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White Panoply

Ainerach, Heavenly Blade
Orichalcum Reaver Daiklave *****
Commitment 8
Three Hearthstone Settings
Speed +8 Accuracy +4 Damage +10L Defense +1 Rate 5 Commitment 8
The weapon of choice of Fintan the White Flame, the Bane of Pluto, the End of Shadow. A relic from the First Age, Heavenly Blade Ainerach is a blade of exquisite craftsmanship, forged of Sunset and Gold in the flames of a man's virtue, holding the 777 words that bind the Underworld and could undo any and all works of Necromancy.

Carved in ornate releves of Orichalcum the blade's hilt is thin, long as a forearm and of extreme comfort to hold, the many forms in releve parting to allow the wielder a perfect grip on its length. Its pommel is Moonsilver and Ivory, carved into the face of a beautiful maiden, the face of its creator Myria Ashura. The hilt starts as a wing of fading gold holding three hearthstone sockets that rest upon the feathers like bird's nests. The wing makes a sharp slash down to serve as the Daiklave's guard and a sharp slash up towards the beggining of the blade itself. The Blade is the purest Orichalcum perpetually shining in moving sunset colors that move with the illumination, containing traces of three forms of Starmetal, for the Journey to darkness, the Battle with the shadows, and the End of all Necromancy, keeping its crystalline edge perpetually razor-sharp. It has the shape of an acute losange, with the opening closing after 10 centimeters and then closing all the way to the sharp point at 90 centimeters(35 inches). When its charged with power, it shimmers, like a beautiful crystal-forged version of the most splendid sunset. The sound of its strikes is prayer, the sparks of its clashes are clouds.

The one who attunes to Ainerach holds the very magnificence of Eventide in power, dominance and perfection! To be the King Who Stands Against the Night the wielder becomes as perfect as the blade itself, increasing all of his Physical and Social Attributes by 1, even taking them above their maximums.

The greatness of the Last Light allows its wielder to be a force against the Underworld! Spending 5 motes the wielder can crackle with Sunlight and receive all the bonuses of the Solar Charm Corona of Radiance, and if activated in tandem with this Charm the difficulty to be struck by creatures of the Night rises to the wielder's Permanent Essence, whereas the damage dealt to creatures of the night rises to the wielder's Permanent Essence + Compassion. The wielder may also spend 1 willpower to burn the bodies of the dead in the same manner as a Zenith Caste Solar Exalted and, and if used by a Zenith Caste Solar, to burn all bodies as far as he can see.

Forged to defeat an Incarna of the Underworld, Ainerach can shatter all magic of the Void, striking down both Necromancy Spells and Arcanoi. To do so the wielder must be able to perceive the magic, spending 1 Willpower per Circle(1 for Arcanoi and Shadowlands Circle Necromancy, 2 for Labyrinth Circle Necromancy, 3 for Void Circle Necromancy) and rolling Charisma+Melee with a difficulty equal to the Permanent Essence of the magic's creator.(+1 per Circle, in the case of Necromancy. So +1 for Shadowlands, +2 for Labyrinth and +3 for Void) Should the wielder be successful the the magic is broken, with Arcanos dispersing harmlessly and Necromancy exploding as if dispelled by Countermagic of its Circle.

Atma, Mirror of Destiny and Love
Orichalcum Hearthstone Bracers ****
Commitment 10
Two Hearthstone Settings
Within what was once the Garden of Glory's End, there was the Loom of Tragedy, a diamond lattice that spun misfortune, mirroring the darker side of every soul and turning it into reality as written by nightmarish writers. A reality that was broken by the Exalted with the Empyrean Binds, and within the maelstrom of essence that was left Alexander Holysword walked with his sister and his friend to meet the final flower, the hatred of the writers directed at them, their last attempt at revenge... one that was purified with his hands, with his desires, with the sheer force of his passion!

In a maelstrom of fate, his love conquered their hate, his passion the methodical darkness still left in the loom, and his companions forged what was left into his bracers with Orichalcum his love had forged from the diamonds. Atma appears as reflective white bracers covering Alexander's forearms, a bulk of four petals lined in orichalcum shielding his elbows, the only time the Sun Metal is overt in its protection. Cobalt blue vines and roses coil about the white of the bracer, representations of the Prince's love blossoming in the garden of fate. They split several sections of white reflections, each representing the Angel in a different facet of his love, his grandeur, his dreams, warping fate itself so all of it comes true.

