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Square Circle

Great Forks...
The Holysword Manse, the Empyrean Stair, is now quiet. He can see the dogs there, the Lion Dogs in golden armor and built like dobbermains, now lazily curling on the grass in wait. He can see the god waiting, the August Blade of Morning, his bulk relaxing, as threatening as a Yeddim now, just... waiting. The air is fresh, the Festival has gone from close by, and it is just a noise on the distance. Lizards run in the rocks into the bushes, the birds sing, ants move.

Now, everything is... calm. Quiet...

Cael: Cael walks up to the bridge once more, apparently relaxed after his talks with the goddess, though his thoughts are still churning over at quite a rate as he considers all that she said and all that that implied.

He is relieved, though not overly surprised to find the god still remaining, and he nods his head towards him.

"Thank you, August Blade, for watching over them while I conversed with the Dayshield."

  • August Blade rises, his armor shining... the suns that make his eyes shining even brighter. The Double-Blade has no disappeared, and yet moves in his hand in such a gargantuan way, akin to the tail of a great being waving about.... "You are welcome, Cael Pattonna. I must say I am happy that you have convinced my lady not to stain her hands in blood this way." He was a soldier, a warrior - he would slaughter with religious fervor, but would thank the Incarna not to have to do so all the same.

Cael: "As am I." He says with only a small smile. "Do you know what became of the staff of this place?" Cael asks.

He assumed they were dead. He doubted they were the kinds of people merely to become unemployed, but it was possible someone such as the Dreamweaver had merely decided to keep them in sleep until the line was dead.

  • "Well.... some of the soldiers were killed defending lady Elizabeth's honor. The remaining got scattered and imprisioned, but I will have them freed and sent back here. That is most of your security personnel. The caretakers are still around - gardeners and suchlike. The brooks, a family that tends to serve the Holyswords, are actually inside and getting dinner to your proteges. They would all be killed when the massacre was to begin, of course."

Cael: "Of course." Cael says with a small nod. He understands the mans position. If you going to wipe them out, you have to be thorough.

"Still, I am glad we did not have to come to blows over this. I had best go find them though, Anne is due at her school this afternoon."

"Farewell, August Blade Of Morning"

  • He bows. "Farewell, Windwraith."

    He begins to walk away, calling the dogs to him, and they comply unceremoniously.

    "The security will be returned soon. And I hope the next time we meet, it will be in more... amiable circumstances."

Cael: Cael gives the god a rare bow himself, and then turns and walks into the Manse, seeking the youngsters.

Narrator: And into the Manse, he hears their words, as they eat... mostly quietly.


Cedric seems less playful now. Sullen, almost. Millia looking worried over him... and Anne on the other side of the table... waiting... waiting... until Cael shows up, and she rushes to him, hugging him tightly.... "CAEL!"

Cael: Cael wraps his hands around Anne as she hugs him, stroking her hair, looking reassuringly over her head at Millia and the young Prince.

Narrator: Millia sighs in relief, and Cedric looks at him... curious... "Wha... what happened?"

Cael: "Something that your sister was involved in ... It upset the Dayshield, and so she wished to remove all Holyshield's from Creation." Cael says, as honestly as he can. "She is ... not feeling herself, as the incident involved her loosing her son, and that on top of loosing her sister in the North ... she was distraught and not thinking truely."

"I convinced her of that ... Though I do not think the Holyswords will be friends with her for some time."

Cedric: The little prince hangs his head, feeling his heart sink. His sister was nowhere to be seen... he missed her so, wanted to see her so... wanted to be reassured by her so... eyes hidden by silvery bangs a pall hanging over his face. He wanted his parents. His soul raced to tell him they were just away, and the contradictions were building up... with Liz...he needed something solid. His family. Anything solid, and Millia was not enough anymore...

"Liz got Dayshield angry with us...?"

Cael: "In a manner of speaking."

"I am not sure exactly what she did, or why, or where she is now."

Cedric: She was gone. She was truly, truly gone.

That is not what the Windwraith had said, but that is certainly how the little prince took it. A tear runs down from his hidden eyes, as his head hangs lower, the light around him seeming to dim. No traces of the hellion there. Just sorrow.

"Liz..." Is all he says, in a breaking, almost sobbing voice...

As if the word could summon the big sister he missed so.

But it did nothing, nothing at all, and so he got up and ran, fast, out of the door, into the Manse, tears and sorrow left on his wake.

Millia: Hopeless.


That is how she felt. Her ears hanging low... her tail doing the same.

Her hands encircled the prince, but then he was out of them, and running away... and there was nothing she could do. She bit her lip, watching him go, and had to try so hard not to sob. Not to break. Not to give in to the tears that welled up just by seeing her charge like that. Burning in her crimson eye, like cold sorrow in her black eye. Another member of his family... apparently gone. The one all had expected to be safe, well, happy...

She felt innefectual. Useless.

And yet, she had to get up, leaving the table and rushing after the little prince...

As Anne, holding to Cael, just watches them go...

Cael: "Just wait here." He says to Anne. "We'll be leaving soon, but I need to go and talk to Cedric, or at least Millia."

Narrator: The Empyrean Stair is a strange place, even for Cael’s standards.

The dining room was strange enough as it was – the chandeliers stood still in the air, held by nothing, floating. And its lights seemed like... not fire. It was like the very stuff of the spiritual realm made the chandeliers shine. And the roof... well, it was like a sky. It was a moving panel of the sky, shifting colors, clouds forming mandalas with hidden meanings.

As he steps out... well, the name is not the Empyrean Stair for nothing. Stairs are all over the place. A few steps up just to get out of the dining hall, and he soon sees stairs going up, down... it was strange. Almost as if the Manse was bigger on the inside than in the outside.

A Manse of Solar power, it was very human, and at the same time, not.

Its very architecture glorified the human ability to step out, and feel the world beyond. The world one cannot touch, or see, without the aid of drugs or essence. But within it, one was always walking the stairway of both words, much as the Gemholder had the power to freely walk both worlds.

And walking by... he notices that the paintings on the walls seem to move, and deepen... and then it is clear, that every painting is a window – and portal – into the sanctums of a myriad small godlings that live within the Manse. And always, always the roof moves and changes in its endless mandalas of clouds.

Cael walks by, looking for the youngest of all Holyswords, and up the stairs, he gets to a garden that just may not exist in the real world... it exists where in the world of insubstantial, unseen gods, and all of its flowers could never be touched in the world of form – for they feed not in sunlight, but in the thoughts and feelings of all that dwell in the Manse...

... small wonder they are blue, red and black now.

And Millia is there, clearly seen in its paths, calling for Cedric...

Cael: Cael steps out into the garden, marvelling in it even as the state of it worries him somehow, watching how the plants around him react to the thoughts coursing through his head.

Ah, such a place ... it's why I get up in the mornings....

And then he concentrates on that wonder, lets it fill his thoughts, lets it banish all his worries, lets it create a single golden flower within the garden, pure and simple and beautiful. He smiles to himself. That is where the young holysword would be drawn ... and so all he has to do is find it.

Cedric: He looks on the garden... it is hard, but he sees it... he finds where the flowers are specifically the colors of blue. Of longing. Not the red of bloodlust that the hunters had given... just blue and black, of longing, sadness, sorrow, bleakness. He is behind orchids, samambaias and vines, and they appear to form thorns following his emotional state, his desire to be left alone... while at the same time making them spetacular as his cry for help....

Cael: Cael pads his way, swiftly but quietly through the undergrowth, not letting his concern at the Prince's mood marr his thoughts, carving a path of gold and purple and white through the carefully planted garden, heading for the tangle of thorns, watching them melt aside with white petals as he steps through them.

"Cedric." He speaks his name, softly but quietly.

Cedric: Amidst thorny and darkened vegetation, the prince looks up at Cael. Dew drips down from the plants around him, like tears. The garden shed its own tears for him, as he looks at Cael, his emotions seemingly even more to the fore in this not truly material place. The lithe, small body holds to himself, curling almost into a ball as the tear-filled eyes gaze the Windwraith... and only one phrase comes from his little lips.

"Go away."

Cael: Cael gives a small, apologetic shake of his head and speaks softly.

"I won't."

Cedric: There was no regality, there. Nothing but the high-pitched, broken voice of a little boy, amethyst eyes and reddenned face crossing at the Windwraith... "Leave me alone!"

Millia: For a moment - a mere moment - she let the wonder for the place made her look around, appreciating it instead of looking for the prince. A mere moment, and the Windwraith had found him. She rushes to them, flowers violet with her worry, as she paces behind the Windwraith, looking at Cedric, hands over her chest, aprehensive... "Cedric... listen..."

Cael: Cael smiles at the boy before him, and opens his hand. Within it is a single golden bloom, staying that way despite the storm of pain and emotion around him, despite the concerns within him, despite all the blackness he has seen in the war.

"Take it," he says softly. "This is my hope for the future."

That's how his words with the young prince before him begin. And then he starts to explain, to heal some of the hurt within him, to give the Prince some of his golden hope and let that bear him aloft. He doesn't lie to the Prince, but nor does he tell him exactly what she has done, not done or may have done. He does say that he and Alexander will do their best for the sister, that things will be better soon, that Anne will be around to play with him on occasion, that his brother is expecting him to be grown-up, at least a little.

As he speaks, words of gold and honey filling the air, the plants around him change, growing straighter, taller, blooming in the sunlight he is talking into the world.

Cedric: Cedric holds the bloom... close to his heart... and listens.

And as Cael speaks, his tears dry.
And as Cael speaks, thorns turn to flowers.
And as Cael speaks, black becomes white.
And as Cael speaks, red becomes golden.

And as Cael speaks, his hope returns.
And as Cael speaks, a smile blooms.
And as Cael finishes to speak, he is hugged by one of the cutest little children he had ever seen.
And by Millia.
And then, Cedric cries.
He lets everything out. Everything.

And all of his worries are left behind as they walk out, to water down the plants of the Sanctum-Garden, and make hope bloom in them. A single tear planting a seed of a new tree that will grow as Cedric does, in all of his life.

And then, they step out of the garden, full of golden hope.

For life.
For the Future.
For Happyness

Cael: Cael leads the boy out of the garden, one hand open on his shoulder, the other around Millia, as a gentleman should hold a lady, but for one small detail, his left hand clenched tight, not that she sees, so perfect are the rest of motions as he leads her down the steps and into the heart of the manse.

Unnoticed by the two youngests, behind the trio there falls a single carmine droplet.

"Perhaps you should take him to bed for the moment, Millia. I am sure he has had a tiring day, with all that he has been through and will feel much better after a nap. The manses guards will be here soon. I will make sure they know that you are in charge, though don't feel you have to run the household alone, I am sure the Brooks have at least an idea of what to do."

Then he turns and bows to the prince, left hand behind him.

"You should rest now, but you will keep that flower safe for me, won't you?"

Millia: "I will..." She says, drying her own tears. "Cael... thank you... so much. I will never forget what you are doing for him... for us. You really are... a hero." She smiles, taking on his reassurances, her hands over Cedric's shoulders... worried... when she should not be. For the little boy looks up at the Solar, clutching the flower to his heart still....

"Forever, Cael. Until I am just like you... until I can help you and Alex and Liz and Alexsei... until I go to heaven. I will forever hold it, to become a hero just like you!" He says emphatically, full of hope, of determination of untamed youth!

Cael: Cael smiles approvingly at the pair and then watches them go, with further reassurances for Millia and Cedric.

Only when he's quite sure they're gone and are not coming back does he open up his hand to reveal the jet black flower with thorns far more viscious than any that Cedric had conjured in his soujorn in the garden.

He looks down at his hand, and wills the bleeding to stop.

Narrator: You cannot fool people all the time, but you can fool the right people at the right time! And so Cael did, all of his worries and doubts closed in the flower within his hand... and then, they went back in as Cael took Anne under his wing, and took her to the Thaumaturgy School of the Great Forks... the Square Circle.

Its shape was somewhat... unique. It is like the original planning went like an Hexagon, before all space between its edges became circling spaces, turning the buiding into a flower of sorts. At each of those edges, rose a great spiral tower, each one opening like another flower to form different types of observatories. The school is built into sturdy oak and blocks of deep gray stone, looking powerful and respectable. The shape of many mythical beings can seen in its inlays, the ruler and face of Jupiter among them, together with many goddesses of knowledge.

A few ways away, there is a tower made into a great tree, shaped in the ways so as to form many rooms that look almost like wooden pumpkins. All of the glasses are colored within it, and there are great telecopes to watch the heavens within...

And Cael strides into the school with Anne, a woman with hair of Viridian meeting them on the door, dressed in a suit, full, thick glasses framing her face. "Are you the one Jungen and Gideon wrote the letters of commendation for? Cael Pattonna?"

Cael: Cael looks down from the architecture, genuinly impressed and not afraid to show it, one hand guiding Anne with a paternal hand on her shoulder, the other holding the suitcase of her clothing, leaving anne to carry the smaller bag of her books and drawing supplies.

"I am Cael Pattona, yes." He places the bag down and extends and hand and a wide, friendly smile to the woman. "And you are?"

Serina: "My name is Serina Ali. I am vice-headmistress here. My superior is, of course, always busy, but I had to come personally to greet you, given the high expectations we have... we have heard great things about you. And this is the lady you have come to enroll?" She says with a smile, bbowing slightly to him and to meet her eyes more evenly. "What is your name, young lady?"

Anne looks up at the Viridian-haired lady as she finishes the courtsy, "A.. Anne Pattonna."

Anne's voice is almost a whisper!

Cael: "Ahh, there was truely no need." He reassures the vice-head of the school. "But none the less, the courtesy is deeply appreaciated. Please convey my thanks to the head of the school." He leans down to pick up Anne's suitcase again, returning a reassuring hand to Anne's shoulder.

"How long have you been at the school?" He asks Serina, making idle talk with her as she leads him .... wherever she is leading him.

Serina: "Oh, I have been at the school since I was a wee lass. About the same age as Anne there. I graduated, and, well... just stayed around. As an alumni, I am also a good choice for greeting new students, you might imagine... and I guess, with all my time here, I am qualified to say this - we are a family here. As long as you love the knowledge, as you thirsty for understanding, Anne... you will be with your peers, your friends, your twin souls. And we take care of our own."

Cael: Cael laughs softly as she speaks of graduating and never leaving.

"I suspect you might have more of a desire to see the world Anne, no? Anyway, I am sure you will have a few years to decide."

He continues to walk, talking of inconsequential things, but directing the conversation to areas Anne can speak on...

Serina: "Well, walking away is fine as well! We do graduate many more than we could ever have offices for!" She giggles, "And I wouldn't want to lose my job for you, eh, Anne?"

Anne giggles a bit as they walk, and pass in front of a classroom... where a woman with a hair of all colors is making gestures of a maestro in front of a symphony, all students looking at her completely still... "That is Joyous Dream. She is a child of Dreamweaver, and can teach people in dreams. She teaches both theoretical experiments - by simulating practice - and Geography, showing our students many many hings she has seen of the world in those dreams - a shared enviroment she places their minds in. It is quite fascinating!"

Cael: Cael smiles as he views the woman and her students.

"An an interesting use of her abilities. I can only wonder what it would be like ..."

Perhaps later I will have to talk with her...

"Please, lead on..."

Serina: "It is... quite interesting, when she wants it to be. For the students, she keeps it as real as possible, of course." She nods, and continues walking, through the 'flower' corridors, quite a view of the grounds... until they come to a large door. And as it opens, a scent not unlike that of a clinic catches them, chemical substances... changing to something different from a clinic, something caustic... and then they see, open before them, a great laboratory... with a creature made of burning green liquids within, shoulders and chest armored with a charred mass of many metals, dressed in a glass laboratory coat, with glasses on.... and reading something as he lectures the students, with quite a mild-mannered voice! "That is Ssovash. He is a product of an old experiment, to bring Elementals of Fire, Water and Earth together. An Elemental of Alchemy is our Alchemy teacher. The laboratory, as well - we pride it as one of the best in the East!"

Cael: And for the staff? Cael muses to himself, watching the woman as she walks in front of him.

Nice grounds too...

"How interesting ... I simply was not aware this was possible." Cael smiles a genuine smile, glancing down at Anne to see how she reacted, not sure how much the alchemical sciences interested her.

"Alchemy was never really a hobby of mine though. I've always been curious about it though."

Serina: Anne watches him... partly scared of the... creature, partly fascinated that it speaks with a scholar's voice while it walks amongst the students, overseeing their projects... and with all of the laboratory, gradiose, three floors up, full of many wondrous devices neither of them had the slightest clue what they were for....

"Few are. He is a very unique individual, our Ssovash. And he enjoys that here he ends up as more of an expert than a socerous curiosity."

Cael: Cael nods to that.

"To be valued for who, rather than what."

Serina: "Exactly, exactly! It may not look like it, but he is quite sensitive... here, here. Ssovash, may we have a moment?" She calls from the door, the Elemental noticing, nodding, and slowly making his way - in a strange way, as he has no legs, only a burning jelly that manages to, somehow, not burn the ground. He comes close to them, adjusting his glasses, his face vanishing as his head becomes sort of a tentacle with glasses on top, moving closer to Cael, then Anne... "Ssovash, those are Cael Pattonna... and this is his daughter, Anne. He is enrolling her in the school, hopefully."

"Oh my stars and garters! It is always quite a pleasure to see new younglings interested in learning the finer arts, as well as parents worried about their proper education! It is a great pleasure to see one so famous as you as well, lord Pattonna. I do find the tales about you most fascinating... although, if you will forgive my impertinence, I always figured you would be taller. And you, young Anne... if you wish to take my classes, do so without fear - as long as you have a desire to learn to manipulate the substances of Creation, I will receive you with open arms." He reaches his hand to her forehead, tapping lightly, "See? I do not burn."

She recoils, then touches her forehead... before ascertaining that, yes, he does not burn! "Y... yes. I.. I will think about it!"

Cael: Cael lets out good natured laugh, one that seems to warm the room a little simply from the sound of it.

"I suppose I will have to let you have your impertinene. Before seeing you, I would have doubted your existence. Never-the-less, I cannot deny it tickles me somewhat that you have heard of me." He shakes his head with a grin.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Ssovash." He extends a polite hand towards the elemental.

Serina: "I try to keep myself informed. Alas, this humble elemental may not see much of the world outside the confines of our grand school, but I seek to know all there is to know. And of course, you are mentioned in quite a few Hanslanti texts! And thus, the pleasure is mine, Windwraith - suave and polite, the gentleman I would have expected." He shakes Cael's hand, then turns the tentacle back to his class before forming a facsimile of a face once again. "Now, if you will allow me, I have to watch over my hellions before we have a little explosion here."

Cael: Cael grins once more. "We don't want that ... By all means, return to your class and thank you for the time you took out to speak with us." He waits for the elemental to depart, before turning back to his green-haired guide, with a warm smile, and a gesture to please lead on.

Serina: Anne stays a moment longer, watching the alchemical elemental walk away... and back to his students, calling them by affectionate names, asking how things are going... and very self-conscious to the stares, now. Of boys and girls... wondering what they are thinking of that little uncultured farm girl, who barely knows how to read... she rushes after Cael the following moment, as Cael, Serina and her walk up a spiral set of stairs... and into an Astrological Observatory. With great lenses to the stars, glass domes... and a complete mess all around!

"Decard...?" Serina calls, and her calls seems to produce a... figure, from amidst the chaos.Stumbling on himself, a man in a long, full robe covered with the stars, a long conic cap with many little celestial bodies hanging from it... "That is... Decard. He may seem a little eccentric, but trust me, he is one of the best Astrologers I have ever met... and he has a knack with children."

Cael: I do so hope this astrologer feels less distressed about about my presence than the last one...

Cael thinks as he looks up the man, decard, pottering around in the shadows, wondering if he will descend...

Decard: He descends, almost stumbling on himself and falling, a 'oop' escaping his lips as he comes closer... "You!" He points at Cael "Saturn seems drawn towards you! It is a time of change for you! Expect to be visited by your past!" He says in an strang voice, then turns to their guide, "Serina, my dear, what can I do for you? You know I am very busy now, class soom, class soooon! Too much to do, so little time! And who is the lovely young lady? I would offer you all drinks but I honestly forgot where I put them. I will have someone search later!" ... he was certainly a man to say too much, too fast.

Cael: "Thank for your prediction, Decard. It is somewhat different to my last one. Or perhaps it is not....anyway, this is Anne Pattonna." He gestures Anne forward.

"I hope to enroll her in the school, and the lovely Serina here is being so kind as to show us around."

Decard: "Oh, pleasure to meet you and all that, Anne Pattonna! Will you be learning Astrology? I hope so! Creation is always in need of more astrologers! Especially those who wish to enroll in extracurricular classes and help me clean this mess. I will tell you, I have no idea how things got this mess. It is like Creation just tends to the mess, since I certainly do not remember making the mess! Hmmm, creation tends to the mess, now there's a theory, or pehaps I wrote about it somewhere around heeeree..." He turns around, stumbling on himself, barely catching himself before finally turning to Anne for real....

... and stopping. "Hmm, Jupiter and Mercury fight over this one! She is in a crossroads!"

Cael: "Well, she has yet to even choose her classes." Cael says with a soft grin for both Decard and Anne, making a little light of the prediction.

Though perhaps I am mercury, and this school is jupiter, or .... Ah, this is foolish. I am not sure I know how to interpret predictions I did not make.

Anne: "I... I will think about it, Decard." She says, giggling, thinking of the maidens... "Pleased to meet you!"

She liked this one. He was... interesting. She wouldn't mind those classes... and he really needed someone to help. The place is a mess!

Decard: "Well, yes, think! May the maidens and the sun and the moon and whatever else help!" He makes many gestures... that start as something elaborate and then simply become a mess of hands which is hardly to make sure wether or not they have any purpose, or that Decard knows what they mean. "Anyways, I am very, very busy, so if you have nothing else to say! Not that I am trying to shoo you or anything, but the stars don't stop, the stars never stop!"

Cael: Cael gives a small shake of his head.

"Please, gaze upon your stars once more. It was good to meet you."

Decard: "Very well! Be well, and may all the stars shine on your path!" He gestures once more... and Serina walks them out.

Down the flight of stairs, walking the corridors once again... Anne was calmer, this time... she had felt inadequate before, but now, less... as that man would probably be inadequate in much other places! Someone she could help with chores was something, at least. She was still giggling at his odd manners when they walked the halls... and saw a staircase, and open panels to one of the yards within the 'flower'... an athletics class at some distance, where Serina is guiding them...

Cael: "So, what do you think so far, Anne?" Cael asks, in a curious tone as he walks with Serina towards the Athletics class. Cael himself is most impressed with the school, and glad he had cashed certain favours to get the letters written.

Anne: "It is so... colorful! So few of... strange stuff..." She says, trying very hard to find the words... and finally giving up before saying 'strange stuff'. Her voice was shaken, however... too much, too grand, too many students... all in their uniforms, the teachers always wondrous in a way or another... she wondered wether someone like her fit there, at all. Even in her dark blue dress, dessed as a princess, she still felt like what she had always been...

Cael: Cael squeezes her shoulder, a reassuring smile on his face.

"And you will fit right in." He nods. "There are few people in the world who have seen some of the things you have seen."
I have faith in you. Calisara has faith in you. We're not wrong. Have faith in yourself.
His eyes seem to say as he looks down at her, a smile to light her world on his face.

Anne: "R... really? That few?" She asks, feeling bolstered by hsi touch, by his smile. That he is touching her, that he believes in her... she has to be better, doesn't she? She has to be better than she believes... it would not be just charity... and she had promised. She had promised the Pale Angel she would earn her place among them.

Cael: Cael nods to her. "Very few, I would think, even in a place like this, to say nothing of Creation."

"But more important than that is you. Not what you have seen. Isn't that right, Serina?"

Serina: "Oh yes. Each and every one of us... we are important. What we learn, what we do with it. You have to have that in mind, Anne. To think of yourself, to improve yourself, to learn, and to know why. Even if they why is only for the happyness of learning more and more..." She says with a broad, encouraging smile and a nod, to which Anne nods in turn, reassured!

... and then, they come accross the physical education lessons... where a petite woman with long raven hair, covered by a dress of white and green drills her charges... quite enthusiastically and sternly! She has faint markings of the earth, of a princess of the earth... "That is Tana Jade. She is a Princess of the Earth, one of Earth... she is rarely around, only comes around to teach some classes of Physical Education... but her teaching really gets to the girls. They learn very fast under her care. It is, of course, an optional class, as many of ours just do not have the desire or the knack for physical activities. But it really keeps them in shape, and sharp. Sane body, sane mind, is what we say. And do not let her stern lectures frighten you... she has never seriously hurt any student!"

Cael: "That is something I can most definately agree with. It does you good to do more than simply train your mind."

Cael studies the sports teacher politely, wondering how she might react if she knew what he was, wondering what she might think, and careful not to let his eyes wander over the students. Some of whom he could not help but notice with his fine eyesight, were wearing tops just a little too tight.

"And with a chosen of earth to lead you, you should not go too far wrong."

Serina: "That looks... harsh..." Is all Anne can say, as she watches... but least those in the glasses seemed to be mostly good physical specimens, in perfect shape... and many of them thought the same about the gentleman watching, quite a few looks in Cael's direction... including from the Dragon-Blooded teacher, although she disguised the look better than them all - were Cael's eyesight normal, he would never have noticed. Anne is oblivious to the looks, getting even more self-conscious as she thinks they are for her....

"Indeed, little goes wrong with her. She is a little harsher on males than females, but she really bounds with the girls. The ones that do not hate her, that is. It is a thing of extremes, we have found. We do have an extra-curricular teacher for those that prefer the alternative, but he is not on the grounds right now..." She waits to see if he wishes to continue the walk... and now that looks were in the topic, she had looked at Cael a few times before, as well!

Cael: Cael gives the teacher a knowing smile the next time she takes one of her subtle glances at him. Though surely it must be a coincidence, it seems like he noticed her glance and perhaps approved, he couldn't have seen it though ... could he?

He catches Serina's glance though, and gives a small nod.

"Please, continue to reveal things." He says innocently as he notices her glance lingering a little.

Serina: "Very well!" And so she does, walking past that, and up the stairs... to a balcony overlooking the outside, this time, where they see... a grand garden. The trees grow in strange ways. Five gazebos form a pentagram around a pond. Three little eastern-style houses flank the pentagram, one of them clearly a workshop, the scent of clay reaching the balcony, even so far away. Every rock, every grain of sand, seems to have a purpose. And there, a man with head shaved, trappings as those of a monk, wearing a kimono and holding a long staff of ebony teaches a ground, showing a class of students the shifts in the world for every grain he moves in the sand... "That is Eminent Brass. We have an understanding, we make sure he lives his life on that garden, detached from the world, and he teaches six classes a week, and gives one lecture every five months. We consider ourselves lucky for the arrangement.... he knows much about Geomancy and Crafting. He loves to help the children enact their creativity and spirit in works in wood and clay.... "

Cael: "Yes ... I can see that."

His eyes trace over the geomantic focii of the garden, inwardly very impressed at both the effort that went into the planning, and the effort that went into the upkeep of them in their present state.

"He seems to be a very good teacher. This garden is immaculate, too."

"Shall we move onwards?" He asks the question of both Serina and Anne

Serina: "Yes. Yes, we shall." Serina nods, walking down the stairs... and so does Anne "He goes through great lengths to keep his garden immaculate. It shifts every class he gives, and he enjoys its changes. Only once have students made mayhem with it, however... and Brass disciplined the kids himself. They never again came even close to the garden." She giggles, looking at Anne.... "Did you enjoy the sight?"

Anne looks up, a bit more confident now, still overwhelmed by the beauty... "Yes, it's.. beautiful. I really want to learn how to work with that garden! Maybe I will be a little like Orchid then..."

They walk through the corridors, coming to another classroom... where they see a lady whose body seems to be made of many sorts of colorful paints... shifting at her whim... and writing on a blackboard with her fingertips. "That is Nevenna... she is one of the Seven Children of the Goddess of Paints. She is our caligraphy teacher."

Cael: "I'm sure Cal will be able to find you a planting box too, though I don't want to imagine how much she'll complain if you spill it." He grins down at Anne.

Cael smiles, and watches Nevenna work, watches the words flow from her fingertips.

"Ah, caligraphy ... always beautiful."

Anne: "Really?" Anne asks, looking up... "I always liked helping mother with the garden. I would love that! Make a great, shiny garden on the zephyr!" She nods, confident, thinking of all the plants she would make... she wondered if she could make Passion Fruits grow on the North. And give them to Cael...

"She is also quite a find. As you see, we try to find the best... mortal or with the blood of gods on their veins."

She walks away from the class a little... "And, well, some come quite beautiful, do they not?" She winks at the Windwraith, over the comment on Nevenna.

Cael: "Then a little garden we will have" Cael nods.

"They do." agrees Cael, the expression on his face,. invisible to Anne, suggesting that perhaps he refers to Serina as well as Nevenna.

"What more do you have to show me?" his eyes seem to sparkle a little as he says the word show.

Serina: Serina almost blushes, walking them through the corridors, paintings of places, of former faculty, of grand events... even of the Scarlet Empress and the Immaculate Dragons - framing their walk. "Well, I could show you more of the faculty... but I do think your decision must have been taken by now. So, do you wish to entrust your Anne to us? And most important..." She looks down. "Anne, do you wish to join us?"

Cael: Cael waits for Anne to answer first, looking at her with a faint smile.

Anne: Anne looks at Cael... and at Serina. It was time to make her decision... she probably could have more time if she asked. But why postpone it? It was time to leave the North behind... all her friends. All of... everything. But Cael... Cael sealed it when he talked about the garden. In the Zephyr. Her icy eyes sparkled. Her smile broadened.

He spoke of her returning to the Zephyr!

And so, she had the confidence.
And so, she had the hope.
And so, she pursued her dreams.

"Yes. I want to study here, Serina. I want to learn all you can teach me!"

Cael: "Well, I do think that settles it then." Cael says with a nod.

"I am more than happy to have you educate and care for Anne."

Serina: "We will take good care of her, Lord Pattonna. You have my word. Anne... we will teach you all you want to learn, and more. I assure you, you will be part of a new world, here. The school... it opens your eyes. It shows you another Creation. It shows you all you might have missed. You will not regret it." Serina says with a most satisfied smile... and then walks on. "So, come with me, mister Windwraith, and shall we sign all the required papers?"

Cael: "Ah, papers... yes, I suppose we had better take care of that. Such things are best not left."

Cael nods and starts to walk with Serina along the corridoor, drawing Anne along withi his arm.

Anne: She holds to Cael's arm... looking up at him, as they walk... and then sign all they have to, Jade is exchanged, deals are made, accommodations, allowances, soft, tactful flirting ... all is set up. Anne would move to the school on the morning of the next day... and all would be well. They go back to the Manse...

And, morning next day, Anne is already on her uniform, ready to leave for school.

Bags in hand, in front of the Holysword Manse, ready to leave Cael...

Cael: Cael smiles down at Anne, and then kneels, wapping his arms around her and hugging her.

"Well, you're leaving now. I hope you have a very good time at the school, and with cedric and I am sure you will. But before you go, I have something for you."

He smiles, and holds out a small black velvet box, which he opens to reveal a complex looking ring in gold, one that looks almost identical to his own, though there are small differences.

Anne: She hugs him back... so tightly... and when it comes the time, Cael notices she does not want to let go of him. Wishing that moment, their embrace, would last eternally... "I hope so too. I hope I learn alot... so I can be more like you. More deserving of all of you. Better." She steps back, opening the box, watching in awe... "... pretty..." She says with her eyes slightly touched by tears.... "Cael... it looks... so much like yours'..."

Cael: "It is, almost." He smiles at her.

"It's something of a tradition in my family, at least on my mother's side. So this is for you, for as long as you're my daughter."

"I got Fiona to make it for me, she assures me it will keep you safe, too."

Anne: "So... that means..." That I am really... part of the family. Your daughter...

And tears begun to stream down her eyes.
She had a family again, and it left her melting in acceptance.
The golden god wished her to be family, and it left her feeling like a goddess.
The golden god wanted her as a daughter, not as a love, and it left her heart shattered.

And for all that, she cried, and smiled at him... a smile both parts happy and sad. A smile for newfound warmth and broken dreams.