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Sapphire Morning

Morning comes...

Roosters would call in another place of Creation, but this is the Boil. The only rooster able to withstand its foul air and fouler food managed to wiggle out of its fence and became the breakfast of the first homeless boy it came accross. If anything, the Boil was a testament to the strength of Man – to be able to survive in an enviroment that killed off mostly anything.

Except, of course, rats and cockroaches.

But neither one of them greeted our heroes in the morning, as the Manse in highlane was well tended for... it was morning, and it was time for farewells. All of the Exalted called to the garden on the center of the Earthly Manse, some of them already waiting on the stone sculptures created naturally by the essence flows of the Manse...

As the Prince flew down from his window, some were already there. Acelia smoking a cigarette in a corner. Fiona reading some book on one of the smooth stone tree-sculptures. Hannah eating a sadwhich, laying on one of the banks and staring at the diffuse white clouds in the sky... and others...

Iselsis: Ise was already up as well. Standing a little ways behind Acelia, on the shadowed end of the garden, leaning against a small wall. There was no trace of the pretty made up girl from the night before left, back in her coat, bracers, hat and scarf. Her foot propped up against the wall, her scarf wasn't done up yet, for all the good it did anyone, her hat drawn low, obscuring most of her face.

She idly puffed on a cigarette, most evident by the little rings of smoke drifting up from under her hat. Secret agent devil girl was back, and personally she was glad. That dress and so much exposure made her really uncomfortable, and lose her composure way more than normal.

Vorpal: Vorpal strides down into the garden some time after Alex, using the more conventional means of staircases and doorways to reach her destination.

The Pale Angel's outfit for the occasion is different from her usual attires. Her worn mercenary leathers have been replaced by a full dress made of fine black and white fabrics, thick and durable enough to withstand the hardships of battle and wilderness alike. The lily-and-spiderweb-etched soulsteel of her armor encases her torso openly now, the clothing offering extra padding underneath. She has been adding supplemental pieces, too - the sharp, angular shapes of her shoulder guards stand in contrast to the softness of her black velvet cloak, armguards accentuate the slimness of the dress' long sleeves. Broad plates descending from her hips to guard her upper thighs are like overlaying petals of a dark flower, under which the multi-layered vastness of her skirts billow out to cover the full length of her legs.

"What?" she asks, just about finishing braiding her hair into a complicated crown atop her head. Every stride she takes sends the overskirts billowing around her legs, displaying pure white skirts and sleek lengths of gleaming black boots underneath. "I've seen a lot of my clothes getting ruined lately."

Kanti: Kanti knelt on the ground close to Fiona, wrapped up once more in the screams she had put on for comfort after she had returned to the manse the night before, looking considerably more alert than when any of them had seen her last.

the prince ...though there is no gennadi...he said he would be here...I should ask them...
and her, when she arrives...
I hope she isn't too angry...

Kanti rises as the Prince comes in for landing, going over to the tree like structure he is about to settle down in, then as he lands....

"Good morning, my prince." she says, happy tones in her voice, masking her inner nervousness.

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: Opal arrives after a time, neither hurried nor languid, she moves into the common area and nods gently to those already present. She nods to those present, but her eyes and a small smile linger on Kanti, before she moves to a sequestered part of the area, and she kneels down there, folding her hands in her lap and aquaiting what was to come.

Alexander: Alex lands atop one of the branches of the strange tree-like sculpture of the Manse, balancing himself with ease like a bird perched... looking at the Pale Angel come in. More open, no more hiding herself. Clad like a dark flower... My lady... dark, dark flower. Something on that just sounded wrong, but he would not listen to that voice of his'. "You look better like this anyway, Milady! You sure you want to ruin such beauty in the conflict...?"

He looks down when Kanti calls... and gives her a smile, his smile seeming to brighten the place, a little bit of sunlight falling over her, warm in this day without sun. "Good Morning, Kanti."

Vorpal: "It's a battle dress. It's designed for battles."

Sighing, Vorpal lowers her hands from fiddling with her hair atop her head. She pauses for a moment, to openly throw a glance in the direction of Opal, then turning to eye the demoness instead.

So that's what you usually look like, eh?

The pair of black leather gloves she removes from her belt are new and soft as sin. Vorpal spends the next several heartbeats enjoying the sensation of sliding them over her hands.

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: She glances over toward Alex, and smiled ever so faintly toward him. "The Pale Angel is most astute. Battle Dresses are normally worn to allow greater freedom of motion than that given by more constricting garments. My own robes were modeled after such things, actually. But I will not bore you with the details."

She glanced over toward Vorpal, and began to take in the full effect of her ensamble. "It is quite befitting, if you would excuse me for saying so."

Kanti: Kanti smiles back Opal, and then at the prince as his smile warms her, before turning her face to watch the Pale Angel approach, her eyes following the swish of the dress.

"Good ..morning, Pale Angel." she says, only the smallest anxiety entering her voice, especially as she watches her hands disappearing into the black leather.

Alexander: He returned Opal's smile... "She is. If anything, my lady is astute. She has always been renowed for her wits in the battlefield, after all. After the obvious, of course." He steps down, then, fluttering close to Kanti... planting a kiss on her forehead, and whispering... "relax" he whispers, as he walks towards the Pale Angel... the hand that touched Kanti's face behind him, as if she was to follow.

Vorpal: "They are?" Vorpal arches a nonchalant eyebrow at Opal's words. "They certainly don't look like it. Another of your people's secrets, I take it?"

"Morning", she adds belatedly, looking up from her gloves at Kanti, before quickly flicking her gaze to linger on the beautiful visage of her Prince.

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: She cants her head slightly toward Vorpal, "I gave them the virtue of Water, that they might change shape. They are now not as they origanally were." She frowns a little bit at that. Is the Pale Angel casting barbs my way?

"Perhaps I shall make you something, someday," she states cryptically.

Kanti: relax
Kanti tries, he kisses her, tries to let herself calm, and perhaps she does a little, though she is still not at rest in her mind as she follows after the Prince's hand obeidiently.
where is she?
where is Moon?
where is gennadi..? He said he would be here...

Seventh Moon: They arrived a little late. Maybe fashionably late. Maybe just late.

His arm wrapped around her waist, Moon held Selina against him as they stepped out manse and into the garden at it's center. Wrinkled, ruffled, and glowing; Moon looked every bit of a man who had a long night. One he had absolutely no complaints about. There was a darkly ardent warm smile that refused to leave his lips and it set the tone for the rest of his face. Moon had left his coat behind, he still felt warm enough without it. Untucked from his pants, the top two buttons of his undershirt were carelessly undone. His hair was a mess, having all the styling that could be accomplished from fingers running through it. Eyes that were not quiet drowsy nor wholly alert flicked over the rest of those assembled as they paused at the doorway.

"Hey." He greeted no one in particular, lifting his hand.

Alexander: His hand snakes into the pale angel's, his fingers entwining on the older woman's and locking her fingers tightly... sending a wave of warmth through the Ghost-Blooded's body. Warm hope, warm light. "Oh? May I see how it originally was, Exceedingly Sublime Opal?"

He asked, even as he motioned his hand to Moon. "Good Morning, Moon! Feeling any better?"

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: She smiled faintly toward Alex, but doesn't answer, her way of politely saying no. She looked over toward Selina and Moon, and nodded to them both, "Good morning to both of you. I trust your not was not disagreeable?" She inquired politely.

Vorpal: The Pale Angel begins to pull away from Alex's touch, old habits dying hard. She checks herself, however, and sighs, closing her eyes for a moment, enjoying the warmth of her new outfit against her skin and the warmth of the noble Prince so close to her.

She reopens her eyes just in time to see Moon and Selina approach.

"Fu", Vorpal lets out, pushing out a mildly amused front. She should have expected this out of them. "You are a wonderful view this morning."

Selina de Windia: Selina's contenance doesn't glow, it shines. She is the Queen of Beauty, undenied by any. She made her seductions and no one could make her desist. The night had been her's. Now, wrapped in leotard and greatcoat over that, dull black arm-length gloves and tall black boots showing in places, she is ready to inflict herself upon the enemy as well.

"'Morning." She says non-chalantly, trying to remember something, but not quite managing it yet.

Vorpal: The Pale Angel begins to pull away from Alex's touch, old habits dying hard. She checks herself, however, and sighs, closing her eyes for a moment, enjoying the warmth of her new outfit against her skin and the warmth of the noble Prince so close to her.

She reopens her eyes just in time to see Moon and Selina approach.

"Fu", Vorpal lets out, pushing out a mildly amused front. She should have expected this out of them. "You are a wonderful sight this morning."

Seventh Moon: "Good 'nough. Better'n some." he answered Alex with a vauge smile, catching the princes attempt to nab the Pale Angel's hand. "Least as good as you..."

Kanti: "Good morning, Moon!" Kanti says happily from behind the young prince, before her eyes drift across to the Dark Angel, and her breath catches slightly.

I..should ask

".... Good morning, my lady."

Iselsis: Ise looks up for the first time since people start trickling in. To be fair, the only one she was friendly with so far out of all the Chosen was Moon, so her disinterest in the others wasn't all that odd. She reaches into her pocket and draws out another cigarette, flicking it from her fingers.

It comes spinning towards Moon. "You look like you could use one of these, old man."

Alexander: "Hmmm, before we begin..." The prince told the Pale Angel and Kanti - not sounding like it should be heard by all - as he turned to the fire aspect, with bussiness on his eyes. "Kanti."

"This is the Pale Angel, as you know. She is my lady, my paramour. The Dark Angel has lent you to me, and although I remain authority, you answer to her as you would me." He says, looking at the fire aspect, then up to the Pale Angel, hoping she would not be angry, and hopefully, that she would be happy... and hoping the Dark Angel will not dispute that... too much.

Seventh Moon: "Sheeyit," he muttered to himself as he snagged Iselsis offered cigarette from the air. "Fuckin' popular this mornin'."

Giving Red a nod of thanks, Moon tucked the the cigarette behind his ear and gave Kanti an earnest grin. "Hey darlin'. Good on, today?"

Vorpal: Eh...?

Frowning, she turns over to look at first Alex, then Kanti. Bemused, she then returns back to Alex, to silently ask for an explanation of what this is all about.

Ah, yes. Didn't the Jadeborn say something about the demoness and this woman?

"We... have met before", she says, slowly.

Selina de Windia: "No." Comes Selina's interjection, half-way cross look at Alex. "She is under your oversight alone. I will judge your conduct undiluted by anyone elses'. I forbid it."

Vorpal: "Oi." It is a half-mutter, half-chuckle slipping through her lips. Making a face, the Pale Angel shifts her weight to one foot and folds her arms over her chest.

Alexander: His hand is quickly out of Pale Angel's - too embarassed even to lean for support on her, his hands almost apologetically in front of him. wishing her to stop looking at him... that way. "Alright! Alright. I am sorry, Dark Angel. I am sorry."

Seventh Moon: Lending...?

Moon turned his eyes up to Alex, then over to Selina at the little exchange, brows rising curiously. Well, he had wanted her to find someone else to stick Kanti with, Alex was as good as anyone.

Moon looked at Kanti and smiled again. Might actually do her a world of good, to get a little space from Selina.

Iselsis: "Could we possibly get on with more important things already? We don't have all day, you know. The Acolyte and General and... the other one who's name I can't recall aren't going to wait for you to get done bickering over who gets to own some poor girl.", she remarks snidely from her corner of the garden. Apparantly the liquor from the night before had left a small mark on her mood now.

Kanti: "I am ..." she replies to Moon, then Alex starts to speak, and she pulls her attention back to him

the Pale Angel...?
someone else
I am to....
then ... mistress is still mistress....
...really...there was no change....
mistress was still mistress!

Kanti scrabbles around for where she was before, "...I'm fine, Moon." she eventually manages to get out

Selina de Windia: "Shut up, damn it." Selina replies curtly to her sister, trying to remember what it was. "I'll never remember what it was now."

Bloody hell.

She looks skyward, grumbling under her breath. Sky?


Oh yeah. Fuck.

"I think we may have a little problem. Opal, look at the sky for a moment, if you will."

Vorpal: Her arms still folded, Vorpal bends her head backwards to take a look at the sky herself. Sure, sure, most of their Circle had their heads up in the clouds, but...

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: She gently arched her eyebrow, and rose smoothly to her feet. She walked a few steps until she could see the sky clearly, and gazed upward.

"What am I supposed to be looking for, specifically?"

Seventh Moon: It? Sky?

Hell, like he could help it now that she told someone else to. Moon tipped his head to the side and turned an eye upwards to the smoggy almost-blue canopy above.

Selina de Windia: "And tell me if you see any odd patterns of essence. Anything artificial. Sorcerous construct, say."

Selina doesn't bother with keeping her gaze skyward. She is not in the Trance at the moment, and she will see nothing of it until she dives.

And I need to preserve my power for the battle soon to come.

  • ... and she looked up... too, too far up... faint, to the point where it is barely visible, there is a field.

    A field of Sapphire, a field of magic, a field of warding...

    A cage for the whole city.

Vorpal: Ah, that's right.

Vorpal cannot see it herself, but she quickly figures out what the Dark Angel is talking about. The spell that had prevented Selina from sending that message to Valencia, the reason for their current trouble.

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: Her brow knit as she began studying the field, her quicksilver mind began churning out what it could possibly be. Her lips moved, soundlessly and completely lost in thought as she stared at it for a long, tense moment.

"If I were to speculate..." she begins, slowly.. as though picking her words carefully, "I would characterize the phenomina as a modified and more powerful version of the Private Plaza of Downcast Eyes spell. Any spell or effect that would allow long range teleportation or communcation that passes the edges of the barrier would be repelled. I should also venture that this contruct was engineered roughly two or three days ago, and has another day left in its duration."

"Obviously, someone wants to keep the city sealed off from mystical sources." She frowns a little bit, "This is sorcery of the Sapphire Circle. I would take a Celestrial Exalt or an Abyssal to erect thus."

Vorpal: "It was an Abyssal", the Pale Angel states with a shrug. "That's the reason why the Dark Angel's message could not reach Valencia and warn her about the General's approach."

Abruptly, she whisks one hand up into the air. Moving away from Alex and the Dragon-Blooded, she takes a few steps towards the center of the clearing so that she can be better seen by everyone. "Attention, please!" she announces, skirts rustling as she wheels back to face the others. "There is more intelligence for you to know."

Iselsis: She perks up at this, having been staring at the ground like it was very interesting for the rest of the conversation.

Seventh Moon: The Lunar looked back down from the sky at Vorpal's call. He hadn't seen anything, even after Opal babbled in her own odd way about whatever the hell was up there. But something apparently was and that made his face cool a little, a more serious mien for the moment. Someone,somehow, was fucking with his city again.

Iselsis: "This day just keeps getting better and better..." she half mumbles to herself.

Alexander: Alexander's hand falls on Kanti's shoulder, trying to give her a measure of stability, of confidence...

Even with the Dark Angel making her feel so unstable, and himself, he tried.

And watched the Pale Angel, waiting...

Vorpal: It is difficult to trust that she truly has any attention in this Circle, but she decides to forge onwards nonetheless.

"I had a little chat last night with a demoness you had captured. If she is to be trusted, we now know the location of most of the Bishop's deathknights." Half-turning towards Moon, she indicates him with a nod of her head. "Moon, the bad news is that one of them is still here. In your city. Her name is the Acolyte, and she is a Day Caste."

Selina de Windia: "Probably the Parishioner. I cannot believe that escaped me." Selina replies to Opal with a sigh. And then looks to Vorpal, raising her eyebrows.

Tell them whatever you wish. Selina thinks sourly, looking for Fiona. Perhaps Fiona knows countermagic of that potency, she certainly does not. She spies her quickly enough, and walks over to the girl, voice lower. "You know the Sapphire Circle, yes?"

"I assume you can counter it, if you do?"

Iselsis: "The demon bitch is lying through her teeth.", she snaps at hearing the name of the Acolyte, and the tidbit that she's in the city.

Fiona: The young one - now with her hair tied up on two orbs and long wisps falling down each shoulder again, and wearing the simple green robe with the golden eye broochs taken from Vivian - is watching the sky, same as the others. And seeing it, and cursing herself for not having seen sooner. "Yes, I do. And yes, I can..."

"I need you to get me up there, though. And preferarbly someone to tell the Boil they'll see fireworks."

Kanti: Kanti stiffens a little as the Prince's hand touches her shoulder, nervousness brought on by the screams he must be hearing before once more she tries to calm herself, turning

An abyssal...?
No...not Her...when will She come?
Will She ever come?
Do I want Her to come?

Alexander: "Pehaps... pehaps not. Milady can be... persusasive." Alex asserts, thinking... "You did not ask of others, however? Niremar seems to have given them all troubles here, and he was a Demon. Same as Black Avian, from what I hear. And if there are others like Alabster..." He aplies a light pressure to Kanti's shoulder, as if asking her to kneel, to relax, to feel sheltered in their presence. Just trust me. it seems to say.

How did Fiona manage to calm her...?

Vorpal: "Oh?" Vorpal turns towards the Demon-Blooded, her eyebrows rising slightly. "What makes you say so? Were you there?"

Seventh Moon: Another one...


After the last one had already nearly cost them the whole fucking city, there was still one more.

"Where?" Moon demanded, eyes narrowing sharply at the Pale Angel. He wanted this dealt with. Yesterday if possible. Now because it wasn't. Wheels in his head were already turning, breaking free of the rusted warmth from the night before. Who to dig up to help him. Where the other Abyssal might be able to go to hide.

Iselsis: "Because it makes no sense for the Acolyte to be inside a city that's already been liberated. She's a Day caste, yeah, so what? She's still one abyssal alone in this city where she cannot possibly accomplish much save for a few random assassinations."

She pauses. "She's with the General, and the demon is lying. Anything else would make no sense."

Selina de Windia: "To delay us, obviously." Selina says, turning away from Fiona with a nod that says 'after this'. "We waste time dealing with her, the General obliterates our army."

Vorpal: She stares at the Demon-Blooded for a moment, mien unreadable. "Precisely. It makes no sense. And you always find Day Castes where you least expect them."

Turning back to Moon again, she shakes her head. "Here. That's the best I can give you."

Kanti: Kanti acceeds to the pressure on her shoulder, flowing smoothly to the ground at Alex's side, glancing up at him once she is down there, before looking back to the Pale Angel as people talked around her. She rests her cheek next to Alexander's hand, and hopes he doesn't pull it away.
the General...I danced for him... the crusader....
...he was not so bad...

Iselsis: She gestures idly with her hand "Yeah well, suit yourselves. After all, a dead imprisoned enslaved demon's worst problem is obviously going to be pissing off a deathknight by lying to them.", she shrugs to emphasize her point, and then shuts up. She'd already made up her mind about the situation; no need to argue it with them.

Seventh Moon: "Lotta fuckin' help that is!" Moon snapped back quickly, glaring eyes washing away in a gleam of light. But it wasn't really directed at Vorpal and it faded before his words had finished echoing off the wall. "I'll find the bastard then. Ain't gonna hide from me. Not in my town she ain't."

Just don't know if there is shit I can do once I got her...

Alexander: His hand does not pull away... instead, it nuzzles her, caressing her softly... but firmly.

"So, the plan is still the same?"

Vorpal: "Oi, oi", the Pale Angel throws a half-hearted grin in the Demon-Blooded's direction. Truly, the stubborness and the inability to admit that one is wrong about something must run in the de Windia family. "Have some faith in my abilities."

Sobering, she turns back to Moon once more. "Tombs, graveyards and such are the obvious places for an Abyssal to hide in, but I wouldn't count on it. Maybe you could look for rumors about blood suckings, or the like."

"Anyway", she clears her throat. "The good news is that the General should now be the only Abyssal to move with his army. We can concentrate our efforts on him."

Selina de Windia: "Unless we want to lose the initiative even more, yes." Selina replies simply, flickering her gaze to Vorpal before returning it to Alex.

'No sense' indeed.

Where are you pulling that gem from?

"Him, and his bodyguard, and his demons, and all the rest."

Alexander: "The bodyguard... we fought the Celebrant by pressing the attack on her first. That cannot be done with the General, right? Too many Dragon-Blooded close to him...." The prince sighs. Not that he would be there. But his jailors would be, his lady would be.... he wondered, once again, if he was making the right choice.

Vorpal: "Fu", is Vorpal's only reply. Folding her arms over her chest once more, she chuckles to herself, softly.

And you get all huffy about how I always belittle your professionalism.

A punishment: No location of the Vestal for you.

"Don't worry about it. There's a plan we could try out, but I still want to hone the details."

Kanti: Kanti absently rubs her cheek back on Alex's hand, trying to let the talk of a war she wasn't going to fight in pass her over, though she still worries. mistress would be going to fight....
and the prince's lady....
he cared for her....
but the pirnce would be here.
and moon.
...but fiona wouldn't...
she would miss fiona.
and mistress.

and there would still be an abyssal here.

Alexander: His fingers trace the scars on her cheek for a moment, absent-mindedly as he watches the Pale Angel... and thinks.

"So, what is that plan?"

Acelia: Acelia takes a step foward, tapping Iselsis' shoulder... "So, you are leaving? Leaving me behind, too?"

Iselsis: Ise looks up and glances at Acelia "Nope, you're coming with me. I warned you when you threw in your lot with me, didn't I?"

"Unless of course you want to stop tagging along, your choice, I suppose."

Acelia: "... and is this teleporting thing safe?" She asks, looking a little suspiciously towards Fiona...

Vorpal: "Hm", Vorpal shrugs, "For now, it is occupying the General's bodyguards and then having our fastest piece", she nods at Selina, "flank him for the kill. I can help her to get close quickly enough that the General shouldn't have time to react. However, I need to have some more information to make the final plan."

Iselsis: She shrugs a bit "You're going with me to the front of a battle and you're worried about the teleportation?", she pokes Acelia in the forehead "You're really odd sometimes, you know that?"

Then to Vorpal "You don't mind if I watch your flank for Acolytes popping up despite your insistance that you're right and I'm wrong, do you?"

Selina de Windia: "I would not mind at all if someone helped me kill him, at this point." Selina says with a shrug, wondering if maybe he would outmatch her.

Seventh Moon: Everyone was busy making plans. Those were plans for a battle he'd have nothing to do with though. Seventh Moon had his own worries.

Stalking across the garden to where Hanna had kept to herself the whole time, Moon greeted the Pack girl with a soft grunt. Moon crouched on his haunches beside her, arms leaning on his legs. "You heard the pale bitch? 'bout there bein' 'nother of those fuckers stompin' 'round here?"

Kanti: Kanti shivers as he draws the fingers over her scar, kissing his fingertip as it follows the black cut to them.
maybe it wouldn't be so bad with her gone.

Acelia: "Hey, I told you when we first met, didn't I?" She smiles, and puffs out smoke in strange, sharp forms once again. "I am weird, Ise. And anyway, I can just hide from the battle. God knows what that teleportation will involve..."

Vorpal: "Do as you like", the Pale Angel responds to Iselsis. "Despite your insistence that both the Dark Angel and I are wrong, and the Acolyte really is in Spire. You heard what she said. The Acolyte could be here to delay us or to cause trouble the moment we leave this city undefended. What matters is that you don't expect her to be here. I say that Day Castes have a bad habit to be precisely where you don't expect them to be."

Without a pause, she turns over to Selina again. "True. We need to think on the details more carefully soon."

Selina de Windia: "It's not what I'd do in her stead, true." Selina admits. "But that doesn't mean it's an untenable course of action for her to take."

Iselsis: "Yeah, about that, are you ever going to fill me in on what exactly that means, Acelia? Or is it supposed to be a surprise? Because you know, I hate surprises."

She shrugs pointedly at Vorpal's words, "I am the only one with a history with her, so I think it'll be my gut feeling I'll be trusting, if it's all the same to you. And if I were her I'd be at the Spire. Besides, my guess is as good as anyone's considering where the particular info is coming from."

Selina de Windia: "You have a history fight?" Selina responds somewhat irritatedly. "That doesn't give you insight into her every decision. But we'll see either way."

She looks to Fiona, wondering how much essence the girl can expend and still teleport them.

Acelia: "I will tell you when I find out, Ise... I will tell you when I find out." She shrugs, looking up at the sky, her hair shimmering like snow for a moment.

Iselsis: "One fight and a very wordy minion. Actually several very wordy minions if you count all the ones from before."

"And yes, yes we will see. Not like it'll change anything since I'll be heading to Spire either way."

Selina de Windia: "And you'd trust them over another minion." Selina replies with some amusement.

Iselsis: Izabella shrugs and stays protestingly silent. She was done justifying her judgement to the two deathknights.

Fiona: Fiona answers Selina's gaze, and decides to finally speak up, "So, are we going to break this field and leave already? It will take quite a little while to set the transportation to all of us, you know, we don't have much time to idle around..."

