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Scattered Hues on the Sky

The 25th of Resplendent Air...

The day the Shades split to color all corners of the sky.

The Windwraith is to go to the Great Forks, so Anne can study, away from the war, so Cedric and Millia can stay with Elizabeth Holysword, protected by the Holysword pacts with the trinity of Gods in the City of Festivals.

The Angels are to go to Amber Post, to raise money for Iria’s Iron Army, and hire any mercenary they can.

Opal and the Sidereals are to go to Heaven... to find greater power, to find themselves, to find greater power...

To keep others safe.
To get resources.
To get power.

The shades scatter on the firmament, but do it so they will form a greater, stronger sky.

On skies that are half-clear, a blue sky and golden linings sow together with varied degrees of gray on the clouds, forming a hedge maze on the sky... and now, in one of the towers of the Palace of Timeless Winters, the Exalted stand, in the dock of the Zephyr, to say farewell to their friends, about to embark on their separate adventures, to prepare, far and wide, the conditions for the war to be fought and won..

Vorpal: "No tears", Vorpal grins to Alex, her mien perhaps a little too studied mask of casualness. The wind is whipping her white hair against her face and tugging at the hems of her dark coat. "I hate tears."

Selina de Windia: "Yeah, be a man about it." Selina says, moving over to them both. "Besides, we won't be gone that long."

Alexander: "Wish I could go with you... I hope you will be alright with her." He shakes his head, then musses his little brother's hair. "I wish I could go with all of you. This is the time where I wish all this power could allow me to split myself..."

Cedric: "Gonna miss you too, bro." He smiles, looking up to the Pale Angel. "You are comin' back, right?"

"Take care of him when you do!"

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: She smiles softly, lost in the tenderness of Vorpals words as she speaks to the man she loves. Which is utterly crushed of course by Selina's interjection, and the mood is gone. Her hands folded serenely before her, hair fluttering in the light breeze.

  • Gennadi simply smokes a thin blue cigarette, puffing out fanciful shapes to blow away in the breeze. Silly people, worried about a simple seperation like this... like they can't simply hop in and visit whenever they like. Ah, well... dirtbound exalts can be funny sometimes.

Millia: The God-Blooded comes behind Cedric, holding her hands in front of his chest, and pushing him to her...

"I will take good care of him, my prince. You have my word."

Alexander: "You want me to feel fully secure when my lady goes away with the compeittion?" He asks of Selina.

Vorpal: "I'm planning to do just that", Vorpal responds to Cedric with surprising gravity. Then, after a little glance at Selina, he turns back to the Prince - her Prince - and extends a hand to muss his platinum hair. "She isn't competition. She's another part of the whole."

Her fingers caressing his beautiful head, Vorpal thenspeaks the words she knows everyone expects her to say, even though in truth she'd love to tell him otherwise. "A General can't be everywhere at once. Sometimes, he just has to trust the men under his command to carry out the day. Don't spread yourself too thin. Focus on once place. Your power is needed to most in the spot where you are. People are relying on you. Don't betray them. Trust on us - we will be fine."

Sometimes, the General also has to take actions she does not want to do, not from the bottom of her heart. Parting with Alexander once again is one of them.

Ryshassa: Ryshassa stands somewhat seperated from the others, her arms wrapped quietly around her husband for a long, private moment. There isn't much more for her to say that hasn't been said already, so her hug is more than enough to suffice.

After a moment she pulls away, coming closer to the gathered group now. "Well... I wish all of you a safe trip. Some of you, it seems, I will not be seeing for a long time." She gives Anne a surprisingly respectful and encouraging nod, a knowing smile to Millia, then kneels down a moment to Cedric, patting his head. "You be a good boy for Millia. And grow up strong!"

Selina de Windia: "Poo." Selina says simply.

Vorpal: "Oi, oi", Vorpal grimaces and turns to mess the Dark Angel's hair instead. "Be nice with him."

  • Cedric rushes to Ryshassa, holding her close. "Thank you, Antie Ryshy... I will! You will see!"

    "I will be tall and strong and manly when you see me again!"

Vorpal: "Aye, you'll have Aine here all over you when you return", Vorpal adds with an ominous grin.

It is a bit unclear whether it is meant to praise or frighten the lad.

