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Belladonna and Firebird

Ryshassa: It has not been long since Alexsei has left the Spire, and Ryshassa already finds herself quite restless. It is fortunate, she finds herself thinking, that her work as a healer keeps her so busy. But in the evenings, when even her patients are usually resting, she finds herself seeking company... and if not company, the solace of places she finds most soothing.

A garden in winter. Ryshassa remembers talking to Sandara about that with such wonder in her voice. And here she finds one, as splendorous as if it were new spring, a garden nestled behind the unfolded structure of the Palace of Timeless Winters. Her heart leaps with admiration at the sight of it, though it is not the first time she has been here since the battle with the General. Simply the first time she has been here alone.

She moves through the perfectly trimmed rose hedges, the arrangements of iris, bellflower and snowdrop, the swaying stands of multicolored tulips, smiling to herself in quiet satisfaction. She too is clad in flowers -- a dark blue kimono embroidered with delicate white butterflies fluttering among clouds of cherry blossoms. Her hair is bound up in a shape akin to a nautilus shell, held by a spiraling, progressively larger set of ring-shaped ornaments in gold.

It takes some time for Ryshassa to realize that she is not quite alone as she thought. In a paved clearing of the garden lined with benches, a figure with red skin and dark hair is immersed in what looks to be a dance, practicing amidst the greenery and blooms.

Kanti: Kanti dances in the midst of the lawn, wrapped up in a short kimono just a few shades of red away from her skin, detailed with a dance of dragons and women traced around in golden threads that shimmer occasionally in the lights from the palace and from the city. Her hair is secured in an artfully disarrayed tumble, held there by a series of gold and ebon pins, placed seemingly at random. In her hands she has a pair of fans, that she opens and closes in time to the beat she dances and Ryshassa is sure she sees movement on the fans, dragons chasing each other over the surface.

The movements of the dance are smooth and flowing but precise, patterns within the movements ending in poses almost defensive, motions of the legs almost kicks and movements of the arm almost punches. As she walks closer still, Ryshassa can see Kanti's eyes are closed, just feeling the air as she lets the motions flow.

Ryshassa: Ryshassa is once again reminded the first and only time she saw Kanti dance. Before... everything went wrong. Before all that she saw when she dared to look inside her troubled mind.

But when Kanti dances, she does not seem so broken, nor so frightened. Every move is full of confidence and life, decisive and artfully crafted, free and uninhibited by the weight of those terrible memories. It brings cheer to Ryshassa's heart to watch her, so much so that she does not dare to disturb her from it.

So she remains still, as the evening slowly deepens. As the panoply of colors in the sky shift towards indigo with the setting of the sun. As Kanti's body shifts like the ever-changing shape of flame, flowing through motion after motion as if dance itself is the language of her heart.

Ryshassa keeps vigil at the edge of the clearing, watching Kanti's dance until it comes to its inevitable conclusion. Only then does she step forward and allow herself to be seen, clapping her hands together with a genuine smile.

"That was lovely, Kanti. I'm sure you hear that all the time, but I mean it."

Kanti: Kanti startles somewhat as Ryshassa applaudes her, whirling to face the healer her whole body tensing again after she had let it relax following the dance, but she relaxes once more and bows deeply for the healer woman, straighting again, her cheeks colouring somewhat.

"T..thank you, Ryshassa." She says gratitude lacing her voice "I'm sorry .. you startled me."

Ryshassa: Ryshassa bows her head in apology. She could have waited until Kanti noticed her. But it would have startled her anyway, she thinks; the other woman was so deeply concentrated on her dance.

"I apologize," the healer says gently, lifting her eyes to look at Kanti now. "I was just here to admire the garden again, and you were here... usually I come early in the day, or later at night with my husband. But, well, my husband is not here," she adds with a bit of a wistful smile.

She pauses, seeming to think over something silently for a moment. "Are you... busy, right now?" she asks a little bit bashfully.

Kanti: "They are wonderful ... the gardens I mean. It's lovely to see such greenery in the North." Kanti getsures around her, the life giving her strength it seems almost.

