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Gallery of Confusion

The hour was growing later, but the festivities showed no signs of slowing down. To the contrary, they had only just begun to warm up. Between the work of the masked doubles seeded through out the party and the only too public example of the Abyssals earlier, inhibitions were being torn away and cast aside one by one. What decency had seen carried off to private rooms and dark shadows, newly freed desires were seeing put on open display. One could barely look without seeing bodies pressed together, lips locked, hands exploring up skirts or down dresses. They lounged on benches or soft grass, passing bottles and hash pipes as readily as they did favors. They reached out for the touch of any passing body. One could not even pass another person without the feel of a hand grasping or caressing.

The dances had lost all rhyme or reason to it. People swirled in nebulous clusters where partners thrust together and split apart at the ticking of a second, lines formed. People discarded burdening overcoats and shawls, the sultry heat that filled the yard was more than enough to fight off the cut of the cold night air. Others took a more direct approach, laughing and splashing through the pond, falling together into tall nests of reeds to mask themselves from sight.

And in the maddening revelry of lust and ambition, there remained at least one momentary center of calm. Deep in the garden maze, where a pristine white gazebo lay. Its benches remained unadorned, its solitude undefiled. Most couples had simply not made it that far in before more worthy distractions took them.

Iselsis: And she walks in through the doors into the party. Or, well, what was supposed to masquerade as a party but seemed to Ise more like a den of debauchery.

Clad in a ankle length black dress that seemed to hug her figure perfectly, high in the front, lower in the back and shoulderless, adorned with silver chains and a decorative pouch at the back. Her pink hair was done up into a french twist with the ends artfully untied, and two slight bangs framing her phase, done up in rich dark purples and blacks by Kanti. The top of her face covered by a black and silver mask that seemed horned (although it are actually her own).

Had she the skin tone to blanche she would have at the spectacle before her. Turning around on her heels and marching back to the manse pops into her head as she stands in the doorway, debating what she should do about this.

Definately not the kind of party Faina had daydreamed about taking her to.

What. The. Fuck?

???: A young girl, slim and lithe, her skin as blue as ice, dances her way past swaying bodies, skipping and hopping like a happy child on her way to school. Barefoot, clad in a ragged black blouse and little else, her face hidden behind a feathery black mask of a raiton, she makes her way towards the gate and Iselsis standing there, paying little attention to the lusty debauchery taking place all around them...

"Don't be afraid", she trills as she hops past the Dragon-Blooded, "It's all fun here!"

Iselsis: She glances down at the little girl, obviously 'fun' isn't really a word that strikes her to describe this place. At least, not for her.

"That all depends on what you think is fun, doesn't it?", she says more to herself than the girl skipping past her.

She wonders if spreading her wings and flying above the debauchery, where she'd be safe, would draw too much attention to her. Then realizes everyone's too busy to notice much of anything.

???: The young girl just giggles - a pretty, innocent sound - and continues on her way, slipping through the gate and vanishing into the night.

Iselsis: I'll just focus on my job, yeah, that'll get me through this awful night.

The essence shimmers behind her to reveal the two leather batwings. She spreads them, stretching them probably over the heads of a few in the crowd, then pushes off from the ground to soar above the crowd and pick out the reasons why she was here. To spy.

And she even remembers to cross her ankles while flying, despite not having worn a dress for so long. Scenes like this made her accutely aware of how she could be taken advantage of, and she'd have none of that. The form hugging dress conceiled what was left to see for anyone who actually didn't already have their eyes on something else.

  • Gennadi swings idly to and fro on a chandelier, silver platters and a bucket full of ice for drinks wedged carefully between crystal and gold. Three figures, dressed and masked all alike, rest there, occasionally shouting down a suggest that often seems taken to hear. He almost seems to be directing traffic, the pairings assembling and clearing out as they catch his attention.

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: Opal returned from what little corner of the palace she had been hiding in, after having calmed down appopropriately and after several heartening coversations.

Her robes have changed, the fabric drawing inward against her curvature, and the fabric becoming sheer. Though it remains her prefered white color, a hint of blue accents it here and there. Her skirt clings to the shapely form of her legs, semi-transparent through the cloth.

She encounters the twirling cauldron of debauch, she frowned faintly at this. She had appearently left the dignified and courtious party somewhere, and had walked into an orgy in progress. Her feathery white lashes brushed against her cheek as she blinked, almost audiably.

