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An Angel's Admirers

???: "Brutality. Waste of energy. How very uncouth."

The next challenger walks into the arena with natural grace. The hems of the long white coat sway with every step, the white pants he wears underneath cling to his thighs and vanish under white boots that reach well above his knees. His coat is wide open and he wears no shirt underneath, revealing his tanned chest and the well-toned abdomen for all to see. In one hand he carelessly carries around an engraved pole over five meters high, its tip bobbing far above his head.

"There is no grace in brute strength. No style, no finesse, no sensuality at all."

He is a southerner breed - a man from under blazing sun and handsome like an incubus. His skin is smooth and remains dusky even here in the far reaches of cold north. His hair is black like pitch and falls to his muscular shoulders in oily curls. His smile is disarming, his teeth shining white as he raises his gaze up at the waiting form of Dark Angel.

"Now speed, skill, style, now there's something to admire in a woman. A battle is a matter of heart. Power is beautiful and we have power, my lady, you and I..."

And the audience responds... well, half of it, in any case. Men give the fop half-hearted cheers at best, but the ladies, ah, the ladies rise to their feet and wave their arms, filling the arena with shrieks shrill enough to break glass.


The southerner gives them a soft smile. He raises his slender fingers to his lips and sends forth a blowing kiss. "Hey."

And the weakest of women begin to drop like flies, fainting one after another...

Selina de Windia: Selina watches the newcomer with a blank expression, then shrugs, mostly to herself. For now, the crowd needs a show...and the one she is about to fight is not how she wanted to start it off.


Don't they know the crowds like opposites?

No matter. Selina springs onto the railing, then drops down into the arena with a more audible 'Hmf!' and looks over her first for the day, wings folding back behind her. He is pretty, but for now, that earns him no points. "I am not 'your lady', ser." She sweeps out Dreamshard with a sullen flourish, still graceful despite her not wanting to use that weapon yet, and purses her lips as she checks his stance in relaxation. "Maybe at the termination of this dance."

Danier Subaro Souzousama: "Please call me Danier", the man bows with a flourish, the pole tipping. "Danier Subaro Souzousama."

On a closer look, there is something... unnatural about the man. His beauty is mind-boggling, on par with the Dark Angel's own. It is of the sort that can make a witty woman into a stuttering virgin and turn the weak-of-will into drooling apes. His raw potency wafts around him like a scent, a rose-colored promise of endless nights and the heat of desert sands.

His coat and boots are made of woven snowflakes - a souvenir from one of the local freeholds, no doubt. His ears are long and pointed, jutting through his black curls like two tan spikes.

"I love you", he proclaims, his eyes shining like opals. "I have loved you since the day I last saw you by the glimpse, the brightest gem in a city of jewels, priceless and incomparable." Fluidly, languidly he drops into a battle stance, the tiniest shift of weight a triumph to grace. "I have travelled across the world to see you again, to let you hear those words from my lips. I will say it again for you if you like, as may times as I must. I will murmur it to your ear as we make love between the red satins, as we taste passion that is like burning wine..."

Selina de Windia: Why do they come after me? She thinks with some amount of disbelief, realizing that this is probably a faerie. A faint bit of blush develops on her otherwise pale cheeks. "...w-what?" The words are hesitant, disbelieving, almost like some of the fainting ladies might sound if he said the same to them.


Another part of her begins yelling inside her head, till it rings.


"NononononoNONONONONO!" She yells at him, flitting toward the faerie in a flicker of shadows that play tricks with the ambient light and sheer speed, her blade readied for a strike.

Danier Subaro Souzousama: "In face of a woman's wrath", Danier announces philosophically, striking a pose as the rapier flies towards him, "a man is defenseless."

He does not parry. He does not dodge. He merely closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, as if inhaling the scent of roses.

Danier smiles sweetly as he feels how the rapier's tip swerves away, making room for a slap from the blade's flat instead.

"I knew it", he annouces and lifts his staff into a counterstrike. "You cannot bear to kill me. You do love me after all."

