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White Path

Experience Total 573
Experience Spent 434
Experience Left 139

  • Essence +2
    Cost 48
    There was his First Epiphany, that of Conviction. When he touched his father's blade over his blood-soaked corpse and sunlight burst out of his forehead in a moment of apotheosis! He heard the words of the sun, his mission to protect, to guide and to avenge, and was enlightened. There was his Second Epiphany, that of Compassion. When he stood over the bodies of those fallen in a revolution and those who stood with the dark, when he burnt all to send thousands heavenwards, watching the white-gold smoke form the image of a knight with his Garda Bird as enlightened souls passed through him to their destiny, he was enlightened. There was his Third Epiphany, that of Temperance. Given what he ever wanted, a world where his family was alive and his kingdom thrived, a world where he was a knight-errant beloved by man and beast... and he knew that he had to give that up to save his sister, to save his friend. Focusing himself he did so, shattering the sky of his desires, rising above the illusion, and he was enlightened.
  • Compassion +1
    Cost 12
    He had lost friends. He had lost family. He felt it, worse than ever before. He learned of the tragedies and hardships of his country, of all those beneath him in the social ladder, of what the dead and his own country had wrought. He felt cold. But he did not let go of feeling. He embraced it, his love for all.
  • Conviction +2
    Cost 15
    He would never lose again. He would make light shine once again. He will save his country. So he has said. He steeled himself to make it so.
  • Valor +2
    Cost 21
    He watched the end of all Glory. He fought evil gods and monsters made of twisted memories. Little can scare this boy now.
  • Melee +1
    Cost 7
    Months of conflict. Months of War. The training of the greatest generals to ever grace the Pole of Air.
  • Presence +2
    Cost 12
    Walking among the angels, trying his best to measure up to them, to keep order in an insane group and turn it into a family...
  • Performance +2
    Cost 12
    Walking among the angels, trying his best to measure up to them, to keep order in an insane group and turn it into a family...
  • Survival +3
    Cost 15
    Constant exposure to the fires of his servant, his perfect body naturally became able to survive and thrive amidst her flames.
  • Lore +2
    Cost 12
    The secrets of the First Age. The customs of Gods and Winlandians, the truths of Twilight and Daybreak from friends and foes alike.
  • Athletics +2
    Cost 12
    He was not strong enough. To hold heaven and shatter the strongest gates the enemy brought to stop him. He had to be strong enough!
  • Charms
    Favored Charms 248
  • Combos
    Diamond Sword 8
    Training with the Pale Angel he learned to make every strike a statement of his might.
    White Wrath Gate 6
    Training with Kanti, backed against the wall by her skill and speed with a spear that stopped cold all of his strikes, that made her impossible to approach, opening her soul like a gate to glimpses of Samsara... it was them that from his body light and power poured out to equal her, a gate of white opening to a torrent of dominance in tandem with the glimpses of Samsara!
    White Avenger 6
    Training with Valencia he learned to strike down his enemies even from afar, making full use of his wings.