Vorpal: Vorpal resists the temptation to let out a deep, long-suffering sigh. One de Windia is bad enough, but now she has to cope with two...

"Sure. Look out for her to your heart's content." By now, Vorpal has grown fairly inured to nobody listening to her advice. If this the way it is to be done in this group, then so be it. "As long as you won't get too distracted from the real objective. Remember, we need man -- well, womanpower to defeat the General and his minions. There must be enough of a threat to draw away the attention of his bodyguards while the Dark Angel and I launch our own attack."

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: "I might be able to convince Iron Tears to make lone of me his Warstrider again, should this help the situation any." She states, matter of factly, having withdrawn a bit to weigh all the factors of the conversation.

"But, that really depends on what part you wish me to play in your affairs, after all."

Iselsis: "Personally I just want to get going to the Spire instead of standing here talking about it."

Vorpal: "Then quit complaining about every point, will you? You're the one who is slowing this down."

Fiona: "You are coming with us, Opal?" Fiona perks up, with a smile! "Your barriers will help alot in a large-scale battle..."

Selina de Windia: "Mhmmm." Selina walks up to Fiona. "You really have to teach me how to do magic of the Sapphire Circle when we get another breather." She says amiably, then picks the girl up and holds her in her arms without any effort...almost as if she's done this enough times to make it second nature.

Selina chuckles and springs into the air with a rush of wind that buffets the others as she does so, black-feathered wings unfurling to catch the morning gusts and heat (what little there is) as she soars up to a closer point to the interdiction field. "I hope you can cast the spell like this."

Iselsis: "Yeah lady, whatever. I'm not the one with the teleportation powers or the ability to take care of this field, so I'm just biding my time.", she levels her eyes on Vorpal this time, and she doesn't look amused, "Now if you could please stop insulting my intelligence, that'd be nice. I'm a professional, 'kay, not some wet behind the ears flunky for you to lord your superiority over."

Selina de Windia: "Professional's know when to shut up!" Selina calls down as she ascends, having caught that.

Iselsis: "Exactly.", is all she says, and leaves it at that.

Vorpal: "Professional." Vorpal cannot help but to smile at that. "Right. She tells me the same thing all the time", she points up at the quickly distancing Selina, "And she can never shut up, either."

Her smile widens and it takes on a meaner, much more wicked aspect as she remembers Opal's offer. "Hmm-m? You have a warstrider handy? That should tip the scales in our favor... Perhaps you could act as our heavy hitter?"

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: She begins to answer, but she is up and away with the Dark Angel before she spirits Fiona away. "Hrm. Thats a most disconcerting habit." She frowns a little bit, and she sighs. She looked over to the Pale Angel, and arched an eyebrow at her. "I could, perhaps. Though my knowledge of combative charms is not what it could be. I would be honored, of course, to act in such a capacity."

Vorpal: "It would be appreciated", the Pale Angel responds and gestures at the Manse over her shoulder. "Gear up."

Fiona: They reach up... far, far up...

Farther than the field itself, above the clouds...

Fiona gulps. So far up. So cold. All white above, mostly white below, barely seeing the Boil and the field throughout the clouds... if Selina let go of her... no, she could not even think of it... if she did... it would be bad... really really bad... vertigo set in, but she gulped, closed her eyes, and controlled her fear. And then, she crossed her arms.

She murmured an incantation and spread them again, and the air in front of her was covered with a great circle of magic... and so, so many different spots of golden light... that appeared, for a moment, like they would blossom in beams of light and fall down to the city in a barrage of power, to destroy everything...

... but instead became butterflies, beautiful, beautiful golden butterflies, flying down... touching all throughout the Boil... touching the field as if it was solid...

... and above their heads, all could see golden freckles filling the sky.
They rested their wingson the field, and begun to sing.
Fiona crossed her arms in front of her again, finishing the incantation.
Selina caught only the last word.


And then, all butterflies hit the field with their wings before flying away and fading in golden motes, all at once... and it exploded. The eerie winds hit all of the Boil like a hurricane. The ceilings of houses torn apart, essence storms raging, and screams heard all throughout the Boil.

And a moment later... it was done, aside from the golden motes in the air...

... and they were ready to teleport to far, far away....