"But no, I am not busy, Ryshassa. What would you have me do?"

Ryshassa: Ryshassa nods in enthusiastic agreement about Kanti's assessment of the garden. "I was brought up in one of the easternmost provinces of the Blessed Isle. I suppose I've always missed the greenery ever since. I mean... I don't regret leaving... but there are some things that just affect you to the depths of your heart, and never leave you. I love flowers and I like to have them with me, wherever I go."

"But... oh, I'm rambling. It isn't really something I want you to do... just, if you wanted to." How does one ask something like this? Ryshassa feels inwardly apprehensive. Kanti, will you be my friend? "It's just that I feel like I have so much free time on my hands, lately. And besides, we've not really talked all that much, since... since the last time..."

"Would you like to keep me company for a while?" Ryshassa finally asks hopefully. "Though maybe we should come inside, it is getting dark... flower viewing is so much more lovely during the day."

Kanti: "I remember your garden from Gethnemane." She smiles at a memory that was obviously happy "That was beautiful too."

Since last time... Kanti briefly looks down at her feet, memories of the thousand and one sins Ryshassa had seen in her mind, the people she had hurt and the people she had killed. By the time she looks up though, that has gone.

"I would love to, Ryshassa." She says, perhaps a little too brightly for the expression she had worn moments before. "But yes ... going inside might be for the best..."

Ryshassa: "Oh... oh, wonderful then!" Ryshassa indicates the path leading back into the Palace before leading the way through it, winding through the displays of healthy spring flowers in carefully arranged beds, bushes and arches. It occurs to her that she has never seen anyone tending the garden before, and that makes her wonder.

"I'm glad you remember the garden at my home. It is not much, but Gethamane is not known for its greenery... I would have to replant, whenever I return. The flowers do not live long without me there to tend them," she says with a wistful tone. "If only I knew one with a talent for flowers to care for them in my absence..."

Ryshassa keeps the conversation light as she and Kanti walk through the grand halls and staircases of the Palace of Timeless Winters, rising up towards where the Exalts have been allowed to keep their chambers. She does not wish to bring up any more uncomfortable memories, not unless it was truly necessary.

"This is my room here in the Palace," she finally announces, as they come to a door in a familiar hall. The corridor is similar to, but somewhat removed from Alex and Kanti's rooms. "I hope you will excuse the mess..."

The room is furnished in warm, rich wood, upholstered in ice blue with winter roses. A canopied bed sits at one end near an open armoire, while at the other end is a small round table with four chairs and a plush couch, along with a stand of glass-paneled cabinets. But the most noticeable aspect of the room in its current state is the abundance of cloth all around. Kimonos of all hues and patterns, most of them floral in nature, some embroidered with brilliant crane wings, butterflies or fans, are strewn in vague categorization by color all over most of the furniture. Kanti can even see the violet and black dress she gave Ryshassa hanging from one of the open doors of the armoire, along with several other formal gowns.

Ryshassa steps inside first, clearing away some of the piles of cloth on the chairs and table, placing them on the nearby couch. "Please, have a seat. I'm just... reorganizing a bit," she says sheepishly, in reference to the display of clothing.

Kanti: Kanti seems more than happy to make light conversation is she is lead through the Palace, quite conversant, especially on the subject of flowers, which it seems Kanti has a small passion.

She gives a small giggle at the mention of mess. "Oh, I don't mind at all ... your room is so nice ... and so many wonderful dresses and kimono's" Kanti sounds almost jealous, though it's a jealous tinged with an edge of sadness, a reminder of something else she misses from the time before. She soon looses the air though.

Ryshassa: Fussing with the kimonos for a few moments, she smooths them and places them into neater and color-coordinated piles. "Oh... sometimes I feel like Alexsei spoils me too much. But I can't say that I don't like it. I would like to be able to craft clothes myself, as fine as these, some day. I've not tried it yet, but with some thought and practice, I think I could make them just as well as Alexsei's seamstress friend -- if not better, and with speed," she adds more bashfully, not wanting to seem like she is bragging.