And all of a sudden, he is moving - all around the woman he dances, the staff spinning and swaying and darting back and forth. It kisses her lips, brushes her hair, strokes her cheek, caresses her wings and slides a gentle touch down her leg, all in one rose-scented wash of tender caring.

"Let us begin slowly, my love", he speaks amidst the flurry of strikes. "Slowly, ever so slowly building towards our climax..."

Selina de Windia: Selina doesn't let him hit her all those times...and certainly not with that level of skill. Instead, she denies him the chance, melding into a shadow that escapes his storm of staff strokes and shoots straight into the air before reformed into the Dark Angel's form.

She glares down at him with narrowed eyes.

Danier Subaro Souzousama: The fair one does not skip a beat. The moment the Dark Angel melds away into wisp and shadows, he grabs his pole from the very tip. He thrusts the weapon upwards towards the sky, aiming for the location where she will reappear with almost careless precision.

And she moves up again!

Unfazed, Danier thrusts his pole towards the sky a second time. The Dark Angel is far above him now, well beyond his reach, but this does not seem to trouble the man so.

The tip of the pole shoots off from the rest. Trailing a hair-thin chain made of pure sunshine, it streaks towards the Dark Angel.

And she moves up again!

Arching his eyebrows in a way that simply screams "Ah well", Danier thrusts his hand towards the sky once more. This time, the entire pole unravels into seven long sections, each chained to the next one with nothing less than a thread of light from the sun itself. The weapon's reach is staggering. Fully disassembled, it is long enough to brush the belly of Unconquered Sun himself.

Selina de Windia: Selina's irritation at the man has built into a full-fledged rage at his dogged pursuit of her as she reforms into flesh once more, the staff still following her moments. She doesn't make a sound -- though her newly-revealed anima banner does as it flares, changing from a blaze of essence that tapers off above her head, to a sphere of shadowy energy the crackles with bolts of lightning both dark and the normal sky-spotted white-blue. Faint, faint patterns of impenetrable scales are visible on the surface of the field, and the weapon simply bounces off of it. And a pair of pitch black holes to nothing stare resentfully down at the faerie.

"! "

Danier Subaro Souzousama: The six sections of his staff clattering onto the sand, one piece hanging forgotten in his hand, Danier looks up at the sky. The careless mien melts away from his face.

"...oh dear", he states.

Selina de Windia: The twin pits of utter hate continue to gaze down at the Faerie as the field -- which she doesn't really know how she triggered -- fades away, back into her anima banner. She could kill him right now...but then she'd be short one person she didn't need to kill.

Frustration builds up in Selina as she realizes that.

Instead, she swoops down on him, anima banner flaring, her feathers shining with sharp edges suddenly, cutting the air as she stoops like a hunting bird on him. Dreamshard drawn back, ready to smack him much harder this time.

Danier: A part of being the ultimate forbidden lover of the legends involves dealing with the partner's disapproving parents. How many handsome princes have there been who had been forced to flee from the window when the fair lady's furious father came barging into her bedroom?

Fathers are easy enough, Danier thinks as he watches the blackness-crackling doom sweep down from the heavens. When it is the mother - or even worse, the grandmother - who comes through that door full of fury that the prince truly has to run...

...Watching the Dark Angel streak ever closer, Danier almost feels like running just now. It is a shame, he sighs and reconnects his staff into a single pole once more, that there are no windows to dive through near by.

In this case, he decides and pulls out a red rose from the folds of his coat, the prince has to convince the mother to calm down her fury.

It is the flower that he raises to meet the attack, red bloom and green thorns to parry the vengeful jade rapier...

Rose, unfortunately, does not reach this girl's heart. The rapier tears through the unlikely barrier, cutting the petals into tiny red confetti. The lover himself is sent hurtling down to the ground, his handsome face marred by a long, narrow bruise.

"That... hurt", he says with some offense in his voice as he struggled back to his feet - his movements are clearly not so graceful anymore.

Selina de Windia: "Surrender to me." Selina hisses as she whacks him with the flat of her blade, voice low and furious. "I do not wish this fight to continue."

Danier: The Raksha manages a weak smile.

