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Brave New World

It had been quite a while. Under rain, snow... and thankfully, no blizzards.

Above, he sees feathers falling... watches the devastation in the fields.

The army of wings fought here, and now, they fly above, taking boxes from place to place. Angels had this city as their garrisson now, even as its walls looked so broken. Inside, as he could see through torn gates, mostly empty streets... and probably some places the military had taken hold, from where the flying soldiers bursted back and forth like busy bees.

And in the center... the Spire, its end beyond the clouds.

Vengeful Sky: He exhales heavily and sets the heavy crimson and white helmet down over his head, replacing his face with a featureless mask of lacquered steel. Best foot forward, etc.

He indulges in a moment's obsessive-compulsive urge, adjusting the layers of bright white linen, vermillion silk, and mail of divine manufacture. Perfect. Satisfied, he proceeds!

At the gates of the city, a loud knock rings out, the sound of a starmetal spear striking the gate, announcing his arrival.

Gennadi: As he strikes them, they open, and he is confronted with nothingness. An empty street, footprints of missing guardsmen, and a silence, oppressive and heavy. It tears apart with the arrival of a figure clad in simple silver, a well cut suit and a shining white grin of teeth. It's hard to focus on his face at all, almost seeming a blur compared to the brilliant and shining decorations he bears, medals of silver and sapphire, amulets of gold and ruby, tinkets and baubles of bronze and emerald.

It bows before him, wildly colored hair brushing the ground and sending small sprays of snow into the air as the person snaps back up to their feet. "Welcome to the future of Creation, traveller! Is there anything I can do for you?"

Vengeful Sky: He steps into the city, the normally subtle jingle of mail ringing like churchbells against the silence. Sky stops, settling the comically-large duffel bag on his shoulder, then tosses a small bundle at the feet of the ... greeter.

"I have arrived. Inform those who need to know."

Gennadi: The grin returns. "I would, but really, you should know there's very little that anyone really NEEDS to know." He flicks his foot underneath the bag, kicking it high up into the air. By the time it returns to earth, a woman of sheerest ice, with dangerously sharp features and blood-red lip is there to catch it. "You're going to want the tour. If you don't already, well, we'll soon fix that."

Vengeful Sky: The featureless helm turns, unseen eyes regarding the new arrival. He lets the silence return, lets it weigh for a moment. Who knows, maybe it'll work. And now, speech!

"Don't open that, please."

Gennadi: "Tsk. Defining something as forbidden only makes it more fun to play with." He wags a finger at Sky, white gloves having appeared between now and when he first arrived. "Of course, waiting is half the fun." The wind whips up, and suddenly the greeter is latched to Sky, literally in this case as the trinkets interlock with the armor on his arm. "This way, please. Judging by your attire, and the reputation that precedes you, you're going to want the Hunter first."

Vengeful Sky: "Nonetheless, I do highly encourage you not to open that."

Presumably, Sky has no real way to avoid being carried off. Besides, the image of being carted off into the air while carrying an absurdly-sized duffel bag is rather amusing.

  • As they walk, two things catch the eye.

    One, is a collection of soldiers hanged in one of the streets they pass through. It seems natural, during a war, but this is a Windia-occupied city... and most of them are Windian soldiers themselves. The crows caw loud.

    The other is a Dragon-Blooded, jumping, running, with bestial creatures hot on his trail.... a swan feathers appearing around the Dragon-Blooded as he cuts some of them down, and runs, past them....

Vengeful Sky: "....I really should read that dossier."

Gennadi: "You should! But really, a picture's wortth a thousand words, and living color even better. Do you like the decorations? They seem to be much better at following the breeze than following an Angel's orders. Mind the Hounds, they can get a bit focused." He leads them through the pack, and they pirouette around rapidly at even a glancing touch from the creatures as they barrel past. "I suppose we don't smell like heretics. Lucky us!"

Vengeful Sky: He sighs.

"You know, I had planned a very nice entrance, but you've sort of offset the whole affair."