Atma has a Hearthstone socket in each bracer and receives the Magical Material Bonus of Orichalcum Hearthstone Bracers. Its Mirrors reflect Alex as he sees himself and as others see him, a self-image which warps his own Fate towards reality, allowing him to move as if he was that radiant knight, substituting his Appearance for his Dexterity in all Dexterity-related rolls and the difference between their Temperance and his Appearance as a dice penalty on all enemies attempting to strike at him, dazzled by what the mirror makes them see of the prince... and of themselves. Those visions are not only dishorienting, they can be lethal. They are fate, visions of what could be and will be, wrought in the sun's light between the poles of 'love' and 'revenge'.

  • When attacked, Alexander may reflexively channel a virtue and spend 5 motes of Essence to reflect the strike against his attacker, breaking the mirror and changing his Fate! Reflected strikes change their target from the Prince to the original attacker, who may attempt to defend normally. A reflected strike functions in all other ways as a Counterattack.
  • When smiling, Alexander may reflexively channel a virtue and spend 5 motes of Essence to show his opponent a myriad visions of Fate, of lives that are and could be. This opponent must roll their Willpower with a difficulty equal to Alexander's Essence or be swept by images and dreams that they are compelled to care about, losing dice equal to their own Compassion to all rolls for a number of turns equal to the Prince's Essence.
  • When attacking, Alexander may reflexively channel Compassion and spend 5 motes of Essence to sublimate his love, his desire to protect all that he cares for, becoming for a moment the very saint image he dreams himself to be, doubling his Compassion score for all purposes in this attack, which receives all the bonuses of being enhanced with a Virtue Channel. He has to have been able to channel Compassion to use this effect.

Empyrean Fortress
White Jade Reinforced Breastplate ***
10L/9B Mobility 1 Fatigue 1 Hardness 5L/4B
Commitment 4
Empyrean Fortress was crafted for Raiel, a knight in service of the Whiteshield in ages past. Plates of White Jade modeled in waving patterns and alloyed with the purest gold from Crimson Needle Mines it is almost as Orichalcum in the way is shines like gold held in coiling white clouds. Eight sapphires are woven encrusted in the plates, one for each of Raiel's Eternal Oaths. A protection for the life of a knight lost in his final stand against the Tower of Heartless Diamonds as he sacrificed his humanity to retain his virtue! The gift of the crown was returned to its vaults, in precious display on the Whiteshield Embassy in Winlandia, White Wind. So all in the land of winds would see this treasure and know the legend of a great hero. It was there that it was found by Prince Alexander Holysword in exile, donning it to save his country.

Empyrean Fortress was destroyed by the flames of Cinder That Walks. The Prince survived the onslaught, the armor did not.

Orrery of Wings
Moonsilver and Celestite Brooch *
Commitment 2
Alexander found this brooch in White Wind together with Empyrean Fortress. A tool to deal with the myriad of guests found in Winlandia, for diplomats to better appear winged or not as the need strikes them. This brooch of silver and agate containing the smallest traces of Moonsilver holds a sphere of celestite that describes a northern sky in perfect blue filled with wings in place of celestial bodies, as part of that minitature firmament. Spending 1 Willpower while attunned to it the wearer may vanquish his Wings Mutation, which appears as a new pair of wings in the center of the celestite sky. Those wings may return with but a moment of concentration and a word.

Sunset Lament
Crimson Ruby Cleave made of a Lunar's Eyes ***** (Resources)
Speed +11 Accuracy +4 Damage +11L Defense +0 Rate 2
Sunset Lament has been many things. Created from a broken shard of Elizabeth's Holysword eyes like a tear of blood, it represented her sorrow at the betrayal of Avia, Goddess of Birds, a deity that had doted and loved her when she was a child. It drank on its enemies, its cutting edge shining a rippling black like twisted metal and the ruby gemstone parts seeming to flow like molten life beneath it's surface; but more than that-- is the aura of pain and loss-- feelings so deep that actually being struck by the weapon fails to hold a candle to it. It started as a ruby two-bladed sword, each one curving outwards like a scythe before it begun to grow and change like a wicked thorn, growing longer until it was a mere blade no longer, it is a great double-ended scythe-- each blade the visage of a sunset that eclipses even those held her enemies. Finally it formed into a long-bladed toothed cleaver of crystal clear crimson ruby with a solid twisted black haft running the length of it.

Sunset Lament did slay Avia, spilt blood of a goddess on its blade preventing it from vanishing like most Moon-formed weapons did. It was in Alexander's care for a short while so as to mitigate the temporary loss of Ainerach, but it was eventually returned to Elizabeth and lost in a bet with the Raksha Danier Soubaro Souzosama, its current owner.