"I am... sorry, my beloved", he responds and makes of show of dusting some dirt off his white sleeve, "But I would not be what I am if I gave up my heart's desires so easily. But I'm open for negotiations."

Selina de Windia: This was not going as quickly as Selina hoped. Unless she were to use the scythe on the man, at least, it would go on for longer.

"There is no glory in raping a defeated woman." She says with some hesitation, anger still flashing in her eyes. "But there is glory in fighting for the cause of a lady hard-pressed."

Danier: "Raping? How very uncouth term." Danier shakes his head, disapprovingly. "I was rather thinking along the lines of... 'winning the lady's heart.'" He spreads his hands as he declares this. "Just imagine it, love born through an endless duel, fought from morning 'till sunset and to the morning again. Ahh, now there is a vision to aspire for, don't you agree, my beloved? Winning or losing -" he moves the flat of his hand from left to right, as if pushing something out of the way. "- is irrelevant. As long as there is love in the end, it will be well worth it."

The spectators are getting restless. After such a startling beginning for this battle, this sudden lull is making them uneasy. Their murmur is still low and muted, but it is increasing slowly. Danier hastily gives them a quick wave and smiles the best he can with his bruised cheek.

Selina de Windia: "You should have come in later." Selina growls under her breath. "I had this all thought out. You ruined the progression."

"When you are giving a show, you do not show the best parts first."

Danier: Danier brightens considerably at this. "Ah, so this is all a performance? A planned battle, a staged tournament? Why didn't you say so before, my beloved? I'm very good at drama as well."

Selina de Windia: "There's no way to salvage it now." Selina says sullenly. "I don't even know what I did up there. I'd have to destroy the arena to one-up that. Now the crowd won't want to watch me do anything else."

She grinds her teeth, looking at him, half of her saying it was his fault for queuing up first and half of her saying it's not really. "You're not supposed to tell people. The people are just supposed to be arranged so they aren't so difficult to begin with. Yes, you may take that as a compliment."

Danier: "No offense, milady", Danier responds, rubbing the back his head, "but I believe our fighting order was chosen at random..."

Actually, Danier had cheated a bit in order to get to the beautiful Dark Angel first, but technically, what he says is true.

"Have faith in yourself!" he continues, urgently, glancing quickly up at the increasingly noisy rows of audience. Cries for blood are rising like a tide. Even worse, the sensation of Sword is almost deafening in his pointed ears. "I know not what you did, milady, but it was nothing when compared to what you are truly capable of. This I, Danier, know in my heart. Your power and beauty are endless like the starless sky. But we must hurry! Our time is running short!" Abruptly he leaps back. Shouting fiercely, he twirls the long staff in his hands. Gushes of displaced air send the sand billowing at his feet. Response from the audience is immediate, murmur of unease instantly snuffed by the cheers of encouragement.

"Attack me with all your fury, my beloved!" Danier shouts loudly. "If I am to fall by the hand of a woman I love, then I will die gladly! But you shall not take me without a fight!"

Winking, he adds so softly that only Selina can read the words from his lips: "But you will have to promise me a kiss after all this is over."

Selina de Windia: This time, Selina does not strike with the sword. Instead, she puts it away, and takes out Angeldust, the scythe growing to its full size in her hands. Then, she attacks, weapon pulled back to pass near enough to him that it would appear it bit into the fae, but so something besides the edge and point would actually bite. Something not so lethal. "We'll see about that." The Windian says gravely as she brings the weapons whistling about in the air.

Danier: Unlocking all seven sections of his sun-threaded staff, Danier whirls the terrible weapon around in his greatest attack yet. Bits of engraved wood catch fire and streak around him like comets. He dives towards the Dark Angel headlong, his eyes wide, his handsome face twisted into a mask of valor. He hurls all his will, all his inhuman skill at this single pass, to meet the woman he loves on equal ground...

...and it is not enough. The scythe sweeps past the whirling staff as if it was not there, the Dark Angel's terrible skill finding just the right angle through which to plant the weapon. The chill of soulsteel whooshes over the southern fire, the curved tip of the weapon plunging deep into the Fair One's chest...