Gennadi: "My apologies! We can have another affair later." He grins. "Why don't I make it up to you. Would you like a warm drink? Coffee? Tea?"

Vengeful Sky: "Tea. But not for another six hours. Doctor's orders."

Gennadi: "She'll be disappointed to hear that." He sighs sadly.

Vengeful Sky: "I do so hate to disappoint a lady. These are, however, trying times. I'm here on business."

Seventh Moon: "Run fast'a, mercenary! Ya makin' this too fuckin' easy!" A voice calls out after the fleeing Terrestrial mockingly. It set off a round of gleeful, gibbering howls from the pack of bestial shapes chasing the Dragon-Blooded down. On the edge roof top above the street ahead, a man crouched and peered down at the chase as it ran past bellow. A man without a face, only darkness a trio of glowing silver circles and with a broad crescent of fangs bellow, framed by a tangled mane of overgrown hair.

As the roiling mass of claws and teeth poured out of the street and down the alley where the Terrestrial had fled, the man on the rooftop swings his attention around to the pair of Sidereals on the street. They were fairly easy to see, being the only living creatures still bellow. "The fuck ya think ya doin'? We got laws 'n shit 'bout beenin' on the streets for a reason. Better have a goddamn good reason ta be out."

Vengeful Sky: As peculiar as this cuckoo's nest has proven thus far, Sky defers to the doorman's ability to answer questions!

Gennadi: 'A guest, dear Hunter, a guest! A new sheriff in town deserves a tour of the streets and alleys, and certainly you don't think a friend of little old me is going to cause in trouble... Perish the thought!"

Seventh Moon: In answer, the man spat off the rooftop onto the ground in front of guide, a wet splatter that crackled faintly as it crystallized into ice. "Course ya gonna cause trouble! Ya just get away with it better..." The crescent of fangs stretched a little broader. "The Angel don't know it man, neither does the Prince, but I do. One day, they gonna wise up ta ya bullshit, then I'll be waitin'..."

The face twisted towards Sky, a weight of intent settling over the Sidereals shoulders. "And what the fuck is this supposed ta be?"

Gennadi: "Fuck with the bull, and you get the horns!" Gennadi reaches around and flips off Moon with both fingers, the gesture positioned as curving horns from Sky's head. "Really, I'm doing all this for you... I know how despondant you get with nothing and no one to chase."

Vengeful Sky: "Oh, for..."

Sky looks between the two of them alternatingly, his voice echoing in the helmet.

"Your witty reparte will have to wait, this is of some importance."

Seventh Moon: The Lunar returned the favor to Gennadi, crossing middle fingers that stretched out into abnormally long, thin points. His hands lowered as Sky spoke though, scrapping into the lip of the roof. "Tch... what's important is keepin' ya crazy shits in line."

Vengeful Sky: "...this is going to be like herding cats."

Seventh Moon: "Naw." he chuckled softly. "Already got ridd'a all them."

Gennadi: "Weren't you busy with important business? I seem to recall something about witty reparte waiting."

Vengeful Sky: "Precisely my point. Now, shall we be going?"

Gennadi: "Perhaps. Would you like to come along? Give your poor toy a bit more of a head start. I'll make sure to pass a few trees and signposts for you to mark along the way."

Vengeful Sky: "Important business!"

Seventh Moon: Moon raised a hand, waving them away dismissively. "Toddle off. Already got ya scent, you ain't got nothin' else ta off'a me till the Prince says he's tired of ya..."

Gennadi: "Important business? Well, we'll have to see the Angels about this." He produces a coin, marked with the stamp of heaven and shimmering faintly in the air, faint snatches of essence bending around the condensed mass of prayer. "Heads or tails?"

Vengeful Sky: "Neither. Flip the coin."

  • Gennadi does so, and it lands blank, just like Sky predicted. "Nice. Remind me to ask your advice on some real estate. Is the Prince busy, Moon? We'll take care of him first."

Vengeful Sky: "Buy low, sell high, let's get on with it, please."

Seventh Moon: "Last I saw, he was just doin' the usual, so I doubt it..."