"It might seem like busywork, but I would actually enjoy it. Surrounding myself with beautiful things brings me great cheer. I think it is the same for you, is it not? Crafting them myself would only be the next step!" With the table and chairs now completely cleared, she fetches a vase that she had misplaced while using the table as a makeshift shelf. Fluted and crystalline, with a delicate slanted opening much like the shape of a lily leaf, it contains a mix of white lilies and irises in pleasing arrangement.

Now Ryshassa moves over to the cabinet -- which is mostly empty, as she has just begun arranging her things here, but contains a couple of bottles and some fine ceramic cups. "Would you like some wine? I have sake here, and a nice red, as well."

Kanti: Kanti watches Ryshassa fussing with the Kimonos and dresses, supressing the small urge to help, to interfere. She suddenly smiles though, as Ryshassa mentions crafting her own clothing.

"I.. I am sure they would be beautiful Ryshassa ... All you Golden Ladies and Lords do so well at what you put your minds too. I look forward to seeing what you weave and sew."

"I..." Kanti trails off. I used to collect such things before... she looks down before looking up as Ryshassa mentions wine.

"Some wine would be ... very nice, thank you, Ryshassa."

Ryshassa: Ryshassa pours some wine for the both of them, choosing the red for now, as it had just a hint of a spice to it, fiery yet subtle, that reminded her somehow of Kanti. Humming to herself distractedly, she handles the bottle and glasses deftly, filling each half full before replacing the bottle in her cabinet. Kanti's furtive bordering on envious glances at her kimono collection has not escaped her, but she would address that soon enough.

The healer has a gentle smile on her face when she returns to the table, a wine glass in each hand. Setting one close to Kanti, she takes her seat across from the other woman. "I would love to make some for you one day," she says almost as a passing thought, but her eyes already glimmer with anticipation for that possibility. "Besides, I already have so many, I might as well spread the luxury around..."

A pause, as Ryshassa takes a small, satisfying sip of wine, before asking, "Would you like to try one on? By all means, you have a right to at least one, as you did bring me that lovely dress that day..." Of course it had been because her kimono had been destroyed in her healing attempt of Kanti, but that had been her own fault -- her fault, for meddling...

Kanti: "Ahh, thank you." Her words soft as she smiles gratefully before taking a sip. And then another, larger one, before she blushes softly "...Pardon my rudeness Ryshassa ... I just haven't tasted anything from ... from there in so long." She looks down then, as Ryshassa speaks of crafting dresses for her.

"I ... would like that very much .... but you needn't exert yourself to make something for me..." she says, a self-depreciating tone in her voice, a little lost in introspection, though not so deep she doesn't look up as Ryshassa offers...

"That...wasn't my dress...It would not be right to accept one of your dresses for it..."

Ryshassa: "No... no, that's perfectly fine," Ryshassa says gently, watching Kanti carefully as she drinks. "You... miss it, don't you? A firebird dancing for the innumerable beauties of Heaven... that was your true home, your place of contentment... your place to belong."

"Alexsei..." Ryshassa feels a small pang upon saying his name, once again instinctively missing his presence, "...never felt a great deal of fondness for Heaven, but I suppose for him it is business. He brought me with him more often in the early years I spent with him... technically there is nothing preventing a Solar from coming to Heaven properly escorted, but I drew quite a few incredulous looks," she admits blushingly.

She shakes her head when Kanti refuses Ryshassa's offer. "No matter, you ought to ... I would like you to have one," she insists, though not forcefully. "At the very least you can help me put them away? Then you can decide for yourself which one of them might be more to your fancy... after you've finished your wine, of course." A wink, and she indulges in another more generous sip, herself.

Kanti: Kanti raises her head to look at Ryshassa, and her eyes don't look broken just hurt. A paradise lost.