...time slows down. The mien on Danier's face changes from determined to utterly surprised... this in turn is replaced by disbelief, as his upper body bends backwards at the force of the impact. His legs are still pumping as they are hurtled to the air, up, up and over his head...

...time resumes.

The sections of the staff clatter to the ground, like logs falling from the lap of a woodcutter.

The Fair One crashes into the dust several feet behind the Dark Agel, lifeless.

The audience erupts in an ear-shattering roar.

Selina de Windia: Selina whirls as he goes down, facing the crowd, black wings spreading wide as she flourishes the scythe, shrinking it back and putting it to her side once more. Not raising her hands though. Too early for that.

The black pits of hate that are her eyes do dim back to normal, however.

I wonder if the fool got himself killed afterall...

Vorpal: Back up on the balcony, Vorpal has been following the battle with her arms folded and a mild frown marring her face.

I suppose I am not the only one with some trouble in this contest.

But then again... why was it that the Dark Angel got all these handsome men? While the Pale Angel... she had gotten a slimy eel in mercenary furs.

Vorpal unfolds her hands for long enough to touch her cheek with her fingers.

And why in blazes am I thinking about that?

It's not worth thinking about. Vorpal pushes it out from her mind.

Oi, Aine. She does not shout it aloud but rather sends it like a burst of mental will, hoping for the Dark Angel to look her way. Are you planning to take the next one as well?

  • 'The Next One' takes a step foward... and it is a daunting sight.

    A large man, a barbarian, covered in furs, antlers of the Elk heavy on his head.... but it is nothing like an elk, as this elk has the size of a mammoth. The man is simply... huge, towering over the others, wearing an armor of dull steel and a dull steel sword that is... huge.

Selina de Windia: As the new opponent steps to the makeshift arena, Selina looks back at Vorpal, nodding that yes, she is going to take this one. Hopefully this fight would make her feel better.

She looks back to the newcomer, acknowledging his presence but not drawing her own weapon. All she does is stand there with her arms crossed, looking at him dispassionately.

He better not have killed himself with that stunt.

Not after all that.

???: Well, the Fair One certainly does not seem very lively as the assistants drag him and his weapon away from the arena...

He does make for a fairly graceful cadaver, at least as far as corpses go. He even has the mien of utter disbelief still etched all over his face.

  • "Takin' two innarow, lil' birdie?" He asks, his lumbering weight purposefully making the ground around her tremble.

    The audience is divided now. The ladies all crying, sobbing, the loss of one of the most charming men they had ever met. Dark favours fall in mourning into the arena... and the men? They are making the bets on how easily the large man will break the little bird!

    "Not that ah min' sloppy seconds..."

Selina de Windia: The ladies weeping makes her wonder more...then the newcomer shifts her thoughts.

"What?" She asks him incredulously. Well, kind of incredulously. She keeps her arms crossed, but frowns more deeply. "How about you shove that sword up your arse, you tanner's whoreson."

A choice Nexus insult, well, in some areas of the city. The tanning district was generally not one of the places you wanted to live. Unfortunately, he is probably not from Nexus. Though the insult may still connect.

  • He grunts, offended, gritting his teeth. "From ya? Ya dress like me mom, then! Gotta dirty mouth, lil' birdie... but ah know jus' wha ta use to wash it." He turns his huge sword on the flat side, and rushes in her direction... "Since ya need ta be alive... I'll be gentle!"

Vorpal: Why in blazes she gets all the handsome men, Vorpal had wondered.

Snorting, she looks away. Her gaze is very, very dry.

Well, never mind.

Selina de Windia: Selina folds her wings again, then runs in at him with that same disapproving frown, sidestepping his sword as she lances in a blow at the man. Her left handed punch purposefully hammers her full strength against the chest of his armor to see if she can affect him at all, though she remains alert to any retributive strikes.

  • The man does not move as the blow comes, intending to simply shrug it out...

    ... but it strikes him, the blow making him take a step backward... ".. yer strong."