  • Gennadi pirouettes behind Sky, taking up the other arm. "Don't mind the first exhibit too much. He may be rough around the edges, but you need some serration every now and again. Now, the Prince.... he's different. A shining example of the best the world has to offer... a true work of art."

Seventh Moon: "Useless lil' shit don't do anything else anymore..." Followed a far softer muttering. "Angel ought'a realize that one day too..."

Vengeful Sky: Sky gazes up at the heavens momentarily.

"The things I put up with..."

  • As the Sidereals passed the street of dead soldiers, out from under the watching eyes of the Lunar above, a sound reached their ears in the silence of the city. Something that could have easily been a shrill scream of terror in the distance and, in it's wake, a throaty chuckle. "Heh, told ya ta run faster..."
  • And so, Gennadi walks Sky through the empty streets, and into the Spire itself, the Palace of Timeless Winters. Contrary of outside, inside everything is bright and luxurious. The floor seems to shine, as do the walls, and crystals are everywhere. And everything so... white!

    They walk through many flights of stairs, until getting to a great golden door... and stepping foward, into a lavish room, covered with silks and pillows, good drinks... and a Fire Aspect. Beautiful, raven-haired, laid bare, she stands chained in an horizontal position, candles burning over her skin, half-melted, waterfalls of wax standing still where the candles stand. piercing connected to the nearby wall touch most sensitive places in her flesh, and those that are not scarred - for she is covered from head to toe in dark, necromantic scars.

    Sky remembers seeing her in heaven once, unscarred. She was a great fighter and saint...

    Another great portal lays in front of them, gold and silver, with the images of two imposing angels. And Gennadi hears no noise coming from it.

Gennadi: Gennadi idly tosses the bundle onto her stomach. "Don't mind the decor. After all, you know not to judge a book by its cover, yes?" His voice lowers, smooth and cold. "Be careful with the Prince. HIs perfection is dangerous... he has traded restraint for restraints, the softness of gold for the strength of steel. I imagine you can't be used to dealing with such perfection, so here's a friendly little warning from you to me: Don't fly too close."

Vengeful Sky: "Duly noted."

  • Kanti just whimpers a bit, gagged as she is. As she squirms just slightly, more droplets of wax falling.
  • Gennadi almost dances his way over to the portal, rapping knuckles against the doorframe, a backhand aimed squarely on an angel's cheek. "Good day, sweet Prince! You have business to attend to, and attendants for business. An agent of Heaven's Wrath, a finger of the mailed fist, though one less glorious than you."

Alexander: They wait a little bit. And then, something seems lifted from the other side. Something... heavy.

What pushes the doors open seems like a titan... until they are open and all Sky can see is a young boy... muscled, but lean, exceedingly beautiful, eyes of amethyst and hair of silver. And sporting a gash on an open lip, bruised ribs and knuckles. He is dressed only in white pants, flexing his wings a bit, before placing on a white-and-grey robe.

Every step he gives into the room seems to radiate the same, however - the same titanic weight, the same titanic might, as he looks around the room, nearly bored. "What is it, Gennadi? I told you I did not want to be bothered. And you said... an agent of heaven?"

He looks Sky over, curious glint on his eyes "This one?"

Gennadi: "Ain't no others around, dear boy."

Vengeful Sky: Sky reverts to Old Realm, fully expecting that the young prince speaks it, but also expecting some understanding of the significance of using the language. And he addresses ... Gennadi. Not the prince.

"Did I catch him on an off-day, or is he often like this?"

Alexander: Alexander fully comprehends it, but does not even mind, smiling vacantly as he walks to Kanti... extinguishing each and every one of her candles in his fingers, taking the gag off, and kissing her, whispering something to her too low for Sky to hear, and waiting until he and Gennadi finish talking.

The wings twitch.

Gennadi: Gennadi's voice somehow looses the manic glee, the mocking tones subdued and the plays on words gone. In return, the smoothness and sheer sonic joy of a snake's tongue. "Wounded? Rarely. Distracted, always... he is a titan among dwarves. When one is such, one must be careful of exerting one's strength." The twinkle returns instantly, icy malice wrapped around Gennadi like a cloak again.