Child of Wyld Days: She is there, once again. And this time, the Snow Monkey has discarded any attempt to look like she's hiding who and what she is, instead opting to put her towering, statuesque body on full display for all the world to see.

The robes are gone. Even her vest and pants are nowhere to be seen. Instead, she is clad in... bronze strips, as clinging as paint and reflective as a mirror. They are scandalously thin, running along the contours and curves of her body in sweeping, tantalizing shapes, curling around thighs, encircling breasts, and even diving between her legs in a somewhat hilarious attempt at modesty. While she might as well not be wearing a thing, the whole effect gives her a truly Wyld beauty, the strands even flowing into her hair, curling around locks and arranging them like a crown of ivory horns. From her tailtip, tied to it with the end of a bronze strand, her medal dangles, along with a few bells and a prayer strip inscribed with the Scripture of the Lover and Maiden, if anyone bothers to read it. Aside from the might-as-well-not-be-there 'clothes', the Child is bare.

And she is smiling.

I am raksha... and I am HERE.

Selina de Windia: The two Angels walk through the madness, seemingly untouched by it. Immaculate in their enticing gowns, faces serene (and warning against other guests touching them) as they had been before they'd disappeared into that room. Not a lace is looser or tigher than it was before, not a bit of hair is loose from whatever confines or style it was in. All is neatly arrayed as if nothing has happened in the past.


kissing a white neck, half wanting to bite

red eyes half-closed


Selina's shadows are as artfully arranged over her body as ever, the amulet with her hearthstone gleaming, making her considerable beauty even more than human.

pulling Vorpal down on her

that delightful resistance

being pressed down as Vorpal has her way

The otherworldly, lovely monster is gone, as if she had never become it in the first place. Her expression is free from its temper...for now, at least. But people will remember the vision she had presented.

listening to the Pale Angel gasp

her own breathy sighs

Mmm, and what have they been doing in our absence?

As the two move through the crowd, not only are they untouched by it, but the crowd seems to part for them, as before. Like a sorcerer of old commanding the sea, unconsciously asserting her will. Selina looks about for any of the others, curious at what they have been doing.

"It seems they are gathering again." The Windian says to her partner.

Vorpal: "It seems so", Vorpal responds to her dark counterpart. Her back straight, her chin lifted, her face calm and utterly devoid of emotion, she walks besides Selina, matching the other Abyssal's elegant stride with one of her own.

Alexander: The Prince flies down, as an angel so above it all... even as he feels warm still, from all he just did. Arm on Kanti's waist, holding her to him as he flies, he touches back at the party... and regrets letting her go as he does. letting her foot touch the ground before his own do. It was good to fly with a lady on his arm... he always felt so much taller. And Kanti... she looked now as if nothing had happened. And yet... so different, in a way. Not scared...

It takes a moment to look about, and see how much has... changed.

"So, um... we should look for the others, right? For the Angels..." He looks about, trying to find them...

Kanti: Kanti looks down on the party, on the arms of the Prince, at the debauchery and the impropriety, and none of it bothered her, not on the arms of the Prince. She steps down lightly on to the ground, letting the prince join her, smoothing her dress down her legs.
I will remain calm.
perhaps she isn't a lie
perhaps ...
... what will she think?
... will she be angry?
... will she even care?
... will ...
... wiil ...

"...Yes, we should find them ..." she waits to be lead through the crowd...

Selina de Windia: She looks around. Tall as she is, Selina spots most of them with a minimum of searching, being able to see over the heads of most people there. "Hmm, I want something to eat..."

She hasn't eaten since Gennadi stole her some of her pastries, afterall. "Something substantial, perhaps. Mmmm, red meat. With some nice wine and a few other things."

And then, she looks to see her sister. And Alex. With Kanti.


Gennadi: Gennadi lights a cigarette, leaning out dangerously far to take a look. He sighs, waves a quick goodbye to his partners, and simply falls out of there, tumbling straight down to the floor. A quick twist and he lands on his feet, puffing to keep the cigarette alight to absolutely no applause at all. He sets his jaw and puffs more at his prop, eventually burning it down to the interesting bit. Stylized angels and demons, golden, silver, and color-coded figures all cavort and twist around him as he waves it to spread the cloud before sticking it back in his mouth and striding off. Well, if they're all going to collect in one spot, he might as well join in, right?

