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Peace of Shadow and Fire

Kanti: Kanti's room is on the upper floors of the Palace, not that far from Alexanders, though it is still several rooms away. After Selina knocks on the door, Kanti greets her. She's a little nervous, though less nervous than Selina has seen her.

"Good morning, my lady Dark Angel. Please come in."

She steps backwards to let Selina into her room. It's quite large, as are most of the rooms on the outside of the Palace, with a pair of doors leading out onto a balcony. A large bed dominates one half of the room and while it looks unslept in, the sheets are disturbed, as though someone has been lying on them. Probably Kanti has been reading, from the book that is also lying there. On a small table next to the bed sit a pair of fans with dragons that flicker and flow over the surface, a small golden butterfly, a red rose bloom and a sheet of paper, folded.

The other half of the room sports a pair of couches and a low table, which has a tea set upon it, and also a large rugged area.

"How are you today, my lady Dark Angel?" She asks, politely.

Selina de Windia: Selina isn't a male and she's not dressed like she was for the meeting. However, she is not dressed as she usually is either. A low-cut black evening gown, slim and elegant, cut up the left side almost to the hip, high heeled sandals and long velvet opera gloves of the same color accompanying her. She has a tiara on her forehead, with a blue sapphire set at its center, and a choker with her green hearthstone at her throat. "Hello Kanti. I am fine."

She looks about the room, a good amount of her pale-golden hair piled atop her head in artful curls, the rest spilling down her back between her black-feathered wings. "A nice room, you have."

Kanti: "Miaow."

comes the sound from the shadows under the bed.

"Thank you, my lady Dark Angel." Kanti says with a pleased expression on her face. "You look ... very beautiful today." She says, her eyes looking all over Selina, not really subtly at all.

"Would you like some tea, my lady Dark Angel?"

Selina de Windia: "If it is not too much trouble." Selina's gaze goes to the bed rather quickly at the sound, looking curiously at the shadows underneath it. "You have a cat in here, Kanti?"

Kanti: Kanti nods, and kneels by the table, taking up the pot with tea in it and carefully pouring some into the shallow porcelian cup for Selina, raising gracefully and offering it to her.

As she mentions the cat, Kanti first looks nervous, but only for an instant before her face softens "Yes, I do, my lady Dark Angel." She looks over towards the bed and calls out

"Xue, Xue, come out!"

After a few short seconds, a jet black kitten with a red ribbon tied around its neck cautiously emerges from below the bed starting to pad over towards Kanti.

Selina de Windia: "Aww..." Selina coos softly, looking at the kitten. "It's so cute. Where did you get it?"

At that, a chibi version of Selina appears on her head, sitting atop her hair, composed more or less of shadow given a few darker colors. It looks at the kitten with big eyes.

She also takes the cup, and sips a bit from it.

Kanti: Kanti stoops to pick the kitten up, and she seems to have relaxed quite a bit just by having the kitten in her hands.

"She's called Xue ... she came up to me after my fight with Calobis ... Lord Aryen and my Prince both said I could keep her." She looks up at Selina, and blinks at the shadow chibi on her head.

Xue just myahs up at it.

Selina de Windia: The chibi goes "Rar~" back down at Kanti and Xue, in a tiny voice. Then resumes looking, her big eyes blinking at them. For herself, Selina takes another sip and nods. "Xue... I see. It is nice to see you have a pet, Kanti. How are you lately?"

Kanti: Kanti smiles and strokes Xue with her free hand, causing the little kitten to purr contentedly.

"I am ... well, my lady Dark Angel. The hospital finally seems to be getting less busy..."

Selina de Windia: "Hmm." Selina hums, looking at her curiously. The chibi on her head is, instead, looking about the room. It doesn't get up, though. "How are things between you and the Prince?"

Kanti: "Things are well, my lady Dark Angel, though I do not see him as often lately."

Since the pale angel returned

"We sparred though yesterday, in one of the gardens."

Selina de Windia: She takes another sip of her tea, and nods slightly. "Since Vorpal deFay returned, I am guessing."

"Do you miss me?" She doesn't quite look at Kanti when she says that, examining the room instead. Although the chibi does.

Kanti: do I miss you?

do I miss the terror your wings fill me with?

do I miss the lust your body inspires?

do I miss your mouth of fangs?

do I miss your voice, filled with such commanding tones?