Vengeful Sky: Sky continues to speak as an aside to the other Sidereal.

"I still haven't had a chance to go over that dossier. Oh, do you still have that bag I passed to you at the gate?"

Gennadi: "Over there. I can get it if you like, I doubt he's more interested in that than other bags close to hand."

Vengeful Sky: "Yes, I suspect there is more interesting luggage for him to explore. No matter - that is not a gift for him."

Alexander: He finishes, and then he turns to Sky.

His gaze is... uninterested. "So? Did you disturb me so you can stand there talking?"

  • Gennadi smiles and produces a cigarette, tucking it behind his ear. 'You know how Heaven is, Prince. There are formalities and rituals to be dealt with."

Vengeful Sky: Sky clears his throat, sliding his duffel bag off of his shoulder and allowing it to thump to the floor, then props himself on his spear.

"I solve problems, Little Prince."

Alexander: "Good. Because we have way too many of them." All candles taken out now, he holds Kanti by her hair.... and, with a near-effortless gesture, sends her through the room. The piercings all break on her skin - and even though none touched something as sensitive as her thighs, she gave a low, but fine noise of agony. "A moment now, please?" He asks of Sky, closing his eyes...

And whispering a word.
"Ryshy" He says, his words reveberating through the building, felt by all like a hum...

"There, I had to call for someone to care for me and Kanti. But then, how do you solve problems? Took us awhile to set up a system here, but if we are going to win, we are going to do it as one. Ordered. So, where can I use you?"

Vengeful Sky: "Little Prince, you are tedious. My blessings upon you."

The helmet tilts slightly, as though studying Alexander.

"Your questions are out of order."

Alexander: "So are you. But I expect an answer. In any order."

"And that would be now."

Vengeful Sky: "Answers freely given are never properly appreciated. It will all be clear in time."

Ryshassa: "I am here, Prince," says a cool, gentle voice. The speaker emerges through the doorway -- slender and petite, pale and dark-haired, her almond-shaped violet eyes taking in the situation with a preternatural calm. Her hair is bound up in a fan-shaped up-do trailing crimson ribbons and loose tresses, artfully mussed.

She wears a ballgown of rich black velvet accentuated with white calla lily embroidery, its long bell-shaped sleeves trailing nearly to the ground as she walks. The square neck of the bodice dips low and hugs her chest tight, lifting and accentuating her pert, if compact, breasts. It is primarily velvet, but the center panel running down the middle of the bodice is all white lace, the eyelets forming a lily pattern through which her pale skin is clearly visible. The gown's wide velvet skirt splits in the front, baring a frilled, barely thigh-length skirt in the same white lace as the bodice panel, and her slim, shapely legs are encased in black velvet boots whose tops flare like blooming flowers just above the knees.

And she is not alone. Following closely behind her is a retinue of young girls and boys. Three of each, all peerless specimens of beauty, all pale and creamy with long, luscious hair in different hues. They wear colors to match their mistress, the girls in black velvet dresses overlaid with a pinafore of white lace, the boys in fluid black silk suitcoat and pants accentuated with a white lace cravat, the clothing fit tightly so the sculpted lines of their muscles are clearly visible through the cloth. All wear blissful smiles fixed on their faces, the boys with dark-rimmed glasses framing their emotionless eyes.

"What is your desire?" Ryshy asks calmly, kneeling before the Prince and Kanti as her attendants bow deeply and obediently with her.

Alexander: Alex smiles as he watches Ryshassa come... watching her and her entourage.

"I got a little bruised, my dear. And so did Kanti" He points at the Fire Aspect curling up on the floor.

"I was a little rough on her today, but I figured you might want to feel some, from us both.."

Gennadi: Behind Sky's back, Gennadi raps on his armor. Lightning fast taps of knuckles, a staccatto pattern like wardrums. Instructions for what to say to the Prince to gain some breathing room in a somewhat outdated Sidereal code pop into his mind as he translates the music. It is a sidereal joke that the gesture is so much like working a puppet.