Alexsei Krauser: The moment has been theirs, and there is not much left to say. And drawing it out would be only prolonging the moment of departure, so he nods one final time, kisses her forehead, and starts to walk towards the others who are departing.

He comes to silently stand within the leaving group, a bit behind the assembled people, polite nods and smiles for everyone along the way. When he finally stops, hair battered by the northern winds, he smiles at the confident response the young prince gives.

And so, I am not the only one who goes on looking for his own strength.

Alexander: Millia and Anne nod and wish the same to Ryshassa, as Cedric wonders what to do, his wings fluttering a bit, blushing at Vorpal's words....

"Goodbye, Alexsei. We will miss you. Come back soon, you hear?"

"We always have lots of work for you here... be it burying the dead or saving us again."

  • Gennadi blows out a wispy image of a stormcrow. "You call that incentive?" He chuckles, patting down his pockets to see if he can find another cigarette.

Selina de Windia: Selina looks at Vorpal with a somewhat surprised and disbelieving look.

No, no I do not want to be all over him.

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: Opal, again in perfect comedic timing, smacks Gennadi over the back of his head even as she sighs, dreamy eyed, at the romance of it all.


Ryshassa: Ryshassa raises her eyebrow at Vorpal's comment, hugging Cedric close before rising to her feet again. "Well, years change a boy very much. Maybe when you return you'll be able to protect us instead of the other way around."

Turning to the Angels specifically, she says, "Lady Aine, Lilith, I will see you again soon!" Her smile is warmer and more unabashed with Selina, while she favors Vorpal with a respectful if somewhat stiff bow. "And you Gennadi, I'm sure you and my husband won't step on each other's toes in Heaven, hmm? Don't get too hurt where I can't be there to help you."

"That goes for any of you," Ryshassa says cheerfully to the group at large, crossing her arms in front of her.

  • Gennadi smirks. "I think your husband will be too busy with someone else stepping on his toes for me to get a chance... but I appreciate the thought. Can I get that excuse from harm in writing? Maybe your word still has official merit and I'll get out of some unpleasantries."

Vorpal: Vorpal gives Selina a wicked smile, a surprisingly sympathetic twinkle in her eyes. Then she returns to the farewells, nodding to Ryshassa. "Safe days for you two as well."

Ryshassa: "Oh my, I'm sure my word would mean nothing up in your Celestial playground. Still. I'll patch you up when I return if I must," Ryshassa says to Gennadi with a wink.

"I'm not sure telling him to behave will work..." Ryshassa remarks to Opal amusedly. Coming closer to the alabaster, statuesque woman, she extends a hand. "I'm sorry we did not get to talk much before now. Will you be returning?"

Alexsei Krauser: He simply nods, a smile playing on his lips as he inclines his head to the Prince. "Thanks you for your kind words... I will be back soon, Prince Alexander... I have not forgotten my duties."

He smiles a bit at Gennadi's intervention, lifting an eyebrow at the othe agent of heaven. "He will not while I can see him... And I can see somewhat far." He lowers his head a bit, then shakes his head. "I am certain it is reciprocated, also. Do not worry, Belladonna, we will behave. As far as the teacher's eye is on us, at least."

Fiona: Fiona gives her goodbye to Cedric, a kiss on his forehead, and Millia and Anne with hugs.

Tight, tight ones. She had come to like Anne, and Millia had been her best friend at the Palace, a lifetime ago...

Then she walks to Opal, with a bow. "I hope you will be able to aid us better crafting from afar, Opal. I will miss you."

Selina de Windia: "I'll be seeing you later." Selina says with a faint smile at the rest. "Be sure of that."

Vorpal: Vorpal lingers about the in background. If one didn't know the indominable Pale Angel better, one could say that she looks almost... uncomfortable about something. She frowns every so slightly, switches her weight from a foot to foot a few times and gives several glances in the Dark Angel's direction.

Finally, however, she seems to make up her mind over whatever she was thinking about. "Alex", she says, softly, not looking up.

Alexander: He looks up, after mussing more of Cedric's hair... "Yes, milady?"

Ryshassa: "Oh, don't be silly, beloved," Ryshassa remarks over her shoulder while she still stands near Opal. "I'm not worried about you being on your best behavior."

And to Selina she says brightly, "Of that I am certain. Let us talk more when you return!" I hope that was not too forward of me, anyway...