"Yes, my lady Dark Angel, sometimes I miss you."

Selina de Windia: "I'll bet you do." Is all Selina says in reply to that, finally looking back to Kanti. "You know, it never occurred to me how cute you are. A pity you're so afraid of me."

Kanti: Kanti squirms slightly under her gaze, her hand slowing on Xue until the kitten imperiously complains with a pointed mew, and her hands start to stroke her again.

"...I'm sorry my lady Dark Angel ... I try not to be..."

Selina de Windia: Selina shrugs, then takes another sip of her tea. She is drinking it fairly fast. "And you miss the heat in my body. Well, two things deathknights are good at, right?" She sighs and shakes her head, the chibi moving with it.

"That is ok, Kanti. The way we...met, probably means that fear will take a while to fade. Quite a while. If it ever does."

Kanti: "Yes, my lady, I miss the heat of your body." She whispers. "Even...even with the void around it, it was..." She looks down, embarrassed. Xue takes this moment to squirm out from her hands, starting to climb her sleave.

Selina de Windia: The Windian puts her cup down on the low table, and sits on the couch. She crosses one leg over the other, and purses her lips as she looks at Kanti. "You should be hugged. So cute. Why did she do that to you. Why did I do that to you."

Selina expels her breath with a somewhat disgusted noise, and shakes her head again. "I hope the Prince at least is cute to you."

Kanti: Kanti turns as Selina seats herself, standing around for a few moments before she sits, Xue looking both proud of herself for climbing Kanti's sleave and put out that she is no higher than she was not a minute ago.

She did it because she loves me.

She did it because she hates me.

She did it because she could.

"I ... am not sure, my lady." she says quietly and then looks up, as she speaks of the prince.

"My prince is, yes." She smiles "Some of the time ... other times he is serious, or gentlemanly ... or naughty." She says the last couple of words in a quiet voice.

"But even after that, he holds me so close and so nicely..."

Selina de Windia: "Hmm, that is good." Selina says, then she takes her cup of tea from the table and sips it once more, almost done with it. "So, then I take it things are better now than when you lived with me?" She gives Kanti a curious look, though not a threatening one. "You probably do not have to see as many of my kind, as well."

Kanti: "I ..."

"Yes, my lady Dark Angel ... I think ...things are better." She speaks slowly, obviously uncertain about her words.

Selina de Windia: "You aren't sure?" The Windian asks curiously, drinking the last of her tea and looking about the room. "What is wrong, then?"

Kanti: "I still miss you, my lady Dark Angel."

She says softly.

Selina de Windia: "Even though I am apparantly very scary sometimes?" She asks, putting the cup down on the table and leaning back into the couch. A rather nice room, really. And better than her sleeping on the floor of Selina's...or with Fiona. Fiona should grow beyond what Vestal did to her. If Kanti grows away more slowly...well, it would not be fair to Fiona.

Not as if they cannot still see each other anyway.

"You don't think I am also cute?"

Kanti: "Even though you terrify me sometimes, my lady." She says in reply.

"I ... you...sometimes, my lady." Xue mews from her shoulder, as if in confirmation,

Selina de Windia: "Aww. Thank you Kanti." Selina coos, then motions with one hand, only slightly. "You need a hug."

Kanti: Kanti rises as she is bidden, stepping around the table to sit next to Selina on the couch, waiting to be drawn into the embrace, Xue leaping up onto to the top of her head, peering at the chibi from up close.

Selina de Windia: The chibi bats at Xue, and goes 'Rar~' again, but isn't actually threatening about it. "Silly Kanti. So cute~." She then hugs the Terrestrial, not doing anything sexual with it, and keeps the hug for awhile. "Don't worry about scary things. I try not to be scary to you. And we'll protect you from other things that are."

Kanti: Xue bats back, with a proud "Myah!"

Kanti presses herself into Selina as she's hugged, trembling slightly at first but then stopping, letting Selina hold her all she likes .

"Thank you, my lady dark angel." she murmurs into the woman's side.

Selina de Windia: "You're welcome, Kanti-dear."

After awhile, an indeterminate amount of time, Selina releases her, and purses her lips. "I should hug you more often, really. The void and the heat of my body are not all there is to me...just the most readily apparant sometimes."