Alexander: He ignores Sky, for the time being - his smile to Ryshassa is one of friendship and interest, and so is his gaze.

He ignores Sky, for the time being - his smile to Ryshassa is one of desire and interest, and so is his gaze.

Ryshassa: "Of course," Ryshassa replies, and something sparks in that violet gaze of hers... Excitement.. Anticipation. Desire. The retinue surrounding her whisper quietly amongst each other, shivering ecstatically as if echoing the reaction so clear and plain on her delicate features. They crowd closer as their mistress rests a hand on the Prince and then Kanti.

There is a flare of gold upon her brow as her head snaps back, her eyes suddenly wide as her body shudders in unsurpassed ecstasy. A moan passes unabashedly past her smiling lips before her voice whispers hoarsely -- lustfully -- "Ah. So exquisite." And as she shudders, the wounds marring Alexander and Kanti's perfect skin quickly disappear, but for the deep black necromantic scars lancing the Fire Aspect's body. "I take it the Lady Pale Angel's visit was rough as well," she murmurs hotly, her fingers withdrawing now as she begins to sing.

From a case Ryshassa procures a black-lacquered lyre inlaid with calla lilies in ivory, the strings shimmering gold as her pale fingers lay upon it. Still kneeling, she plays. Her song is a dirge. The chords are dissonant yet taken together, somehow weaving themselves into a perfect whole. And as she plays, her attendants stiffen and cry out in a chorus of pleasure, weeping theatrically as blue and purple bruises form in stark contrast to their pale skin.

"Yes, thank you mistress. Thank you," their voices echo joyfully as, through the song, the wounds of her patients are granted to them in her stead.

  • Gennadi claps sarcastically, ripping through the echoes roughly. The court jester pronounces his judgement without a word.

Alexander: "Yes!"

"She is still in there, I won this dominance war. Was quite sweet. But I am sure she will not be up for a long while." He could not help but smile at the image inside, of the great general properly surrendered to him, in bondage to his whim, this time. Flawless hands touch his face, with a sweet sigh, and a caress to Ryshassa's face. "I never cease to see you doing this, Ryshassa."

Ryshassa: Ryshassa smiles broadly at Alexander's praise. Or what she seems to take as praise, anyway. "I am grateful you find it pleasing. And you --" her gaze darts to Gennadi briefly "-- ought to be wounded much, much more often. Men like you would prevent me from having any use!"

"Luckily our Prince makes up for that..."

She licks her lips, straightening to her feet again. A trail of fresh blood drips from her mouth -- apparently she had enjoyed the experience so much she had bitten right through her lips. But she does not bother to wipe it.

"Perhaps I ought to visit the Pale Angel as well, if she has been thus... dominated." Again, the anticipation shivers in her voice as obviously as if she had voiced it. She turns halfway around now, black velvet swishing with the motion, and her gaze falls upon Sky as if noticing him for the first time. "And who do we have here?"

Alexander: "Later. She needs you, but I want her to be down as much as she would. So she will know for how long I could keep her out cold with horizontal dancing alone. I love seeing her face when she has been defeated. And this..." His gaze is lost on the trickle of blood, before he turns to Sky as she asks. "Another Sidereal, apparently."

Gennadi: "Your words wound me even now, dear lady. Your tongue is sharper than any sword I know, and certainly strikes deeper into yielding flesh." He takes a step to the side, hands fluttering down the side of the new arrival to display various traits. "A friend, an enemy, a lover and a fighter. One weapon iron and the other steel, if the first one don't get you then the next one will." He winks.

Ryshassa: Ryshassa laughs throatily at Gennadi's words. She seems delighted by him. Hungrily so. "I am only as sharp as others make me to be," is her only reply to his quip. Her gaze drifts over Sky as well: he indeed seems sturdy and battle-ready, but unfortunately lacking wounds. A pity.

