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White and Black

Alexander: "Busy day...." The Prince looks out of the window, enjoying the view... the view of Spire. And thinking of everything he had been told... and waiting. He had something in mind, today... and wondered how things would go. Really did... but first, his servant had to get there. Servant? Bodyguard? Concubine? She swore an oath to serve him, but it was never discussed exactly how, was it?

Alex was lost in thought... and smiling.

They were good thoughts...

Kanti: Kanti knocked quietly on the door of the Prince's room, before pushing it softly open, stepping within the plush bedchamber, closing it behind her and stepping into the room before respectfully dropping to her knees, the bright white uniform of the Eir society shinning softly in the light.

"Sorry I am late, my prince." she speaks softly

Alexander: Turning from the window, he walks towards Kanti, his anima touching the essence of the room, making it warmer. "You like it more like that, right?" He asks her, as he comes closer, his fingers brushing to her chin. "Just be more timely next time. What took you, my Kanti?"

Kanti: "Yes, my prince... thank you." she says, as he approaches her, eyes tracking as he walks towards her, looking up at him as he lifts her chin.

" The Lady Krauser wished to speak with me, about my work in the hospital, my prince."

Alexander: "Ah, good... it is good that you work there, Kanti.... saving lives... that is important. You know, for someone who says you are a dark thing, you are too nice. A saint. A beautiful saint..." He says, getting on the tips of his feet and planting a light, soft kiss on her. Looking at her... studying her reactions the little he could... appearing to be so complete, happy. "I have been thinking about you, you know... I was talking with the Dark Angel, with the Pale Angel, and thinking of you..."

He looks down to her... seeing how beautiful she is in white. So bright, so beautiful. He could almost forget the scars, when he looked at her like that. "Good! And what did you decide? You know... it is good that you do that. To save lives... you know, I should too. It is just that I never had time..." He says, feeling guilty as he touches her face, caressing where the scars are not marking her, and Kanti can feel the callouses, the scars from spending so long training... "And you do look gorgeous like this. Almost makes me wish to have you on principle. I always had a think about nurses..." He admits, his cheeks blushing a bit...

...and then he lowers himself, holding her close, his breath hot on her neck... "You know... I have been thinking about you. I have talked with the Angels, especially with the Dark Angel... about you."

Kanti: "Decide, my prince? It was just a conversation about my work, about those I had treated. I am glad that you are pleased at the work I do though, my prince." She smiles brightly up at him, then blushes just a tiny bit

"Like this? ... oh, of course, my prince. I would be happy to ... tend to you."

Then he kneels, and she feels his hot breath on her neck and he mentions the dark angel and she shivers.

"...Yes, my prince?"

Alexander: "I am. It is good to see my saint at work... beautiful garda bird, burning all impurity." He says with a kiss to her lips.

And then it breaks, tender... "See, I have been thinking... on your manners. On how you have been. You are trained like a royal servant, Kanti. You have manners that probably took years to develop, together with such knowledge of dance and etiquette... you see... I was a little puzzled at first how you seemed so... wanton." He says, touching her bare skin, the small skirt, up to her scant underwear... "And I realised why. It was the time with your mistress, right? With the dark ones... and you are coming back to being more of a lady now, right? Our of that crass world now..."

Kanti: Kanti smiles at him, so happy as he breaks her kiss.

And then she keeps a perfectly straight face, as he explains to her what she is, why she is so...ladylike and yet ... wanton.

And part of him was right, of course.
And part of him would make her laugh, if not for fact it would be so improper.

"It is true that I was trained to be a companion to royalty, my prince." She admits, "And that ...she...she fills me with such a hunger." she carries on, her cheeks colouring a little.
But I've never been the pure saint you see,
Always a sinner too.

Alexander: "Knew it... and it makes you look so cute when you blush like this. But we will make you as you were again. I promise you... I am going to wash that away... every bit of it. I am going to purge this darkness and dirtyness from you." He says with a kiss... removing his hand from beneath her skirt, and then getting up, walking to the bed. "So, I bought you something that is more... classy."

He picks it, and brings to her... white, pure lingerie. And black one. With garters, a garter belt... everything.

"Care to put it on?"

Kanti: he...he will cure me?
he...he...will free me...?
can...can he do that?
...or does he just mean the darkness he sees?

Kanti's eyes still leap with hope though, as he speaks of purging her, of curing her of the darkness.

"More ... classy, my prince?" she asks up to him ... and then he shows her the lingerie and she smiles.

"Oh..they are lovely, my prince." she exclaims "And of course ... which set, my prince?"

Alexander: He bends a bit, kissing her forehead... "You choose, Kanti. I trust you..."

Kanti: "Yes, my prince." She stands then, studying the two sets, before she turns to him, another blush colouring her cheek.

"May I go elsewhere to change, my prince ... or...?" she gestures in front of him.

Alexander: "I prefer to watch, yes..." He says, sitting on the bed, leaning back, and watching her... intently. So intently, those twin amethysts felt as they roam around her crimson curves... "You know... when I talked to the Dark Angel. Me and her... I laid with her. And she was so warm. Dirty. Sinful. It was on an abandoned building, surrounded by dust, in the shadows..." He is boasting. He knows that.