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: Opal takes Ryshy's hand, and smiles gently to her. "I do not take offense, as these have been times both trying to one's patience and to test one's courage. I am Exceedingly Sublime Opal, recently in Master Gennadi's service.

She smiles gently at Fiona, falling to her knees and wrapping her arms around the girl in a tight embrace, "I shall miss you, child. You will be careful, wont you?"

Vorpal: "I --" the Pale Angel begins, then cuts herself off with a quiet growl. She strides forward, decisively, and slides her hands under Prince Alexander's royal armpits. Holding him from there, she raises him to the air like a toddler, gently, easily, lovingly. Lifting his beautiful face to the same level with hers, she pulls the Prince against herself and presses her lips against his.

Ryshassa: Well, that was surprising. Ryshassa was certain there was something with Alexander and Kanti but... hmm. Best not to think on that. Especially not if it might get the Pale Angel mad at her again if she pays too much attention!

Alexander: There is no ground beneath his feet. His arms flail wildly, asking a thousand of half-questions, before she drowns them on her lips. He looks beffudled, both at the humilliation of being held like a toy, a pet, like that, and at the flattery and embarassment of the kiss being in front of everyone!

Certainly, Lilith now had her revenge from being snatched from the ground before!

But the Prince just answer her kiss, passionately, probably their last in a long time...

Little more than ten days togeher, but seemed like a lifetime.

Selina de Windia: "Oh, we shall." Selina says, then throws a 'be good' look to Kanti, backing away from the Pale Angel and Alex...well, a few feet, anyway.

I wonder how I'm going to tell her about that.

Fiona: "I will. I am getting better, you will see! I will be protecting others soon enough!"

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: She smiles, and her embrace grows a little tighter for a brief instant, as Opal rises to her feet and looks down at her, "Now, remember... if you seek new spells, other Sorcerors have hide them in the world about you, and in the elementals and spirits of it. If you seek more knowledge, you need but pluck the fruit from the great tree of Life." She leans down and gives Fiona a peck on the head, smiles, and rises again, before looking back to Ryshy. "Forgive me, I did not mean to be untoward."

Vorpal: His lips are sweet honey, the touch of his probing tongue sends a thrill down her spine and makes her heart hammer. She inhales deeply, sensually, her inflating chest rising to press firmly against his. There is something about the way she shifts her weight slightly that makes every arch and mature curve of her body to stand out, a feminity in full bloom and about to be unchained. She bends one leg back and up, tilting her ankle and pointing towards the sky with one booted foot, daintily, the way ladies do it when in the embrace of their strong and handsome love... In a way, although it is her who is holding the man aloft, her stance makes her seem fragile and weak and in need of consolation.

Feel my strength. Feel my love. Feel my heart beating in my chest. Draw your power from it, my beloved, the way I draw it from you. I won't be gone for long.

Ryshassa: "We have not been formally introduced! My, I have truly been omitting my manners. I am Ryshassa Krauser, the Belladonna Healer. It is a shame we were not able to get to know each other better." She bows to Opal, kimono sleeves spreading wide in a flourish of azure silk printed with cranes in flight.

"No, no, you are not untoward at all! I wish you luck in Heaven, and with... well, with your Master," she says with a chuckle.

Gennadi: "... hey. I'm not sure whether to be insulted or not."

Selina de Windia: If she's seen it once, she's seen it a hundred times now. "Have fun Opal. I'll have to come and see you from time to time." She says casually, then turns and walks toward the boarding-way on the dock, not wanting to watch anymore of Vorpal and Alex's interaction. She may have tried not to destroy it in that last bit of the moments she spent with the Prince showing him what not to surrender to, but it still stings altogether too much.

Maybe it's time to cut losses and move on.

We'll see, won't we?

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: She arches an eyebrow at the term Master, and laughs softly, "Yes, well... hopefully we will contend well. I shall right you, perhaps, regarding the state of affairs. It is a great pleasure to meet you, Lady Krauser, and I thank you for your well wishes. And did I not see you accompanied by a violet gentleman, previously?"

Ryshassa: "Are you referring to me?" Ryshassa says lightly to Gennadi as she turns back to join her husband. "I am not the insulting type, naturally. I am pure and proper and polite as a good girl ought to be." Laughing to herself, she returns to Alexsei's side -- pointedly not looking at Vorpal with Alex, as that would be rude, of course!

