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At Dusk

It has been three days since the meeting in Windia...

Cael approaches the Seven Sages lair, the Theather of Falling Dusk, Where Stars and Sky Fall to Earth A great mountain that seems made of black diamond, covered with cristalized ice that slides out of most of the diamond for some reason, but stays in parts... like nightfall woven into a mountain, when one sees at the distance. The peak is open, ten different spikes reaching for the sky, as or a stadium, a valley that blurs the lines of sanctum and reality basically the inside is too much of a sanctum to even be considered to exist in a material state anymore. It is also covered in fog from below so only those with methods of aerial transportation or able from make a harsh pilgrimage to the top against cold and air elementals can get to it a nessessary precaution due to the Sages many enemies.

The Mount itself is named simply Mount Dusk, but its name blurs with that of the Seven Sages palace, stretching almost a mile high, a tall spire which branches like a tree into seven sub-spires. Dark as night, shimmering violet and windows as stars, it stands where no mortal can see, a gathering of godlings and the occasional dragon.

It snows now, the snow falling so much the mount is having trouble making it slide down. There is a feel of... loneliness to it, this time. Less godlings than the usual. The manifested ones that could have ran, did... the Celebrants path would come along eventually, of course the city spirits she met ended up destroyed. And her army was growing by the minute... she was certain to make monsters like the ones Alexander destroyed before assaulting something like the Theater. And without Ainerach or Vorpals plan, they were dangerous foes, the war machines and an ever-growing army of undead...

But those problems were gone now. It did not stop how it all seemed... empty.

Inside, Alexsei and Ryshassa saw the snow fall inside the place of omens and mystery... strange occurrences happened at Gethamane, before a myriad of creatures from below begun to crawl out... buried gods and species alike. It was a bloody battle, and as they found out, only the tip of the iceberg. Scythe of Winter came before her fellow member of the Violet Bier of Sorrows, Alexsei Krauser, and told him of the situation. Of Whiteshield. And that his abilities on the combat of the Undead would be needed against those threats.

And of course, of the victory of the two Solars over the Celebrant. They were good, active, and on the right side. The Gold Faction needed an agent there, to touch the notorious Sky Pirate and the Prince of Whiteshield, to manipulate then, to point them in the right way, the way of being pawns of the Gold...

... unfortunately, only Alexsei Krauser was available, as Scythe of Winter said with that many words.

It had to be enough, and so, the goddess of the First Blizzard took the couple to the Theater of Falling Dusk, to wait for the Windwraiths coming, to join forces with the Solars...

And then Neera, a nymph on the service of the Deep Soil Sleeper knocks on their chambers. Mlord, Mlady... it is time. The Windwraith has arrived.

Cael: "Take care while I'm gone, Cal, I won't be long." he says with a grin. Calisara was safe here anyway, then he left the skyship, the cool mountain air touching him, but not too much, the necklace he wore protecting him from that.

"Don't worry Anne, Jurgen might be a little overbearing at times, but he said he wanted to speak with you and he won't hurt you. What he will do is be able to put in a good word for you in Great Forks, should you make a good impression." He smiles down at the young girl in one of the dresses he bought for her. "Just remember, he likes people who are good with thier hands."

Cael sweeps into the hall with Anne and Alex, smiling at the nymph sent to welcome him, letting her lead.

"And how have you been while I've been away, Ayati?"

Ayati: Ayati gives them the pleasant smile of a professional courtier, happy to see their presence there. "Very well, Lord Cael, despite the circumstances... life goes on! But, will I not be introduced to your companions...?" She says, her autumn-colored eyes fixed on the boy of perfect appearance....

Alexsei: The knock on the door breaks his contemplation, and his lips trace a soft smile as he slowly turns away from the window and towards the doorway.

"It is time. The Windwraith has arrived."

Absent-mindedly, Alexsei's hand brush at his robes, already prepared for the planned meeting with the solar Sky Pirate. He had known that the times of peace and quiet were about to end, and that the life he led in Gethamane with his wife would soon be changed by the coming of dark tides - the visit of the Scythe of Winter confirmed his suspicion, and sent both of them forward into the coming turmoil.