"I do. I miss it so much. I miss all the gods and the goddesses...the people, the gardens, the parties....I miss dancing for Him, assignations for Him, I miss His smiles. I ... "
miss the times He just held me, safe and warm.
" sorry Ryshassa, I shouldn't go on like this. I ... can't go back there, not like this, and not with my Prince." She takes another sip of the wine, a longer one.

She looks up then, a smile on her face, one that perhaps is just there and no deeper, but it is a smile.

"Of course, I would love to help!"

Ryshassa: It is with quite a bit of effort that Ryshassa does not let her anger show through. It is very rare that she well and truly hates a person, after all, and Stolen Sunsets has given her more and more reason to even though she has only met him but once.

"It's all right. It is natural that you would miss Heaven so much, and him... you've not had many opportunities to talk about it, either, I imagine." She tries to think of something reassuring to say. "You know other Starchosen, now... Perhaps you may yet be able to return, though that would be up to your Prince as well, of course. Oh, Winlandia is not Heaven, surely, but there are still wonders here to delight the senses, don't you think?"

Setting her glass down -- not quite empty yet, but approaching there -- Ryshassa rises to her feet and drifts over to the bigger pile of kimono atop the bed. "Alexander has been treating you well, I hope? I have not had the opportunity to talk to him since then... I hope he did not take offense..." She does not specifically say about what, just yet, wanting Kanti to be at least reasonably preoccupied first.

Kanti: "I..I haven't, no. understands how I can miss him. No-one ... understands what I saw in Heaven... except maybe Shaliya...and I scare her ... my scars...that is why I can't go to Heaven..." Kanti looks down and then takes another sip of the wine.

I think Alex would be too jealous for me to go with another, too.

She stands as Ryshassa does, drifting over to the bed, picking up the first kimono and starting to fold it quickly and expertly.

"My prince has been treating me ... very well, yes. He ... is very good to me." She smiles, happily folding dresses, the upset over heaven apparently gone.

Ryshassa: "That is good to hear," Ryshassa says at Kanti's assessment of the Prince's treatment, watching her carefully as she replies. She is satisfied that the mention of Alexander cheers her up some. At least that is as it should be. "You deserve to be with someone who appreciates your worth. But I understand that you could have lingering feelings for a man who... who ultimately betrayed you. After all, the memories of before those dark times don't go away."

"And Heaven is a wondrous place. Surely Alexander would not be against accompaning you there one day. When the scars ... I..." The healer quiets momentarily, collecting her thoughts as she smooths out and places some of the more ornate kimono on hangers. "I still think they will be healed one day." When this Vestal is destroyed for all that she has done.

"So... so you've been well then, too?" Continuing to focus her eyes on the task at hand, she adds tentatively, "I did not know whether you would be willing to talk to me again... or whether you would blame yourself for what happened..."

Kanti: "He ... meant so much to me, yes. I...I sometimes.. no."
I sometimes want to thank him. For letting me see Her. A brief happiness fills her eyes as she thinks this thought, one that seems to fade and become confused as she sees the scars on her skin. A mood that passes as she turns her thoughts to Alex once more

"I would love to show Alexander, show my Prince Heaven ... I think he would love it. He ... he always speaks so highly of wonders ... and that is Heaven." She nods to herself, as she folds another kimono and sets it on the bed.

"I ... "
Would hate to loose the scars.
Would love to be free of them.
Want Alexander to look at me without hurt
Want to be the darkness for him.
"...hope you can do something for them, yes. They..they are beyond my skill...but you are an Arrow of Heaven...."
They say nothing is impossible for you.

Kanti picks up another kimono, a purple one with black birds flowing around it, smiling at the design as she starts to fold it.

"I have been well, yes. I have had time to contemplate the garden, to meditate and to practice, and spend time with Fiona. It's so good to be with her again ... she can always lift me up."
wonderful, golden bliss.

"You and your husband, you have been well too?"

Ryshassa: Ryshassa smiles gently. "Alexsei and I have been well, yes, besides the matter of our parting. I can still feel his presence, though that does not replace being by his side..." Setting down the pale pink kimono she had been adjusting on a hanger, she rubs at the ring on her left hand. She wonders whether Alexsei has already passed the gate to Yu Shan, or is still journeying there. "He does seem all right, if exasperated," she analyzes amusedly.