The sort of thing he could only do with Kanti... "And I made her whimper."

Kanti: Kanti nods, the deeper crimson of her blush still on her cheeks. "As it pleases my prince."

he is watching me
She slowly unbuttons the Eir uniform, letting it slip to the floor in a pile of white.
he laid with her.
She unhooks her bra and drops that too.
he made her whimper
She slips her panties down her legs, and stands before him barred, exposing her sex to him as she lifts her legs to slip the stockings off, look at him just for an instant before she looks down and at the two sets of lingerie.

Alexander: He watches... oh, is it a show. It is a show, and he loves it. His cheeks redden, shimmering bangs fall over his eyes... and he smiles. "Nothing to say about it? Oh, I thought you would enjoy the thought... you told me how much you like her." His wings flex, as he fights the urge to go to her, bare as she is... so bare, blushing, ashamed, but yet... she will do it in front of him... "Have I ever told you how sexy you look when you change?"

Kanti: "You have now, my prince." She says, just a hint of shame in her voice, an undertone to the happiness.

"And ... I do, my prince. I am .... just not sure what to say ..." She picks up the garter belt, fastening it around her waist with practiced ease, the blackstraps hanging down, framing the cleft between her legs.

Alexander: "So, you chose black."

He picks a white flame in his hand, playing with it absent-mindedly, his fingers moving suggestively...

"It does work beautifully with the crimson of your skin."

He eyes her thighs as he plays with the flame, and for a moment, it is like he sees nothing else of her. For a moment. "Say, you have lain with.. Fiona, Shaliya, the Dark Angel, right? Any other that I know?"

Kanti: Kanti's eyes follow the flame, briefly entranced before she nods.

"Yes, my prince, I choose black." a faint colouring as he compares it to her skin, a deeper blush as he looks so intently at her thighs, before she picks up one of the long stockings, turning and placing her foot on the chair before slowly drawing the black silk up her long, muscled legs.

"I ... laid with Opal once, my prince. She wished for warmth, for companionship."

She lifts her other leg up, the one furthest from the prince now, the spot between her legs visible to him once more as she draws the silk up that leg too, smoothing it out before she attaches the clips to hold them up.

She picks up one of the long black gloves, then.

Alexander: "... Opal? My, I had no idea she was the type... she always seemed so... cold." He was relieved it ended there. He did not know why... or mayb he did. But he kept to himself. "And to think I was so... surprised, when I saw you laying with a woman, with Shalyia... my..." He tries to imagine it. It was... nice to imagine.

Even nicer with the view.

"I should have you do this more often..." He says, his voice coarse.

Kanti: Kanti draws the long silk glove up her arm, smoothing it with an enticing gesture, her pose still one that exposed all he might wish to look at on her for him, pulling the second glove on as she answers.

"..I have lain with many women, my prince." she admits.

She straightens then, all four limbs clad in the smooth, dark silk, garter belt neatly framing her sex for him.

"..Really ... you like .... watching me dress?"

Alexander: She was dressing everything... and leaving her panties for last.

She was doing it on purpose, wasn't she?

Giving him such show, making him so, soo....

"Yes.... yes. You look too sexy while you dress. Too beautiful... it is almost like a dance, for you. A performance..."

Kanti: "Thank you, my prince," she says with another blush as she picks up the bra, slipping it on and fastening it with a flexibility that would be disturbing, if not for the fact that somehow she made it look so natural.

Then the panties, decorated in silk and lace, pulling them up her long legs, hiding her sex from him.

She stands before him, blushing softly and clad in the black silk he bought for her.

"...Does my prince approve?"

Alexander: He takes a deep breath. Tries to be more dignified. Oh, she is... so...

"You are perfect, Kanti... just... perfect. You have my complete approval." His eyes sparkled. It was not just the lust... the performance... it was beauty. He was looking at beauty, and she could see it. Looking her up and down... "Come here, now. Do not kneel."

Kanti: Kanti lets her smile convey her pleasure as she walks over to the prince, standing before him, legs slightly parted.

"...yes, my prince?"

Alexander: "It is a little darker than it should be..." He says, his hand moving up, touching between her legs...

Coming with his fingers wet.

"Scandalous..." He shakes his head "Full of naughty thoughts while getting dressed, Kanti? Shameless..."

He grinned. This was fun!

Kanti: "Ahhh..." the small sound escapes her as he touches, rubs between her legs, before her face turns a deep crimson.

...why does he want me to feel such shame?

"Sorry, my prince ... I could not help it ... not with you watching as you were..." she says, looking down at the floor.

Alexander: "Shameless." He says as he picks her arm, spinning her around and down to his lap. "So shameless." He says, but his tone makes it clear he is loving it. That he is loving that she actually has shame, that she has shame so he can say this... he touches her again, feeling how moist it is... "Me watching should make you uncomroftable, right? Not so aroused... "

"And so cute..."

Kanti: Kanti lets out a soft warm needy sound as he continues to rub between her legs, squirming with just a hint of discomfort as he continues to speak to her.

"Yes prince, yes, yes it does ... but it ... makes me so ..."

Alexander: "Good. It is so very good, right?" He smiles, holding her close, touching her...

"Now, let me tell you what I thought while I watched you."