"Many thanks to you, dear Neera. We shall be there shortly."

He nods slowly, then turns out to his dear Ryshassa, fixing her with his deep violet gaze. "I believe it is time we meet our destiny, belladonna."

Anne: Anne fidgets a bit, looking at Cael...

I have to tell him, I have to tell him...

Cael: "Oh of course, how rude of me." He says with an easy smile, "This is Alexander Holysheild, Crown Prince of Whiteshield and this Anne Winters, my ward. Anne, Alexander, this is Ayati, one of the many Nymphs in the service of Deep Soil Sleeper."

Ryshassa: Ryshassa starts at the sound of the knock, turning away from the view of the snowfall from the window, their aimless, drifting, lonely dance. She is already nearly dressed, a crisp white linen robe under a kimono of lavender silk, embroidered with tall, stately calla lilies springing from the hem to her mid-thigh. Shaking herself out of her reverie, she reaches for her royal purple over-robe spread upon her bed, and slides her arms into the wide, draping sleeves, arranging her cascades of scented black hair to fall serenely down her back.

Her eyes fall upon her husband, who seems thoughtful, but resolute, his mind already sprinting towards the future that awaits them. "Yes," she acknowledges simply, inclining her head. The vicious battle in Gethamane was but the beginning, and the closer they could come to combating the source of such troubles, the better. Her slender hand grasps the golden, serpent-twined Caduceus, leaning by the door; the artifact presents to her disjointed but pleasant images of joyful reunitement, pleased to be by her side once more. She nods.

"Let us go, beloved."

Anne: Anne looks startled for a moment.... looking up at Cael, eyes wide open...

Pattona... it is... his name, isn't it? It is... he... he said I am...

Cheeks flushed, she nods to the Nymph, partly happy, partly wanting to hide! "Pleased to meet you, Ayati!"

Alexander: Alex nods to the servant, a captivating smile on the young man's face. He was going to see Melody again...

The time in Windia had been good for him. Talking to Valencia, seeing Vorpal getting the armies in motion, knowing he had something more backing him up. More and more, he felt less alone...

... he just had no idea, yet, where he fit in all of it.

Maybe here? he thought as he walked in, "A pleasure, Ayati. I trust you will be a good guide for us!"

Ayanti: "The pleasure is all mine, Anne." As she says so, she feels a little surprised, looking at Anne, trying to find some resemblance between her and Cael... "And you honor me by your presence, Prince." Prince of Whiteshield, Chosen of the Sun. She knew well to treat him with respect.

"You can come in with me my lords. The Sages... and a few other guests... await!"

Cael: Cael smiles warmly at Anne's reaction to her introduction.

I'm glad that makes you happy, Anne. I hope it causes you no pain later. Not on my behalf.

"Other guests, Ayati?" he asks curiously as they walk through the Theatre, towards the main hall.

Alexsei: Leading Ryshassa through the doorway, Alexsei shoots one last glance in the room before closing the door.

"Thank you kindly for waiting, Neera. we shall follow you to our destination, if you would guide us there..."

To the Windwraith, and the young prince, no doubt. It will be interesting to meet them, and learn of their motivations - even if the Gold are not too fond of my methods. He represses a chuckle at the thought. I wonder what master Laisdach thinks of his pupil being known as some sort of wild card...

Ayati: "Scythe and Gideon moved a few strings" She says as she gets closer to the Black Diamond door of the greeting hall - "And they got a pair of other chosen to help you. They are both quiet, kind people... whatever they are, they do not seem as a threat to you, at least!"

Alexander: Other Chosen?

Even more people to our side?

Alexander wondered if there was anything wrong with that information. Seemed too good to be true...

Cael: "Ah, that is welcome news I feel. Thank you Ayati."

Well, it was some good news, and though it was Gideon and Scythe ... they would good at whatever it was they did. Cael though as he subtly wove essence around his form, making him seem just a little more impressive, paving the way for a good first impression on the pair.

Seven Sages: ..And then, the door to the Sage's Chamber opens.