"Anyway, between my husband and Gennadi, I am sure you and Prince Alexander will have an opportunity to see Heaven one day. It may take some time, but it will happen." Ryshassa's eyes drift distractedly to the ceiling as she picks up another garment on the bed already fitted with a hanger. "Though, to be perfectly honest, I am not sure I can heal your scars alone..."

A distinct tone of regret fills her voice, as she strokes the fabric of the costume in her hand without looking at it. It is a curious outfit, consisting of a white one piece dress with a plunging neckline and a scandalously high hem, a matching white cap and thigh high socks currently wrapped around the hanger neck like a tie. They are undoubtedly just as high quality as her other clothing, but of... distinctly different design. The cap and the breast of the dress are embroidered quite distinctly with a caduceus emblem, marking them undeniably hers'.

"From what I have seen," the healer continues obliviously, "It will ultimately require a confrontation with the... the Vestal herself to remove the scars. And it may very well have to be something you do by your own volition. In the meantime, I am glad that Fiona can help you... we see each other in the clinic every now and then, she is a good-hearted girl."

Kanti: Kanti nods "It is good that you can feel him at least. That must help.... I..can't...umm..." She glances down, not registering the outfit she is holding yet in her regrets. I can't feel Him or Her.

"I ... I am not sure I want to see Her again."
I want to see Her so badly.
I want Her to forgive me.
I want Her to hurt me.
I want Her to die.
I want to kill Her.
"But...but if that is what you think it will need, I... might have too." She grasps around for a brighter thought, and finds one in Fiona.

"She ... is very good to me, yes. She holds me in the sunlight, even in the depths of the night." Kanti smiles, and then really looks at what she is folding. The collection of black cotton, impeccable quality and lots of white, both cotton and lace ... with little satin bows, too ... doesn't quite seem big enough for ... "... Ryshassa?" she asks softly.

Ryshassa: "I did not think that you would be seeing her alone... certainly not... I think you have a good many people on your side that will want to be with you that day. It is just that... the scars tie you to her. She... The Vestal, she said it herself..." Her hands tremble and she sets down the conspicuously skimpy nurse outfit down without its presence really registering in her head. "The scars connect you to her... and they cannot be simply healed, they are magic..."

Despairingly she shakes her head, gazing down at her hands. "But Cael is starting to teach me sorcery. And Fiona is quite skilled a sorceress is she not? Perhaps I could study with her sometime, and..." Her voice trails off weakly as she notices the question in Kanti's voice, and the particular piece of clothing she had just picked up, and the one that Kanti just picked up --

If it were possible for her eyes to open any wider, they would have.

"I -- I ...oh! Silly me, how did those get mixed up in there..." A deep blush creeps up her cheeks as she starts hastily shoving aside a pile of unusually risque outfits. Kanti notices, in the jumble of clothes, a near-transparent white button-up blouse, a pleated skirt hardly long enough to cover the wearer's thigh, a lacy black corset with garters, a priestess's outfit more suited for the servant of a pleasure god... it is an eye-catching collection of costumes to say the least, not for its quantity but for its content.

Kanti: Kanti ignores the talking about the Vestal, nothing she didn't know, nothing she wanted to hear, nothing that wasn't haunting the dreams she didn't dare take...

She smiles at the mention of Cael. "Cael is a good man. Alexander ... he speaks highly of him, and he talked about me to the Dark Angel. She ... I shouldn't talk about that..." She glances down, at what she now sees is a maid's outfit in her hands.

She begins with admiration in her voice "You have quite a collection. Alex has only boug- ... I... sorry, Lady Krauser." She bows her head apologetically.