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: Opal just shakes her head at it all. She looks over the scene of debauch, and sees even the Goddess of Alabaster making her way through the crowd, and even her loins warmed as the sheer depth of her beauty. She tore her eyes away, and began to feel rather uncomfortable in the setting, wondering what could have happened to induce such a reaction in the populous.

Child of Wyld Days: Snow Monkey wastes little time in gravitating towards the Sublime Opal, although she cannot help but look at the others as they arrive and move, eyes lingering quite fondly here and there. The Prince and the little red dragon, looking unusually calm. The Angels, obviously having had some sort of relations. (Days found that neither of them were bleeding profusely rather odd.) The horned one that she quickly picked up on thanks to horns and skin tone... and the curve of her backside, which she fixed a momentary leer on. But, in the end, she was a few feet from Opal, all smiles.

"You look absolutely stunning, Jadeborn. The look suits you."

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: Opal, having well decided she would wait for all this to blow over, went to find a spot where there were no entwined bodies, or grasping hands seeking her very shapely bottom shown to good effect in that dress.

Should never have let Days give me fashion tips. she thought, glumly.

Alexander: The prince looks about... and notices the Child of Wyld Days. And Opal, waving to them, striding closer, expecting Kanti to follow. He felt umcofortable as he walked there, however...fearing for Kanti, in a way, and wondering where His Lady would be....

"Days! You look... wonderful, now! And good to see you back, Opal."

Child of Wyld Days: "Ah, my Prince! And the little red one as well! Hail and well met!" Days bows deeply, the bells on her tail jingling sweetly as they sway and move. One she rights herself, she returns to a more regal, calm posture, her Cup sitting strongly on the chest holding her Sword at bay for the night. The time for conflict was done... now, it was time for some fulfillment.

"I thank you for your compliments... I had to think long and hard on something that would make passing males think... long and hard." She flashes her now-infamous grin, arms folding under her expansive bosom.

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: A bench found, a beachead secured, she placed herself on it and leaned against the cold marble against her back, finding comfort in its solid, rigid strength, its unyielding firmness.

She crossed her legs demurely, folded her hands within her lap, and closed her eyes, letting her mind drift to other things.

Vorpal: It is now for the first time in a while that Vorpal allows her regal mien be stained with a mild shade of a smile. She exhales abruptly in a soundless chuckle.

No wonder if you want to regain your energy after that.

Just as quickly, however, mirth vanishes again. "I would have use for a drink myself", she agrees, then falls silent as she catches sight of Alexander Holysword.

It does not show on her face, but she feels a little pang of guilt then. That was her Prince, her handsome winged Prince, innocent and pure. And she -- she was walking towards him, fresh from a tryst full of sin.

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: It was, of course, slightly rude of her to merely respond to the Prince with a merely nod and to Days with a vaguely suspicious look, for their inquires were polite and sincere. She opened her eyes again, and mentally scolded herself for her thoughtlessness, and rose to her feet again. She adopted a subdued smile and began to make her way back toward the Prince.

Alexander: "Is that all you think about, Days? Fight fight fight and jump to bed at the end of the day?" He giggles. straightening his vest, the diamonds on his sleeves shining as he straightens it... And you do not think about it that much, Alexander?

Well... I do not act on it...

And then, he notices the Pale Angel coming... and for a moment, he feels embarassed. On the following moment, he breathes very hard. And on the third he smiles, so happy to see her. Happy that she is as he imagined, an oasis in the middle of the insanity... "Milady!"

Kanti: fae!
Kanti hesitates just for a moment, pulling imperceptably closer to the Prince.
she won't hurt you.
she won't do anything.
he won't let her.
"...Well met, Child of Wyld Days. Your ... outfit looks ... splendid." almost keeping her voice level through the compliment to the monkey girl.

And then Alex greets Vorpal, and it is all Kanti can do not to run from his side.

Selina de Windia: Selina sees the Prince coming...and before he comes closer, she murmurs to her companion, one thing. Because she knows what that idealist is thinking, and she saw Kanti there with Alexander.

"Oh, I should tell you something about him later, Lilith."

Seventh Moon: And the moment her rose from her seat and stepped away was exactly when a pair of hands closed down over Opals breasts, squeezing experimentally.

"Damn." A familiar voice cursed from behind Opal. Warmth replaced the chill against her back as a body loomed behind her, the air filled with the wafting scent of old leather and fresh sex. "They are as hard as as fuckin' rocks."