Neither Jugen nor Gideon are there, but Melody stands on her throne of gold, listening to the music of her underlings, which fills the hall with calm joy - Serenade, the Violinist, in particular. Scythe of Winter stands on a corner, her weapon angled in front of her body, her mere presence making the air and the melody that much colder. And finally, Falling Dusk walks down from his throne, his arms open to the visitors.

"Cael Pattona! It has been a long time, Windwraith!" He says, coming closer and giving Cael a hug. Falling Dusk was always a very open person. "And the young prince of Whiteshield. You have my condolences, Alex, and my sympathies. I do hope our Lord Windwraith has been good for you, and that we can give you even more help - we want nothing else than to banish the darkness and get Whiteshield back into the light."

"And... Anne." He looks at the girl with intense sympathy. "Lovely as I had imagined. You are welcome here, Anne, as a ward of Cael. Feel at home."

Melody looks at them as well, but waits for Falling Dusk to do the talking... shaking her head at his lack of manners. He was too open, too informal for the tastes of the goddess, or any of the others. Her smile goes through Alex, a happy rememberance, and to Cael, hitting dead-on with hints of wicked mystery...

Ayati: "That is what I am here for, Lord Krauser. And I do not mind waiting." The Nymph walks besides them, taking them to the Main Hall...

Cael: Cael returns the embrace of Falling Dusk with nary a flicker on his face.

"It has been a long time, Falling Dusk." He nods as he lets the god go. "And I certainly hope the Prince has no complaints."

He says with a grin, then steps aside, nodding to Scythe in greeting, the pair of them never really trading words as usual, and then turning to Melody, treating her to an overly elaborate bow "You are beautiful as ever Melody, and the music is wonderful as always." he straightens himself then, glancing over to Anne and the Prince to see their reactions.

Alexander: Alex looks around the room, breathing the wonder within it, feeling both safe and at home in its regality, in its divine power. He smiles at Melody, resisting the urge to wave, and then, replies to Falling Dusk, "It is a pleasure to meet you, lord Falling Dusk, and you have my thanks for the sympathies and condolences - both of which I am truly in need right now. But not as much as help, and that, you have been more than generous with - I have no idea how we would be right now were we to be without Cael. For that, you have my eternal gratitude." The prince says, joining courtly manners and deep, heartfelt thanks. It was somewhat sad to remember Cael did not do so for himself, but he did owe those gods more than he could ever pay....

Anne: Anne, on the other hand, can barely speak.

Taken by awe, taken by power...

She knew of the Theater of Falling Dusk, but never expected to be inside it any more than she expected to be within the Imperial Manse someday. She knew not of Falling Dusk himself, but could not help but smile and not to him, yet, words did not come to her.

And she knew of Scythe of Winter. And her presence made Anne take a step back, breath becoming ice on her throat...

Sweet Melody: Rhapsody, the flautist, stops playing as her mistress waves. Melody smiles, and her smile composes a melody of joy even in the winter. "And you, my dear Windwraith, a gentleman as always. I am relieved to see you back unharmed, the dead crushed, and the Prince safe - you have my gratitude, my dear. I trust you have kept my gift?" Her eyes run on him, a pleasant happyness in them and on her expression, and mysteries projected by music around the windwraith...

Cael: "Of course, sweet Melody, I always keep it close to me." He says, a sunlit smile on his face.

He reaches for Anne's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze "Is Jurgen here at present? He expressed an interesting in meeting with Anne here."

Ryshassa: Beside her husband, Ryshassa nods graciously to their guide before moving to follow her. As was often the case, it was Alexsei's connection to the Gold Faction that brought them to this dark, majestic mountain. They had met other Chosen of the Sun, in the hopes of turning them towards the Gold, but not all of these meetings went fortuitously. Not all of them took well to the possibility of becoming a pawn, and others were simply driven more by selfishness or greed than what they could potentially accomplish for Creation.

The truth was, though, that Alexsei's philosophy deviated from his faction in certain key ways, and indeed, from the typical modus operandi of the Bureau of Destiny in these days. She knew just as well as he did that he was not the first choice for this mission, and their actions in thus would be greatly scrutinized. Only for her pacifistic nature was she not viewed in a more threatening light for what truths he had deigned to tell her -- and even show her, in the sprawling, immortal metropolis of Heaven...