Ryshassa: Ryshassa is, of course, as prim and proper and innocent a woman as can be possible, and naturally she is thoroughly shocked at this discovery of scandalous clothing amidst her collection! "But it's not -- I -- it has nothing to do with -- oh..." She snaps out of her flustered babbling when she realizes Kanti's voice is filled with admiration, not distaste. But her blush still remains, starkly obvious on her pale, delicate cheeks, and undeniably warm.

"D..don't, please don't apologize," she manages to say when her initial surprise has passed. Her hands stop fidgeting with the costumes, at least not in any attempt to hide them. After all, Kanti has already seen them by now; the damage, as it were, is already done. "I just... no one ever sees that side of me... b-besides my husband..." No, that is not completely true. There have been others... before... but it was not for love. Nor for my pleasure.

Finally Ryshassa just takes a deep breath and asks, tentatively, "You like them?"

Kanti: Kanti looks up at Ryshassa, the guilt still obvious on her face at the embarrassment she has caused the prim and proper healer woman ... who has such outfits.

"I...I should not have intruded." She says quietly, still holding the collection of cotton and lace...

"I ... do though, yes. I just ...they surprised me. I haven't seen any in a while .. my prince has only bought me lingerie..."

Ryshassa: Ryshassa purses her lips, her embarrassment only slightly receding now, wondering how she ought to respond. Of course, she has always done her best to present herself with innocence and purity. It is both her mask and her armor, with which she protects her shame. But she does not consider herself a prude by any means, simply not the type to mention such things without knowing whether it would offend or not.

In the end she answers with her very first thought -- and perhaps the most audacious one.

"Then perhaps you... should ask him to buy you other things? I doubt he would be adverse to the suggestion..." Her blush only spikes again as soon as the words leave her mouth, but she continues on willfully. Perhaps wanting to be understood... wanting it to seem more than just a simple kink. "Alexsei was... well, we did not start out this way. I am young compared to him --" several decades young, actually "-- and when he first took me in, he was very careful with me. He did not want his actions to be seen as abusing me."

"But.. I... there's something I like about this," and Ryshassa pauses to pick up another dress similar to the one Kanti holds, but lavender with a frilly white pinafore and luscious petticoats. "About.. knowing that you are owned... that you have a place, an irreplacable place, in the heart of the one you love."

Kanti: "I..." Kanti starts, and then blushes herself, visible as a deep red on her crimson skin, apparently embarrassed at something. "..I suppose I should ... He... might think it somewhat amiss though ...he... thinks as me of so ..proper sometimes. But .. I think he would like it. Perhaps..."
I could ...borrow one... you did

"I ... yes, that is good." Kanti says, setting down the outfit, now neatly folded. "To know that, that you have a place ... at someone's side." or at their feet

Ryshassa: "Though I am not so sure ownership is the right way to put it, in my case..." Ryshassa watches Kanti's reaction carefully, though not overly curiously, not wanting to make her more uncomfortable than necessary, either. "Alexsei is not fond of the idea of an inequality between us in our marriage. If I must be his, he is mine as well..." Her gaze drops, self-consciously, though her lips show the hint of a smile now.

"But I still like it, I like when he shows that I belong to him. I like... that... I am his student, that I am in his care, that I may trust him to protect me and not shame me..." She shakes her head as if from a trance, perhaps recalling a little too vividly some of the ways her husband shows her these things. "I suppose that is what it means, in the end... it is about trust. It is knowing that he will not push me past my limits, and that no matter what we do, in private, he always has the deepest of respect for me."

"I'm sorry for going on like this." Ryshassa's cheeks are still faintly pink, though her eyes have a somewhat wistful look to them now. "I just think... that for both you and me... it is very easy for that line between mutual pleasure and undeserved abuse to be crossed..."

"You, Kanti, you deserve to be respected, just as I do."

Kanti: "I...I like to think that ... he does own me but...." She trails off a little "It's ... so hard sometimes ... my lady Dark Angel ... she has made it clear that Alexander is only ... borrowing me. I wish that ... it was only one I had to serve." She says, haltingly, not entirely used speaking of such things, or perhaps of thinking in such ways.
It would be simple.