Child of Wyld Days: And it seems that the girl still trusts me not. Ah well, such is life. Snow Monkey merely smiles at Kanti, nodding her head... and then she noted the sound of Moon's voice and turned to see that he had done something she had pondered doing herself many a time. Both eyebrows went up.

Damn you and your brazen behavior, Seventh Moon!

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: For a moment, it took normally adept brain to focus on what was happening. She looked down. Saw someone's hands on her bossoms, then she turned her head and looked behind her. She very calmly reached up, and proceeded to peal the hands away from her chest. "Only when I want them to be. Do you have some reason for putting your hands there?" She said, with the vague urge to place her foot into the crotch of her offender.

But... she hadn't the heart to. She made his hands rest on her stomach, and leaned back against him, oddly soft dispite her skin, which was infused with the Essence of white jade. "You really must act with more regard where you place your hands."

Gennadi: Gennadi plucks Day's tail out of the air, holding it carefully between two fingers as he scans the decorations. "What, is everybody hiding their good outfits for later now? I suppose I could leave my pants somewhere and get a bit more paint."

Child of Wyld Days: "Rrrah?" Her tail acts before she does... and it promptly frees itself from Gen's grip before snaking gently around his neck and reeling him in like a snared fowl. The moment he's in range, Snow Monkey wraps an arm around said head and looks down, all smirks. "Why hello there!"

"Have you come to gawk, fuck or give your eternal soul to my maws? Answer quickly!"

Gennadi: "Oh. It's you. I wondered who was walking around with a Maiden's tale tied to their own." He sighs sadly. "Some of the first two, but I'm afraid someone else has spoken for chewing on my soul. A shame, that, I've never been eaen by a Fae before."

Iselsis: After a while of scanning over spectacles she'd really rather not scan over she spots Selina, and Vorpal. Both in the same place, and the prince heading towards them, the raksha close by, Sevent Moon a little further on. No sign of Cael or the healer woman Ryshy. Still, good enough.

She slowly hovers down behind Vorpal and Selina, crossing her arms when she touches the ground.

"I thought I was going to a party, not some unrestrained attempt to replenish the Boil's population overnight."

Child of Wyld Days: "Hum! Well, since you asked so nicely..." She lets go---somewhat. Both hands clap to his shoulders, and in a display of absolutely frightening power, she wheels the Blue around with the ease a child slings around a ragdoll, setting him gently on his feet right in front of her. After brushing his shoulders off, she leans down, eye-to-eye with him. "Now, now. I can nibble a little if you like... it wouldn't hurt too much, I promise..." The hungry rasp in her voice speaks more of lust than soul-hunger. "As for the first two answers, I am here, and I did wear this flimsy excuse of an outfit for a reason!"

Alexander: "You would enjoy that?" He asks of Gennadi, blinking with his face blank... before hearing, barely, Iselsis words as Vorpal and Selina came closer to him... and laughing. He could not help but to laugh.

Selina de Windia: "Considering what they just went through," Selina says, not turning around. Why did the girl have to set down behind her? "This is their due. The Boil was nearly murdered."

"Though I did not expect it to get...this far, so quickly." Selina adds, then shrugs. "An invasion will do that, I suppose."

Vorpal: The look Vorpal gives Selina is baleful. It a resolute, well-defined warning to tread carefully on that ground, lest the Dark Angel - yes, the very same Dark Angel with whom she had just shared several hours of heated passion - would be burned, flayed and left hanging from her entrails to dry.

Perhaps it is that the Ghost-Blooded already suspects what the Dark Angel has to say. Perhaps she already knows. Perhaps she does not want to hear it.

She turns back to the others as they draw closer. "Alex", she says with a little nod. "Kanti." Her gaze lingers on the Dragon-Blooded woman a trifle longer than necessary. "Child." If there is a reaction to the Fair One's lack of clothing, she definitely refuses to show it. "You." That one was for Gennadi.

"And..." She looks over her shoulder, at the source of the impudent voice, "Whoever you are."

Iselsis: "Obviously hardship is a good excuse for throwing dignity to the four winds.", she snaps back, trailing behind the other two women to the assembly of people she was at least vaguely interested in.

She does a half wave at Vorpal "Lovely evening, isn't it, Pale Angel? And me, I'm nobody, just along for the ride."

Vorpal: "Join the troupe", the Pale Angel responds and turns away. "We already have a few of your kind here. You won't be lonely."