But she would not always be content to remain secondary, a mere companion in Alexsei's activities, his gentle, soft-spoken wife and healer. She possessed abilities in her own right that she yearned to utilize on a grander scale, not for any desire for power, but for healing the damage done by those who seek it. For the moment, though, she felt woefully ignorant of many things, sheltered and overprotected, except for the few times, like now, she accompanied her husband abroad. Ten years was a long time for hibernation, even for one of the Chosen.

It would change -- it would have to, now that she had been touched by the Caduceus, and begun to formulate some idea of how her predecessor had lived and worked, what deeds she had accomplished even in the face of degradation and corruption. She felt it rise in her, a restlessness that quickened her steps, leading her towards the two Chosen she would soon collaborate with... and perhaps... bring some harmony to a cold, war-torn land...

Sweet Melody: "So I see. I hope it will keep you safe, Cael... it feels like even darker times are ahead."

"He is, but he seems a little... busy, with some experiment. Serenade, dear? Could you go fetch Jugen? Tell him the Windwraith is here with his ward..."

And on a wave of her hand, the violinist stops playing, bows, and hushes to go get Jugen.

"And a pleasure to meet you as well, Anne.Who knows, maybe you will have a promising future."

Anne: "T-thank you, lady Melody..." She says, warmed by Cael's squeeze, but her eyes barely leave Scythe of Winter... as much as she tries to look away.

Falling Dusk: "I am glad to have your gratitude, Alexander, although it should go for all the Sages - we all had a part in it. And for my part, I only expect to be repayed by seeing you live up to your lineage and your duty." He says, as properly as he can, shaking his head, "Please, you can relax. It seems like you will stay more this time - pehaps the main hall is not the best place for our meeting? Maybe somewhere were we can eat, drink and watch the snow would be better for you?"

Alexsei: Following Neera through the corridors, Alexsei, visibly lost in thoughts, distractedly adjust his glasses as his gaze turns out to his wife.


His voice is soft, yet firm, filling the small hallway as the trio march towards the location of their host.

"Ryshassa, a few words, before we step into that room, and towards the turmoil that will undoubtedly rage around us in the coming times..." He pauses slightly, weighing his words, staring blankly in the distance as he folds his arms behind his back, his black robes brushing the ground as he walks.

"Ryshassa, for a decade, we have lived together in Gethamane, and I have taught you, and watched as you became more and more aware of the powers at your disposition... However, I also know that by doing so, I have sheltered you from many things. And I know, more and more, how much you come to comprehend what you are, and how much your soul is now crying to find your path in this world..." He turns his gaze to her, his eyes filled with genuine concern as they meet hers.

"However, now, as we stand... My connections are not what define you. You have matured, and have come to power on your own right. Although I stand by your side, and will honor the word I made on the day we fled the Realm, the promise to protect you... You are now what you were meant to be, one to take her own fate in her hands. What I am saying is..." He takes a moment, pondering the words to use next, then nods. "There is chaos, coming towards us. Many alliances and enmities will be formed, and even though it is the first time you will be confronted with this kind of situation... I believe you are ready to face it, and forge your own path."

"When you step through the doors of the audience chamber, it will not as a follower of Alexsei Krauser. You walk towards fate as Ryshassa, Chosen of the Uconquered Sun and a force in her own right."

Alexander: "I would gladly take you on your generous offer, Falling Dusk."

I'm hungry! And hmmm, something warm to drink, hmmmm!

"Now, Ayati had mentioned other chosen you had called for our aid, and I must admit I am curious about them..."

You said they were quiet? I was beggining to believe most chosen were like the Angels and Valencia... well, the female ones, at least...

Cael: Cael nods to Melody "Dark times I'm sure, but the sunlight will shine through after the storm." Cael is expressing no hope with these words, but stating what will happen as the times move on. The sunlight would always shine after the storm.

"And thank you for sending for Jurgen." he says softly before he turns to Scythe, moving as if by accident to shield Anne from her, as far as Anne can tell, as he addresses the winter "My thanks Scythe for your part in arranging more help for us ... any help is most welcome, though I am curious about who you have found .." he says, fishing for information before they arrive ...