"I ...please, feel free to speak. I do not mind what you speak of .. you are always pleasant to listen too." The words much clearer now she is on familiar territory. Of course it is fine for someone her superior to talk to her.

Am not sure that is true.
am worthy of no respect.
know that is true, he told me.

"..Yes, Ryshassa. It is good when Alexander spekas to me like that, when he shows he cares and respects me.."

Ryshassa: "I did speak to the Dark Angel about you. I think she knows very well that you fear her, and I also think she does not mean you harm."

"However, she is also a... proud, and lonely woman, I think." Ryshassa chooses her next words carefully, knowing she is treading into the realm of interpretation, yet not wanting to be silent. "She is still, for all the darkness she has embraced, a person with needs. She wants people to like her despite what she has become. She wants you to like her -- it bothers her that she frightened you away, and that there seems to be no rectifying it."

"All that to say that in the end, it makes her deeply possessive, and protective of you. But even given that, I do not think it would be good for you to stay with her. It is obvious you are much happier with the Prince, and if only you could remain with him in a stable and constant way... that would help you a lot, I think."

She smiles when Kanti mentions the kind words the Prince speaks to her. "I am glad Alexander believes the same things I do, then. And even more glad it makes you feel good. It should -- that feeling you get, when you are praised you not just for doing something right but for being you, that is what it means to know you are deserving of love."

The healer begins seperating the hastily shoved piles of clothing more concretely, the kimono still taking up most of the space, but the costumes out in the open as well, in their own corner. "I think... that for you, it will take time. It is not a simple thing, to reverse the feeling of having your trust in someone utterly shattered, of having it reinforced in your mind repeatedly that you are deserving of punishment. But I hope that ...even just like this, even just talking to you, I might help you understand when you should stand up and say you do not deserve to be hurt any more."

"But enough of this heavy topic..." Ryshassa's smile broadens as she indicates the clothing on the bed. "I did say I wanted you to have one." She conveniently omits which sort of outfit she had said she wanted Kanti to have. "And I did mean it... so please, by all means... choose!"

Kanti: "I know she ... does not want me to be hurt ... does not want to hurt Alexander ... when I am away from her, it is easier but when she is there...It is .. I part of me is overcome in terror, part in lust ... I have no"
she is not here. you can calm. Ryshassa will not let her hurt you.
"I would like that though, to be the Prince's and to know that she ... or anyone would not take me away...He is good to me ... I feel warm with him." She smiles radiantly, momentarily freed from her hurt, eyes shining once more. It's a brief moment, but it's there.

"I ...but..." I like the pain. I like being hurt. I deserve being hurt. "...I want to be better for Alexander. He worries for me so at times."

"But...a dress..." she looks out over the bed, all the outfits in so many differnt, beautiful fashions, patterns, shades...and kinks. She obviously spends a long time looking, somany to choose from, though her eyes keep on being drawn back to the ..playtime outfits.

Then she makes her descision, leaning over and picking out the garment which had started this whole discussion, a dress quite similar in style to the outfits of traditional maids in Gethenemane and Whitewall, if rather more breif than them, and accompanied by less than tradtional lace trimmed thighhighs.

"I..will choose this one, if I may, Ryshassa."

Ryshassa: Ryshassa nods, listening to Kanti's reply. Well, that is something. And it does not come totally unexpected to her, either. She does not believe Kanti is so broken that she cannot one day overcome what has been done to her. Even after Damien had abandoned her, Kanti had still been determined to stop the Vestal when she saw that her former mistress was trying to hurt Ryshassa.

Kanti chooses the dress she is still holding, and Ryshassa feels her cheeks warm pleasantly. That one had been a favorite of hers, and Alexsei's. It does not bother her to lose it, though. She has others, and more could easily be made -- perhaps even by her own hands, as she had mentioned previously.

"Of course you may," she replies, smiling through her blush. "You may tell Alexander who you got it from, since I'm sure he would want to know, and I would not want to trouble him... but I would prefer no one else know." Saying this, Ryshassa immediately feels a flutter of apprehension as to the unusual conversation that knowledge would trigger, if she were to talk to the Prince in private.