    "But ah'm stronger!" He bellows as he lifts his great sword and brings it down in a diagonal angle, the flat of it, intent on cracking Selina down like a nut...

Selina de Windia: Selina dodges, stepping out of the way with blurred speed, to one side, shadows swallowing her movements. Graceful, as in contrast to her brute force blow before, almost like the moves of a dancer.

  • He misses her, striking the ground, breaking the earth, dust rising.


Selina de Windia: From her new position, Selina lunges in at the man again, hitting him on the closest side of his torso. And once more, ignoring the fact that she has to hit armor in order to make an impression. As she does so, she twists her body, trying to put as much force behind the blow as she can.

  • ... and her punch sent him backwards, falling to a knee, totally out of breath, surprised, face red...

    Coughing some blood...
    "Yer... good..."

    And then he jumps towards her again, with all his fury, with all his might...!

Selina de Windia: Selina dodges once more out of the way, frown disappearing into a smirk as she looks up at his failing strike. "Oh? Maybe you shouldn't have said such rude things!"

  • "Ya... stay... still...."

    Once again it strikes the ground, lifting even more dust...and this time, the audience - all of it - is cheering! A frail windian taking out a giant! Dancing on the moment of the strike! It gets a thrill through them as she dances, her comments make them smile, and they just wait... wait... as the large man, face all red, swearing to himself all he needs is to strike her once... "... stop... MOVING... DAMN YOU!"

Selina de Windia: "Oh...ya want that?" Selina asks him with the same insolent smirk, balancing herself adroitly, more pleased now that she can demonstrate, slowly, all her high points to the crowd. "Put that yeddim-chopper down and see if you can take me in close."

  • He lets the greatsword down... literally. He simply stops applying pressure, and it comes down with the sound of a dying mammoth, almost covering him with dust. The sound was the sort that would make you run if it happenned on your home, hoping a drawer didn't fall on anyone.

    "Ah gonna... crush ya... rip dat underthing of ya..."

Selina de Windia: "You're welcome to try. Come and do it." Selina taunts, then wags one finger at him, indicating for him to start it. "You'll be fondling yourself for years at the memory of the one time you got to put your hands on something as hot as me."

  • And it was probably right.

    After all, she was a noble. She was beautiful. An apparition that many would think a fair folk, so grand was her beauty. And him? Tavern wenches and pillaged farm-girls are the closest he had come of such beauty. It shows why he rushed to her with such eagerness, even at his last breathes, both hands rushing to take her arms, to try to subdue her...

Selina de Windia: Selina meets the large man's attempt at a grapple with her own, not giving any ground, simply trying to entrap him first. Quicker, she uses that to her advantage, not bothering to try and slip behind or to the side, taking him head on. Her own hands grasping to keep him from encircling her, to twist him into a position she could take advantage of.

  • However, he proves to be stronger, pushing her down under her wings, his bulk over her, his arms crushing her slim ones, his breath hot and dirty on her face, droplets of blood coming with his saliva as he speaks... "There... ah'm gonna knock ya down now... all da monies.. and we're gonna have fun while I take ya tied to 'im..." Oh, he is enjoyed having her like this. Oh so very much. He takes his tongue out, licking her face... slobbering, almost like a dog.

Selina de Windia: Although she doesn't blanch at the temporary loss of control (and the liberties her opponent is trying to take...yet), Selina does hiss like she did that one day, when it scared Kanti and Fiona and made Moon startle, the hiss of a monitor lizard, of a dragon. Then she attempts to squirm out from under him, to get a better position. "You should know that the other deathknight... My my superior in strength!"

Selina manages to slip out of his grasp, her own deftness allowing her to twist an arm around, pinning it as she stretches the other one out more, beginning to twist it as well. "Not that she'd need to step in this time. And stop that disgusting drooling." She finishes, kneeing him sharply in the groin.

  • ... and it strikes. Hard.

    And it is a very uncomfortable moment for all men in the audience.

    He makes a sound... a very... high-pitched sound. Not manly at all... as his body begins to go limp from the shock, his face already red, now going a shade of purple almost black... then, drained of all color, pure white... and he falls.

    And this time, the women in the audience cheer wildly.
    And the men as well!
    As Selina has to deal with the big body over hers'...

Selina de Windia: Selina does blanch when the body threatens to fall on her...but she quickly steps aside while slowing it with a bit of her own strength, moving out of the way while letting his limbs go. Free from her opponent, she wipes his saliva off of her face with the back of one of her gloved hands. "God! Ick!"

Bronze Butterfly: Woooosh! came the wind as the younger assassin landed close to her teacher, a tissue in hand. "Thought you'd need this. Nice save!" She says... but she's already looking elsewhere, waving at the crowd. Jumping in the middle of the cheering wasn't a bad idea at all....

Selina de Windia: "He was just asking for it." Selina says dryly, taking the tissue and wiping her face off, aware that her student is trying to soak up some of the applause as well.

I wonder what else she's going to try and soak up...

Bronze Butterfly: "Still that hurt!" She turns,with a laarrggeee grin. "I like your style. Good thing, too, since you are gonna teach me how to handle big guys like that." She waves some more, striking a few poses, twirling her bronze scythe... as a group of slaves rushes in, trying to lift the man... and failing. They call for help...

Narrator: And then, two take their steps foward. They are dressed in light, leather armor, for better flow of their movements, motiffs of snakes, cats and wolverines in their equipment. One is a dark-skinned southerner with white hair, a scimitar in each hand. Another is a haltan, green hair cut so it is just a blade of hair in the middle of his head, the rest of it bald. He wields twin sky-cutters. "It is our time, then. For the yozis."

"We are Vile..."
"... and Dire, Dark Angel."
"And more than one of our masters will love it if we make your life miserable..."

Selina de Windia: "DireVile? VileDire?" Selina asks, somewhat puzzled by the pair. "Oh, it's your time alright." She gets out her scythe, once more, holding the weapon in one hand. "The Yozis are just jealous they didn't get me to swear."

  • "Vile and Dire, Dark Angel. Our names. Given by our master, so we better burn in his ways. If you had converted to the great yozis before, you would know!" The southerner - Vile - sparks his swords together... and they are covered by vile green flame. Dire, on the other hand, prepares his sky-cutters... "They are not jealous, no. We know you are theirs' already. But you have to remember to serve!"

And so, they rush towards her... and Butterfly looks at the Dark Angel. "Two against one? Do I get up there, or do you need help?"

Selina de Windia: "No, you don't need to. Remember, it's supposed to be me and the Pale Angel against all comers." Selina replies, sliding into a loose fighting stance with her weapon, waiting for her chance to hit them.

Bronze Butterfly: "Ah well. Good luuuuck, teach!" She smiles... and whoooosh she is back at the balcony!

Dire: Sky-cutters twirl, offensive and defensive... "You will learn the true nature of our evil! "

Vile: He makes great motions with the flaming swords, ready... "Yes! To burn with the Yozi and revere their flames, is the truth, the redemption, the freedom of True Evil!"

Selina de Windia: "Yep, I sure will." Selina says as she suddenly streaks at the two of them, choosing Vile as the first target. Angeldust sweeps out at him, aimed to knock him into a good cold-state...if she can hit well enough, at least. "HERE COMES SOME TRUE APATHY."

Vile: Vile makes an intricate kata, the fiery trails forming the marks of seven kanji in the air as she strikes, and the kanji of green, evil flame stops her tracks! "Your apathy will be burnt aside! You will know freedom! Ecstasy! Chaos! Evil worship!"

Dire: Dire picks his boomerangs, throwing both of them towards Selina's face, intent on cracking her skull and ending the fight sooner than they would have thought! "Yield! You know you don't have any chance, dearie... we are hard men!"

Selina de Windia: Flowing around the malfean fire trailing behind and with their attacks, Selina smiles predatorily and switches her target to Dire. "One of you is a woman!" She yells at Dire, swinging her scythe forward first once, then reversing it and sending it back the other way, not even pausing after the first time to see if she hit him, just attacking, quick as thought.