"Well, beloved... we should not draw this farewell on too long." She is nowhere near as blatant as the other couple. They needed no obvious display; Alexsei could feel without a doubt through their rings the love she feels for him. And what passion they could have indulged in was meant for the bedroom, not for here.

Again her slender arms go around Alexsei, and she rises on her tiptoes to give him a gentle kiss. "Why yes, Opal, and he is here now. Alexsei will be joining you on your trip to Heaven."

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: She looks over toward the Dark Angel, and nods her head gently. "I shall look foward to it, Mistress. I have no doubt one of your talents would cause a stir in Heaven." She looks back to Ryshy, smiling.

"Ah, very good to meet you, Master Alexsei. I should hope we will have some time for a spell to speak with eachother."

Alexander: And that was so... so....

He held her tightly. Close. He felt how she felt so fragile, even as she held him like a doll.

And even in this position, he held her like a shining knight holds the beautiful princess...

And kissed her back with all his love.

I will miss you so, love... and may the sun have mercy on anyone who hurts you while I am away...

Ryshassa: "It was a pleasure to meet you as well, Exceedingly Sublime Opal," Ryshassa adds belatedly, from her husband's arms. "One day I shall come to Heaven and visit you! All of us together would make quite the shocking party for Heaven's bureaucrats and officials." The thought makes her giggle, staving away for a moment her quiet apprehension that rises in her stomach again at the thought that this will be the last time she holds Alexsei for a while. Not a long while. But enough that the absence of him will be poignant.

Alexsei Krauser: He returns the kiss she offers to him, and smiles at her as she suggest that they should not draw the goodbyes for too long - prolonging the pang leads only to a more difficult departure, after all...

"Yes... Goodbye, Belladonna. Please be well. I will think of you and return to your side swiftly, my spring blossom."

He turns his violet gaze to Opal, and inclines his head politely and in a friendly manner to her. "And it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, my lady Opal. This trip might in fact take a little moment, so I would be happy for us to talk a bit more along the way..."

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: She nods her head gracefully, and looks back to the Dark Angel, "I should have that item you wanted fairly soon, as I will finally have access to the needed materials. I shall try to have Master Gennadi deliever it to you, Mistress." She back to Ryshy and Alexi, and nods to her, smiling gently.

"Make your farewells, it is a sin for me to interupt." She steps back over to Genn, and places a hand on his shoulder as she stands beside him, squeezing it gently.

Vorpal: She does not wish for the eternity to end, but sooner or later, that moment has to come. Breaking their kiss - rather relucantly, one might note - she lowers the prince down onto the ground as gently as how she had raised him. "Stay safe", she whispers, then turns and walks away, confudently, deliberately, strenly.

"Aine", she says softly, coming up to the Dark Angel. She does not say another word, but lifts her hand and rests it on the other woman's shoulder.

Ryshassa: "I will be awaiting you, my beloved Blackbird," Ryshassa murmurs, and finally steps away after one last, more lingering kiss, steps away to allow Alexsei space to approach and ascend the Zephyr. Alone now, she stands with arms folded before her, a small breeze stirring through her dark hair, rippling her kimono of white-feathered cranes soaring amidst clouds, a kimono worn to witness a departure.

Alexsei Krauser: One last kiss, and he knows it is now time.

He watches her one last time as she steps away, his smile for her, and brushes a strand of his black hair away form his face. A thousand words echo in his mind, but there is no need. All has been said, and now it is the time to follow through. He bows with a flourish, his hair almost brushing the ground as he does so... And then he steps back up, and turns away.

He steps up the staiway leading into the Quicksilver Zephyr, surrounded by the bitter aura of departures, but he makes his way to the aircraft without slowing down. His form vanishes through the opening on the side of the First Age wonder, after a moment becoming invisible for those who stand outside.

He does not turn back.

Selina de Windia: "Please, do not do that." Selina says in a long suffering tone. "It only makes it worse. I don't need to remember all the others. I remember that too much."

Alexander: "I will."

He waves goodbye to her as he watches them going into the Zephyr... feeling pain at Selina's words.

This won't end well, will it...?
At least, it will end after they return.
And they will be safe there, far away... at least.

"I will miss you all!"