Well... I did want to talk to him...

"Will you try it here, or later? I do not mind either way. So long as I can spend time with you, I am content! I thought you might have ended up afraid of me, after what happened," Ryshassa admits truthfully. After what I had seen...

Kanti: "Thank you, Ryshassa." She says with a smile, rubbing the fabric as she holds the 'dress' "I will tell him, yes. He would be curious otherwise ... I would not tell others though ... I ... it would not be right." She nods, it wasn't her place to say.

"I ... will try it on now, if I may..." she looks around, hesitating just briefly before walking behind the screen and undressing, emerging a few moments later looking almost like a maid. She has a white cap with a black bow on her head and a slight blush on her face. Her chest is covered in white cotton, large buttons both for visual effect and to be easy to undo. The dress itself is black of course, tired up the front to just below her breasts, rising up to give her large, puffed shoulders and short sleaves. The skirt is short too, riding up just alittle, forcing Kanti to take small careful steps or to flash Ryshassa, a small lace trimmed apron at the front. The ensemble is completed by elbow length gloves and thighhighs in black, trimmed with white lace and small black satin bows.

"How may I serve you Ryshassa?" She says in a voice rich with desire. Then she grins a little, and blushes deeper.

Ryshassa: "You look lovely..." That is not exactly the word, though it could be one word. Ryshassa decides to be truthful. "...and desirable. I think there are few that would not agree with me. Not that... well, my tastes do not run that way, but I am a woman of aesthetics, after all."

"I am glad that it fits you," she adds. Indeed it fits Kanti exactly as it is intended to... snug and brief enough as to almost seem too small, drawing attention to the buttons fastening up the chest, to her thighs barely even touched by the hem of the skirt. Clothing can accentuate lustfulness as much as beauty... and with a garment like this one, one would not have to remove any of it when..

Ryshassa's blush is near burning now, as she reminisces quietly, and nearly forgets to ask the most important thing: "And what about you, how do you like it, Kanti?"

Kanti: Kanti blushes a little herself at Ryshassa's scrutiny, the colour in her cheeks and she squirms just slightly, releavied and disappointed Ryshassa will take no advantage of her, dressed as she is.

"I ... I like it a lot. I hope that my Prince will too ... I think he will though. Oh, I haven't worn anything like this in months. Thank you Ryshassa!" She says, and then realises what she said, blush colouring her skin. She looks down at the floor.

"I suppose I should stop playing dress-up and help you with your clothes, now..."

Ryshassa: "I am glad to hear it." Ryshassa wonders whether Kanti had expected, or even hoped... something... to happen. Perhaps if it were anyone else, it might have.

Not that Ryshassa is not attracted. She is attracted, but more in a way that makes her want to be the one wearing that outfit for someone, too. Devilishly, she hopes that Alexsei can sense that lust emanating from her through their rings.

"You will draw many glances in those clothes... you ought to change, now or before you leave here, I think." Not to mention Kanti leaving her room in a tittilating maid costume would be very, very difficult to explain to others. "But yes, for the meantime I would very much appreciate your help, and your company, if you would?"

Ryshassa smiles; she does not require Kanti to change so soon, knowing very well that tantalizing, almost addictive sensation through her own body when she wears the sort of clothing that will inspire lust in others. If Kanti feels anywhere near the same way, she thinks, I must be doing her quite a favor.

Kanti: Kanti blushes and looks down at herself.

"Of course I will change ... before I go ... I would not want to cause you scandal." She admits in a small voice. "But until I do, I will help you, yes. It is nice to be with you ... relaxing." She says with a smile for Ryshassa.

And so she does. Feeling only a little guilty that she hasn't changed out of the maid's outfit.

Ryshassa: "It's all right, Kanti. I understand... more than most people might think..." Ryshassa leaves it at that, as she returns to the task of folding and hanging, content to spend the rest of the evening simply talking and leaving their worries behind.