Dire: The sky-cutters come back fast to his hands, and he soon reverses their grips, defending in reverse for maximum visual impact! "What? No! We are hardy men! Badasses! We have taken on demons... OUR BALLS ARE GIGANTIC!"

Vile: Dire is thrown back, hit by the Scythe, blacking out for a moment as he falls to the ground....

But Vile is already shifting his scimitars, many arcs of flame as he comes closer to her... "This is the flame of hate! Hate brings illumination!"

Is all he says before both blades come to Selina, scissor-like!

Selina de Windia: "And this is the evasion of contempt!" Selina says right back, dodging easily as she did before, and with the prior attacker.

Vile: ... and he misses! The bitch! But it would not rest like this, no...

... not before he Reversed his scimitar grip! "You are in deep now, Angel. You see this? Exotic, ain't it? With this technique, I can cut the whisper of a lover!"

Selina de Windia: "Weren't you normal at any part of your lives?" She asks, swinging her scythe twice at Vile, this time, really trying to put her arm into the blows, since knocking these annoying punks down a few notches before deciding what to do with them seemed like a good idea. "I can't believe you didn't find the grand oath in the devil worshipping books!"

Dire: "Grand oath? Which grand oath?"

Sky-cutters reversed, they proceeded to cut the air, darkly and ominously, towards the Dark Angel!

"See? You cannot touch us... and on that position, I know at least 6 ways to knock you down."

Selina de Windia: "The ones that you can't see 'cause you're worthless punks!" She yells at him, swinging twice again. Soon enough he'd wear down...and then she'd have him.

Vile: The scythe hits, beating Dire back.... and then, slowly, he falls to the ground, unconscious.

Of course, Vile is still there, untouched.

And while the crowd cheer one's knockout, the tension grows as the stranger with the strange, exotic, and why not say, /cool/ reversed scimitars circles around the Dark Angel, facing her off... narowing his eyes at her. "Have fought better and tougher, girl. Dire wasn't all that... but I... am... Vile!" He yells as the scimitars come!

????: The Dark Angel feels something. A rush of power. Something honing her instincts. Sharpening her blade.

Something reinvigorating her.

And words whispered in her ear, with the voice of her mentor...

A little parting gift from me, Dark Angel
Be an assassin
They are of no use
Give death
Deal death
Be death


Selina de Windia: Thank you, Mistress.

Selina says silently, in return, then looks to Vile. "I will not fall."

Like before, her feathers sharpen, humming with energy that runs from them to the blade, giving its edge an otherworldly keenness. Anima banner springing to life about her, flaring furiously, crackling and whispering her malevolence to the Yozi worshipper. She swings at him, once, scythe leaving a slight contrail of neucrotic energy as it cuts the very air on its way to Vile. "I cannot die"

Vile: Vile sees it coming... necrotic energy.... darkness.... "Yes! Yes! That is darkness! That is evil!" He swings his flaming scimitars, meeting her blow, in religious fervor! "It is the light of void! It bows before green flame! My evil is greater than yours!"

.... and he is sent flying, past the other contestants, hitting a wall, changing direction in an arc of blood to fall somewhere behind the crowd.... a crowd that watches in silence for a moment.... catching their breath.... surprised... scared... awed.... before giving the biggest cheering they had so far!!

Selina de Windia: Selina looks to the unconscious one. Well, she had just killed the prettier one, so it's not like there was any use for the one left.

  • The group of slaves came closer to carry Dire away... but stopped on their tracks as they saw Selina looking at him.

    She will do what she wishes, of course.
    None of them are insane to say otherwise

Selina de Windia: Selina walks over to the unconscious Dire, expression unreadable...then she puts away her weapon. And picks him up, by the front of his leather armor with one hand. "It looks like the Yozis didn't give you much power afterall."

She puts the other hand to his chest, slightly to one side, over his heart. Lightning arcs over her arm and down to the hand, collecting there. "Goodbye."

Selina blasts right through him, the Air energy expanding to its full width almost before it exits the body, continuing on into the sky as a line of wind and electric fury. Then she throws the rent corpse behind her, still with one hand.