"But, my Prince, why have you been wounded so?" Again, her attention returns to young... virile... Alexander, her eyes glittering as they give another cursory run over his body. Perfect. As it should be. I am thorough, if anything. "Tsk, tsk, have you and the Pale Angel been arguing again?" Her tone seems to suggest that she would prefer they continue arguing than get along, given what such arguments typically result in.

Vengeful Sky: "If I may interrupt this ... fascinating glimpse into your lives..."

"When Heaven stabs at problems, I'm the pointy end of the stick. I think that explains things well enough. I'm sure you, Prince, will have little trouble with integrating me into your armed forces."

Alexander: "No, just our usual play. One of us how to dominate. This time, it was me"

A smile, a smile that never fades as he walks foward, picking Kanti from the floor, holding her to him, holding her like a possession, make her smile and coo for him. "Yes, Sky? So, you are a Soldier?"

Vengeful Sky: Avoiding the urge to sarcasm, Sky replies with nothing more than a nod. Of course, robed in alternating layers of silk, linen, and divine steel, and capped with a lacquered helmet, the answer to the question was rather self-evident.

Alexander: "Well, as you can see, our military commander is out for the time being. I will introduce you two when she wakes up. When she does, I would advise to not contradict her orders too much, unless you want to join the hanged corpses on the streets." He plays a bit with the fire aspect's hair... "Until then, we will see. We could have dinner, and you could sightsee."

"Of course, you could tell us your name, or you will join them sooner. Even Gennadi is shameless, but he knows better than to be rude."

Vengeful Sky: "Soldiers, as everyone knows, do not have names, dear Prince. Only ranks. I am the Master Sergeant."

  • Gennadi smirks at the remark, nodding in approval. "You know the way of things, Prince. That your tools have names is merely a convienence for your use."

Ryshassa: "You may call me Ryshassa, Master Seargent," murmurs the lady in black velvet and white lace. She is surrounded now by her retinue; one of the bespectacled boys licks the blood trickling from her lips as her hands fondly rub the hair of two of the others, female on the one hand, male on the other. They lean their heads on her shoulders, and an endearing, motherly smile appears on her lips, once again clean as the boy draws shyly back.

"I am sure we will see very, very much of each other in the future. I do very much appreciate a fighting man."

Vengeful Sky: He nods again, a bit more slowly, at Ryshassa's introduction, and speaks, mostly to himself.

"Usually, the only appreciated soldiers are the dead ones..."

Alexander: Alex nods as well, Gennadi's words hitting home, even as he buries Kanti's face on the furs of his robe. "True, Gennadi. You know. I am still getting the hang of it. Millia!" He calls, and from the open door leading to the shadows of his chamber, a beautiful girl of clear-steel-like hair and mismatched eyes walks out... "Take Kanti, prepare her for dinner."

He pushes Kanti on Millia's way, and turns to Sky, "Will you dine, Master Sergeant?"

Vengeful Sky: "If you believe it is appropriate, then I will."

Alexander: "Very well." His smile becomes nice again, desire once again flickering in it as he straightens the white and grey - now silver - robe, wings and angels glistening on it. "Do you have any preferences, my lady Ryshassa?"

Vengeful Sky: "If I may, I would like to take an opportunity to change into something more ... appropriate?"

Ryshassa: "Hmm, hmm." Ryshassa taps a finger upon her lips. Oddly, her six servants seem to echo the gesture, their heads tilting to the side as they appear just as thoughtful as she is. "Oh, I am sure what you can come up with will be perfect. Perhaps something... exotic, for our new guest? There is a wonderful fish from the West, that makes a delicious sushi. Unfortunately, it IS quite poisonous, so if it's not cut JUST right..." A mischievous grin crosses her face as her attendants sigh dreamily in unison. Could she be joking, or...?

"Truly, though. I will be happy enough so long as the ending is sweet. And chocolatey," Ryshassa adds with a giggle.

Alexander: "You heard her, Millia." He chuckles with her giggle, snapping his fingers as the sign for her to go.

"And yes, Sky, we have a good few minutes - use them well." He says, walking to his room... "I will see you all downstairs in a bit"