Gennadi: "Didn't say that. Just said it hadn't happened." He very blatantly looks Days up and down. "So, I take it everybody but the fae got laid? Good, saves me some trouble." His own movements are not nearly so powerful, but blurred in smoke and blue light as he steps up to her, a leg hooked behind her knee to keep her bent over and an arm wrapped around her neck as he tugs her into a passionate kiss, anima flaring. The smoke figures continue to dance and cavort, speaking in popping and hisses since Gennadi can't at the moment. "Oh! Hi, Ise. Didn't see you."

Alexander: "Milady! " A step foward, and his hands are over hers, and he gets on the tip of his feet to try to peck her lips.

"I missed you!"

Selina de Windia: Selina chuckles deeply, in reaction to both Vorpal's look and Izabella's belicose manner. Some people just could not live with the truth.

And then she gives Alexander a baleful look of her own, a 'this is not merely yours' look, which promises much worse, unnamed things, than even Vorpal's had...should Alex try to claim her as his own. Afterall, she has dealt with disloyal lovers before. Harshly.

Alexander: ... and then, the comment about getting laid.

He is joking, right?


Iselsis: "I already have, actually."

And then there was Gennadi. She knew he'd be here, but she had this hope-against-hope he wouldn't be. She manages to give him an impassive look, arms still crossed tightly across her torso beneath her bosom. "Gennadi."

Child of Wyld Days: "Amd might I ask howMMMMPH!"

The Snow Monkey, the Child of Wyld Days... flails almost comically as she's reeled in. Her eyes gleam as she promptly claps both hands to Gen's head and decides to return the favor in spades.

If you wish to test your lungs against mine, I suppose you could stand for a bit of a dissapointment, empowered one!

Gennadi: The figures drift over towards Ise. "Gotten laid? Damn, you're better than I expected." A bit of blue twinkle tries and wholly fails to replicate the allure of the sidereal's own eyes.

Iselsis: "Joined the troupe, you intolerable little rat. At least pay attention if you're going to multitask planting your lips on the first pretty face you see and trying to rile me up."

Seventh Moon: "Hey, I was regardin um for a while before I figured someone oughta find out." Moon answered, letting her move his hands without protest. He stood still behind her, chest firm and warm against her back. Letting his body shift to accommodate her, the hem of his coat curled around her legs as he stretched his arms further around and cradled her back against him. "Seemed as good a reason as any."

He smiled quiet visibly over her shoulder. Moons mask was gone, hed lost it sometime earlier. There was some young lady in a red dress wearing it around now. Theyd made a fair trade. He had one of the ribbons from her corset tied around his wrist, vividly scarlet, like a halo of blood around his arm. There had been another ribbon tied somewhere else, but that had gotten uncomfortable pretty fast so it had to go...

Selina de Windia: The look fades quickly enough -- Selina does not wish to ruin his fun, merely, establish her presence. That she is back in the game. Now, and forever.

There really needs to be something to eat around here.

Something which does not wriggle. She corrects herself.

And no doubt, she is not the only hungry one.

"Has anyone seen any food about?"

Vorpal: The Pale Angel leaves Selina's side, to take Alex's hands in her own and pull the Prince perhaps slightly closer to herself than what would be necessary. "Did you have any fun?" she inquires, idly, as she bends down to give his cheek a little peck of her own.

Alexander: He looks up at her... feeling a pang of guilt. Embarassed. "Yes... I did..."

It was no lie. He would not lie to his lady. Would not.

He leans on her, and finally returns Selina's gaze, long gone now. "Hmmm, we need to talk, Dark Angel."

Selina de Windia: "Oh, that is a cut." Selina says to Vorpal as she goes to Alex, in a somewhat faux-wounded tone. And then turns a razored smile on the Solar, not intimidated by him in the least. "I think we do, yes. Perhaps even all three of us. That may be best...with the business I must break to both of you. But...later, mmm?"

Child of Wyld Days: In the meantime, the Child continues her battle of tongues and lungs with her opponent, lidded eyes gleaming with outright mischief, and more than a bit of aggression of the more carnal variety. For someone to have the audacity to not only sneak up on her, but to kiss her without warning or invitation was so completely bold and unexpected that it got her just the tiniest bit aroused. Of course, her present plans were to 'win', not 'come', so the latter would have to wait.

Gennadi: It may not rhyme, but there is more to kissing than that, as Gennadi demonstrates by momentarily capturing the tip of his opponent's tongue with his teeth, a quick intake of breath while she's distracted. Now that the battle is properly joined, he reaches up and hooks his leg around her waist, a quick tap of his other on the floor standing her right back up. For the moment, he is looking down on her, body held close as he occasionally opens his eyes to scan the party. It can't be ALL fun, now can it?

Iselsis: "Personally I wouldn't trust any food from this party. You don't know where it's been at this point."

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: She places her hands up and behind Moon's head, as if to stroke and caress the messy chop of his hair. She smiles over her shoulder at him, and she speaks in a manner so sultry that one would wonder if the Dark Angel hadn't given her lessons.

"You would have me here, now. Betray her in a few brief moments of lust and extacy and forever reap her disregard?" She leans back a little more, showing a surprising amount of flexability as her feet adjust her posture just so.

When suddenly, her other hand grabs the front of Moon's tunic, and she bends the opposite way now, throwing her weight foward, with her legs placed just right to send the Lunar over her.

Child of Wyld Days: Quite suddenly, the Child exhales deeply right into Gennadi's mouth, tearing her lips from his with a throaty chuckle. As intertwined as he is around her, it takes little effort for her to grasp the man and properly toss him onto her shoulder with no real effort, giving Gen's ass a sharp little smack. "Now, now! That was cheating! Cheating amongst the raksha incurs penalties, my friend... although your little trick over there is most interesting! lLet's see how long you can keep it going!"

Her tail snaps up, and the charms and medals fly over Days' head, landing neatly into her outstretched palm. Said tail then promptly moves to keep Gennadi's mouth shut. Not too much; she doesn't shed, but fur feels weird inside one's mouth.

Seventh Moon: Moon didnt bother to fight the throw at all. Instead he curled his fingers into the cloth of Opal's gown and clutched it tight. And as he went up over her head without protest so did it.

Vorpal: Her hands still resting in Alex's, Vorpal shifts her gaze from the Prince to the Dark Angel for a moment. She stares at both of them sullenly, almost defiantly, establishing the fact that she won't be some helpless princess from a story who can do nothing but watch as the who heroes clash for her hand.

Abruptly, however, she turns her head around and hurls Child and the Sidereal a highly irritated look. "Would you mind doing that somewhere else?"

Alexander: "... bussiness?" He asks, curious... "Well, I think we should talk in general... we barely did. And we have to understand each other. To be together. To work together..."

"We all need glasses to toast, at least, hmmm? To our victory!"

"By the way, who is she...? Everyone seems to know her."

  • Gennadi 's grin returns, and he tongues the foreign invader for a moment to see if he can get a reaction. He could point out they never agreed on terms... but what would be the point? He rolls his eyes at Vorpal. The smoke figurines lined up along his back do as well, various shows of amusement cascading down their ranks. "Come on, your duplicate was MUCH nicer to me than that... and it's not my fault anyway."

Selina de Windia: "She is the person who will be taking Lilith's title as the grumpiest woman in the group." Selina says smoothly, then turns around and whips out one arm to catch her sister with one terrifyingly blurred motion, pulling her forward without fanfare. "And another hater of the Bishop's crusade."

Child of Wyld Days: "Oh, bah! If I were serious he'd be a drooling mess already. Can't a girl have a small amount of fun? I'm certain you yourself must have done something in the heat of the night's emotions yes? No?" I can just barely taste the feelings around you Angels. Perhaps... "Nonethele--" She gets a momentarilly-odd look on her face, and responds with a second, less forceful spank. "I will be courteous enough to turn the poor soul out somewhere private. If you're so inclined, you're welcome to observe."

Vorpal: "I'll pass, thanks."

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: Suddenly finds herself flying through the air. The fabric was attuned to her, and far to tough to rip. Eyes wide, she looses her grip on the Lunar and finnds herself landing upon him, hair in minor disarray before the magic of her gown renewed its prestine condition.

She sighs a bit, and gave him a tired little frown. "Its this how the Exalted beat the Primordials? Stubbornness?"

Iselsis: She eeps almost cutely. Almost, as she's pulled forward, stumbling all over herself in the damn dress she can't move in, but stays upright through some minor miracle. Her eyes move towards the prince, arms still tightly crossed. "My name is Iselsis, and I shall be joining you in the fight for Whiteshield, prince Alexander."

She inclines her head politely. "I have a way with the dead, I'm sure you understand."