Sweet Melody: "You lacked for a healer, did you not? Well, we found one. Ryshassa Krauser, is her name. A scion of the Realm, even though she is a Chosen of the Sun, like you... she will be valuable to you, I think. She is a compassionate soul - not one we will pay for it, simply someone we had to point in the right direction. Not something you see easily, I don't think..."

"And her husband, Alexsei. He is a shaman, and understands of the dead. He might be of some usefulness for you..." She leaves it at that. If Alexsei wishes to not say what sort of chosen he is, disguise it, or even pretend Ayati had mistaken herself with mentioning two chosen - what his abilities would easily help him do - then he would be able to do it without interruption.

Some secrets must be safeguarded, my dear.

I wonder what you would do if you knew it all.

Ryshassa: Ryshassa blinks, only mildly surprised that Alexsei's words seem to echo her own thoughts. Nonetheless, his pronouncements seem premature to her ears, rather than prophetic. "What I desire and what I feel capable of accomplishing at this very moment are two different things," she murmurs somewhat distractedly in reply, meeting his gaze for but a moment before focusing her eyes forward once more. "I would not even be here if not for you, beloved. But I do thank you for your confidence in me, and in time, I hope I will be deserving of it." She grips the Caduceus more tightly, taking a long deep breath, as their destination comes into view.

Falling Dusk: "Well..."

"....What she said!" Falling Dusk says, his black diamond skin burning with the fiery dots of burning stars, and yet, smiling pleasantly. A white smile amidst a burning nighfall... "In fact... they are in the other room. I suppose I should stop them from coming here if we are going there either way. Everything is ready for our enjoyment... I trust you are all coming with us?" He turns to his companions, walking to the cushioned room at the side of the hall, with a great glass panel which gives a view of the sky outside... a favorite of both Scythe and Gideon.

Scythe of Winter: "I have other matters to attend to" She says, not opening her eyes, her cold lips speaking soft words... each soft and cold like falling snow. She moves away from the wall, past Cael without even looking at him, and then whispers, "Good luck with the girl, Windwraith. We will see how long you shall keep her from her Fate"

Cael: "Ah yes, a healer will be a most welcome companion in this journey, as will someone versed in the way of the dead."

And someone of true compassion. That was indeed hard to find in these times, and would perhaps be even more welcome than what she might bring with her.

I understand the need for secrets, my dearest song, until it gets me killed. But I will trust you to your secrets for now.

"And yes, the other oom sounds like a most pleasant place to meet with them, so please, lead on." He gestures in the direction of the room.

And then Scythe walked past him.

"If the winter claims her Scythe, I will be very unhappy." he says in a very soft whisper just before she leaves his earshot. "Very unhappy."

Falling Dusk: ... And then they get to the other room, just as Alexsei and Ryshassa step in. Steaming hot tea, coffee and two kinds of chocolate stand in tables amidst many blankets in fiery colors, the tables and recipients in the black diamond of the mountain. A few desserts stand there as well. "Make yourselves at home." He says in perfect time as both groups enter the room.

He moves deftly between them, a host always, the spirit of these lands and of all, the one with the most authority to be a host there, "Cael, Alexander, Anne... those are Alexsei and Ryshassa Krauser. Alexsei, Ryshassa... those are Cael Pattonna, the Windwraith, and Alexander Holysword, the prince of whiteshield. I am sure reputations precedes both of them. And this cute little buttom here," He says, pushing her to the forefront, " Anne, Cael's ward. Be nice to her."

Alexander: The Prince stands under the light of noon and snow, the diffuse light of witner coming through the great window... making his hair shine like silver, glittering like a crystal. The light falls on his face, like a painting a statue in its perfection, and yet, it is warm, breathing, alive.

He smiles at them, and his smile seems to fill the room, his purple eyes full of only innocence, determination, and sadness, all in its purest states. Behind him, a pair of great white wings frame his form, complimenting his golden, white and black clothes, which only accentuate the regality with which he carries himself.

And with the smile, hopeful, come the words as he gives them a formal greeting, "A pleasure to meet you, Alexsei, