince?"

Alexander: She can feel it... a shiver, joy in him as she kisses him.

She cares about me...

She is caressing me... wanting me... without me having to say...

For a moment, he smiles... and then he lets go of her, moving away, turning around, so as to not see her face...


"Until then... I am not a man, Kanti. We... we cannot..."

Kanti: "My prince?"

She calls out, concern in her voice as she looked up at his face. flowing smoothly to her feet.

"What do you mean? 'Until then you are not a man'?"

What has she done to my prince?

Alexander: "I... I..." His voice falters. Ashamed. But... but she had to know... she would, sooner or later, would she not? She loved to... she always... "I... she..." he held his voice. He felt so... helpless. He imagined how he must look to Kanti... how... pathetic. Not even a man... "She... I..."

Fists clench. His teeth grits. And then he turns around, not even drying the starts of tear that begun on his eyes, holding Kanti's arm and pulling her to him, forcing his lips on hers', pouring anger on her... "It does not matter. It does not matter. I am still a man. I... I do not need that to touch you. I... do not need that!"

"I can still..." Kanti sees his beautiful eyes, a caudron of emotions, so many of them ugly, raging...

"I can..."

Kanti: Kanti accepted his kiss, and his anger, returning the kiss with finesse. Not exactly to relax, but to redirect the anger to something more ... appropriate, letting him feel her warm, firm body pressed up to his.

"You can?" she whispers in his ear after he breaks the kiss, her breath warm.

Alexander: He feels her pressed up to him, and she can feel... the lack of something. His hands go into the front of her robe, snaking on her back, a hand on her behind, another almost on her shoulder, holding her to him... he continued to kiss her, his teeth grazing her lips, anger and lust mingling to something almost violent... little love bites. "I can..." He says as he continues to kiss and bite at her, down to her neck... "I can... you will not miss a thing. You will not. I am still the same. I can make you... I can still make you melt like wax on your fire... I can..."

He closes his eyes then, the hands pressing to her skin, nails on her, finger on her behind, and she can feel tears on her neck, together with the kiss, together with his nuzzling face, his smooth, pleasant silverly hair... "Oh.. god... Kanti, I need you I need you, I need you..."

Kanti: Oh, my prince ... she has taken that away...

How cruel is she?

It's been a while since I have entertained a neuter...

She continues to press up to him, kissing him as he almost pushes the kimono off her with his questing hands, laying soft kisses in between her yelps at his bites.

"Take what you need then." She whispers, voice breathy.

"Demand from me." She whispers, kimono opening at front.

"However, wherever." She whispers, and waits.

Alexander: She is so... so... lovingly... He thinks with a kiss.
She is so... wonderful... He thinks with a bite.
Slut he thinks with a slap to her behind.
She is so caring... he pulls her close, nuzzling her neck, her face...
She is so warm... he kisses her lips again.
Slut comes another slap.

He so wished to have her. To mount her. So... much... "That... bitch. That Sun-forsaken bitch!!!" He shouts, as if for Kanti. But not. "She had no right... she had no..." His hand leaves her back, and forces itself on the front of her panties, rough, but with the skill he had learned in all those times with Kanti... rough, pushing on her, wanting her wet, wanting to see her drip in such an open place... he moves away from her, just a bit... and commands. "Mew for me, servant."

Kanti: "...Here ... here in the garden?"

She speaks, her voice quivering with a question, and with heat.

"You wish me too....?"

And her eyes implore him to tell her, to describe it, to command her, in all its sinful detail.

Alexander: He takes his hand off her, so strong that he nearly rips her underwear, bringing his fingers to his lips, licking them, his eyes burning on her skin... on her damp panties. His light flares a bit, but not far. Close, there, so others would not see... but so Kanti could feel a spotlight over her. Exposed... and before a terrible alabaster master. "You taste delicious. You taste of sin." He says almost as a repproach...

"Show me, then... touch yourself. Drip on this ground. Say my name. Say how much you want me."

"Do it, Kanti, whimper and mew for me. Whimper and mew with your master's names on your lips."

That bitch... But... Kanti has nothing to do with it... Shut up. Just.. shut up...

Kanti: Kanti blushes in the spotlight he creates, and then she nods in accquiessance of his demands, slightly hesitant, her demeanor that of one secretly thrilled by the illicit nature of the request, leaning back against the tree, running one hand down her front to part her kimono, then pushing her panties aside, pausing to let him take in the sight before she slips a pair of fingers in.

"As you desire, my prince."

And then she starts to play, slowly, making small noises.
Then louder noises, blushing all the more at the thought of who might hear.
Then she starts to speak, calling out for him, telling him of the sins she was committing for him, speaking of the sins she desires from him yet, whimpering and mewing for him....

Alexander: He watches... and smiles.

The courtesan can see the shivers running down him, on watching it, on hearing her words...
The courtesan can see the frustration and anger on his eyes... the need...

He moves closer to her, then, pushing her hands off of her, holding it to his lips and licking her fingers... before he turns to her, his eyes searing on her eyes. "You have no shame, do you ? All your etiquette, all your upbringing..." He shakes his head, pushing her belt off, tying it on her collar as if it was a chain...

... and letting go, letting it fall over her red body as a disheveled tie. Sunlight touched all of it, touching her black scars like shivers... and his hands pull her robe down, harshly, as if he wished to rip her clothes off of her. But the robe is still whole. He smiles, then, spinning her around, pushing her front against the tree... and using her robe to tie her hands together.

"Now, if you are such a... you need to be punished. And I think I will punish you by having you walk to your room like this. To have everyone..." He speaks, his breath hot on her ear from behind... "See you as you are..."

Kanti: "My prince I...."

She started, as he let go her fingers once more, looking at him with a plea in her eyes, hiding the smile on her lips.

"I am!"

She gasped as he pulled her robe down roughly, then turned her around, feeling the cold, rough bark pressed up to her skin, the silk tying her hands. And then he spoke

Oh, my prince .mmm..!

"...what?" she squirms against the trunk and his grip. "Please no, my prince...!" She tries to turn, to face him. "Please, find some other punishment ... I plead! Spank me ... take your crop to my .... please don't make me do this!

Alexander: "Hmmmm..." He considers, smiling... as he finishes tying the knot to her arms. She can feel it on his hands. How much her squirming made him shiver. How much the pleas made him satisfied. He kept pressing her against the tree, without letting her look back at him... and as she plead, he seemed to have some ideas, while he touched her behind.

"I guess... I will have some small mercy, Kanti. I will spank you... and lessen your punishment. Just a little bit. Because I am... very, very nice." And then it came. Slapping her against the tree, so, so many times, until she felt evey inch of skin touched by his hands burning, until her pleas got drowned by her yelps, until what her fingers begun ended in a climax from his slaps alone. "... now..."

".. since you have received part of your punishment, I will lessen it. you will not need to see how much you are showing..." The robe went up, around her eyes, closing her vision into blackness. She could not see. She could only imagine. It was not a blessing. It made her feel the shame of all, watching all the time, it made her imagine and the imagination had only shame...

And of course, he knew it as he turned her around, her body aching and weak in the knees from her climax... her body covered only by her bra and her damp, dripping panties, which he admired as he held her belt-leash. "Time to walk now, servant..."

Kanti: After the fire in her ass and her loins had reached a climax and started to fade, there was simply the blackness of the blindfold, squirming against the tree in the dark.

She felt his sunlight on her skin.
She felt his eyes on her body.
She felt them burn.

"...Please...! Please ... my prince. Don't lead me like this ... don't lead me naked on the end of your leash all the way up there....don't make me show everyone ..."

Alexander: She can feel it. Even if she cannot see... she can feel him. His breath. Through the leash, his movements. She could infer from his breath. And she knew, oh, she knew, how much each and every plea... how much her body language and her... she was perfect, and she could feel it. He touched her breasts, forcefully pressing them until it hurt... and then, pushed her lingerie down, exposing her bosom, pushing it up.... "You are not naked, Kanti. Not yet. Now, you are closer to naked..."

His hands caressed down her body, touching her panties... and ripping them off, roughly off of her. "And now, you are naked." He said, his voice as merciless as it had ever been, before the fabric was shoved into her mouth. "And loud. And we cannot have that. I want you on display, silent and pretty, for all to see... and I cannot have them know that you are such a lady, in such shame, can we?"

The ripped frabric was tied up behind her head... and he begun to lead her. The cold night air touching her body, naked and sensitive, as he walked... walked through paths he knew would be deserted. Careful, careful not to be seen by anyone. And yet, from time to time, he would stop, and whisper to Kanti how she was seen by this or that person... and he continued to lead her, up stairs and through corridors, until they got to his room... and he pulled the remains of her panties out of her mouth.

Kanti: Kanti moaned as he carressed her, rough as he was. She made muffled protest as she was gagged, writhing just a little bit more for Alex's benefit.

I haven't been treated like this in so long.

And even then it wasn't the same ...

In heaven, it was known, after all.

And so Kanti is lead up to the room, every step graceful despite the blindfold, trusting in her prince to lead her, using the leash to orient herself, using the breeze too. Though she knows from the lack of gasps, shouts and words she hasn't been seen, each whisper from the prince brings a shiver from her, one not entirely faked.

Then they were in his room, and she could speak again.

"Oh, my prince...!" She exclaimed.

Alexander: His lips touch hers'. The robe unties her arms.

He locks the door.

"We need some privacy. Cannot do for someone to show up like that beautiful prietess did... even though it was... so good, to see her watching during that. As you served me so..." His lips, his face, nuzzling her... and then taking all of the robe off, smoothing it and laying it over her bed. Soon the glass chains are on his hands, however, clicking on her neck...

And then, pushing her on her knees, as he sits on the bed, his now bare feet touching her body...

"Have you been shamed enough, Kanti? Have I punished you enough yet?"

Kanti: Kanti kissed him back enthusiastically, pressing up to him even, arms carressing him, at least until the glass manacles restrain her once more and she is pushed to her knees at his feet.

"My prince likes the idea of someone watching as he takes advantage?" She asks, almost innocently, leaning her head on his thigh.

Alexander: He feels nothing from her being there, of course. Little, just wamth on any flesh. His hand touches her hair, ruffling it, caressing her... the sweetest he has been all night, still holding the glass chain tightly back. His feet find her own thighs, touching her, playing... while he thinks. "Yes... yes, I do. It makes me feel... it is silly to say." He shakes his head. Powerful. Great. Strong. Potent was implied in his voice, for her "But I do. And I know it makes you so ashamed, doesn't it?"

Kanti: "Ashamed, my prince, but ..."

Only because you wish it so.

Only because you wish to see me shamed.

Inside, it makes me exhultant.

That I get to entertain others too

That you would show me so unadorned.

That you are pleased enough with me to want to show me off.

"but thrilled too." She looks up at him guiltily. "I'm sorry my prince."

Alexander: He looks down on her... and there is all on his eyes. Thrill...

"I am like you, Kanti..." He says, letting to of her hair, his feet pushing her body away from his'. So she leaning back, at his leg's length, and his feet touch her body, snaking up, touching the stone, touching her breasts.... "I wish to say I am ashamed. That is wanton of my servant, that that makes you a slut. But it thrills me. It thrills me because of your shame, because of your thrill. I am like you..."

"So, what do we do? Be thrilled together, as I show you to another lady? As I show her as I... use you?"

Kanti: Kanti rested with her hands behind her as he pushed her backwards, the position forcing her to arc her back, presenting upthrust breasts held there by the bra. The pose makes her feel more than a little vulnerable as his feet move over her body, and she squirms alittle because of it.

"If it takes my prince's fancy, yes. Show me off as you enjoy my body or my pleas."

Alexander: He smiles... and keeps her in that leash, then pushes her up....

And, harshly, against a table, her behind up in the air, her breasts pushed harshly against the table. He chained her arms together to the table, then, picking a scarf on her dresser and placing it over her eyes... "Well... it does. But today, I will show to no one... I cannot entertain you, Kanti, I cannot please you..." He felt less ashamed now, so in control... "My sister took me away. But I will get it back, I will... but until then..."

He looked around...

"You will have to make do..."

Kanti: Kanti exhaled as she was forced against the table and bound, in a position that would be uncomfortable, but for her exceedingly flexible joints.

"Of course you can still please me, my prince. I..." She trails off, sadness tinging her voice, falling silent. Not willing to say she did not mind, for obviously she did ...

"I will have to make do." She echoes...

Alexander: "Yess...."

He walks around her, then, enjoying the sight. All chained, unable to do anything more than squirming...

And blind to the world around her. He should blindfold her more... it was so... interesting...

And of course, such a...

He picked a crop, then. She could not see it. Only feel it. Feel the warmth and power behind her as he became awash in light. It would sting more if that light touched her scars... as it did. As the crop struck her legs. Struck her bottom. Struck her back. And again, and again, and again....

Kanti: Kanti could hear him moving, could almost feel his eyes on her as he paced around her, as she wondered what he thought of her, like this. She heard the faint scrape as he picked up something, felt the wash of power from behind as he blazed with light.

She cried out as the crop fell for the first time.

Then again, and again, and then she started to plead for him to stop, to beg for him to carry on, making entreaties for his touch.

Alexander: He continued until tears fell on her eyes.

He continued until she had gasped on her climax at least twice.

And then, the chains left her arms. The blindfold did not leave, and the prince picked her pained body up, on his arms. She would still feel his strikes from a long time... maybe even to the next day, golden as they were upon her skin, but on his arms, the sting subsided, and the light was now soothing. She could feel his skin against hers', and he was as bare as she was. He kissed her lips, tenderly... his nose nuzzling hers'.

She could not see it, but she could feel his smile.

"Thank you, Kanti... thank you. I love you..."

He had taken off his clothes, now less... bothered, by it. He still felt horrible... but she had taken all his rage. All his shame. He felt so dominant, so in control now, that the shame did not sting. How could it, when her liquids had run for him even without it? How could it, when he had her in his hands like this? Maybe it was more... but for now, he was more serene. Nuzzling, kissing... licking her dried tears.

"I want you to sleep with me tonight. On my room."

He opened the window to her room, and walked out, with the blindfolded Kanti in his arms, throughout the outside, on the shadows, towards the balcony to his room... "I want you to be with me, to hold to me, to know I am there for you every moment of this night... to know how pleased you make me..."

Kanti: Kanti curled up in his arms, her tears stopping now as the chains were removed from her arms, the light from his anima warmed rather than burnt her, as he started to nuzzle her face, kissing him back as best as she was able, the blindfold adding a certain hestancy and need to her kisses, her lips trying to hold his, to keep his face where she can feel it, can know he's there.

She murmurs back as he says he loves her, her words little indistinct, wrapped as she is in a warm, black cocoon of solar light and cropped skin, but her intention is clear as she presses herself up to him closer, letting him carry her from her room. Her heart soars as he says he wished her to sleep with him, to spend the night with him, to hold him and be held by him, to know that she pleased him.

Perhaps I can even sleep...




But he will be there, and I can watch him sleep, and that will be enough.