Kanti: Kanti glances around, a little bewildered now by all the people around her, at the conversations and at the ... sidereal kissing the fae.
he is going to talk to her.
that is about me ... right?
he's going to ask?
..what else does she have to mention...
"...Moon!" she blurts out, as she seeins him flying through the air with Opal..

Child of Wyld Days: "Your loss, dear heart." She winks at Vorpal.

Alexander: He walks closer to the Dark Angel, then. "I... would rather not wait too much now. Should we go?"

"We do have much to talk about, right?" He feels like he has to turn, and smile at Kanti, "And she can stay here with Moon and the others."

Gennadi: He arches back to clap his cigarette to Day's lips for a quick puff to renew the cloud. The figurines meld and merge into one, looking something akin to if Selina, Vorpal, and Alex had a love child. It dances over to itself kiss Days, standing easily on her chest. "Come on, what are you waiting for? We don't have all night."

Seventh Moon: "How the fuck should I know?" he grinned, pursing his lips to blow a strand of hair out of his face. "I'm just tryin' ta get a cheap thrill."

He tilted his head down and stole a kiss, one hot but not overly insistent, almost softly teasing. Of course, he also slid his hands down his back to clutch the outline of her derriere as it hovered hiked slightly above the rest of her. Hey, not like he was going to get a better chance.

Selina de Windia: "Oh, not even going to say hello, Alex? Bad boy." Selina says, voice suddenly thick and with a whip to it like a dominatrix's.

Alexander: "And I am sorry. I was too taken. It is a pleasure to meet you, Iselsis." He smiles to her, completely accepting even though she could be a traitor, a monster, a deathknight. "You will be fighting with our Circle, then?" Once again the word, said before, once, never official...

Child of Wyld Days: The raksha makes a face, coughing slightly at the cigarette smoke, then looking down at the smoke-form standing astride the valley of her breasts. She blows a bit at its legs, then thinks better of if and leaves the thing be. "Now, empowered one, could you be so kind as to tell me your name as just why you chose to tangle with a beast such as myself? The rest, I can check on me own." Said checking included losing a few fingers within Gennadi's clothes. "... hm. Not bad!"

Iselsis: "Indeed I will be.", she leaves it at that, to play the mystery person. She wasn't going to get a good chance to approach the prince at this party, so for now it didn't matter what he thought of her.

Alexander: He turns to Selina as he finishes, as if to ask All is right now, mistress? feeling horrible about his faux pas... "I hope we can talk later, at least. It is good to see not just the dead get their reinforcements..."

The thought of his uncle.
It rankles.

Selina de Windia: "Well, let's go to a quiet area and speak of it." She says, looking to Izabella. "You'll be fine, I hope? Perhaps we'll go find some food. I'm devilishly hungry."

Gennadi: "Call me Gen. As for choice, it would happen sooner or later. For the moment, it is all on my terms." The figure laughs and explodes into a thousand butterflies, swirling around to make a halo for Days.

Iselsis: "I hope so too.", she smiles thinly at that. Her sister was right there and knew her purpose here, and for all the deathknight told her, she still had no reason not to verify corruption personally. She cuts a glance at Selina.

"Yes, that's fine, I'll be standing here preparing to hurt whoever tries to lay a finger on me.", she rolls her eyes a bit, she quite hated being at this party by now.

"I need a fucking smoke...", she mumbles under her breath, only now realizing that having no pockets means having no smokes.

Child of Wyld Days: "Now, now. Terms are meant to accomodate both parties." She finally removes her tail from Gen's mouth and sets him back down in such a manner as to allow him to slide along her frame slowly, hinting at what could be. "Besides, it would be a nice contrast to all this damned self-control and manners and politeness. I haven't had a good fuck since Iron Tears, and I'll be damned if the night passes with that remaining true... of course, this assumes you're even good." She lets that hang in the air, a tease, a challenge, a taunt.

Selina de Windia: "Well, go find Moon if you like. He might be more reasonable now...unless he's busy. I'll be back in a bit."

Kanti: They're all going, to talk about me...

"... See you later, my lady, Prince Alexander, Pale Angel." She says with a short bow.

Vorpal: "Excellent", Vorpal says to the demonic woman, dryly. "I'll have a word with you later, if you won't mind." She finishes her sentence with an even look, then turns her attention elsewhere once again. To Kanti she grants a small nod.

"We shall go now", the Pale Angel then announces calmly, setting one white hand onto Alex's shoulder and another to the small of Selina's back. Pushing them gently forward, she begins to guide them away from all the noise and ruckus.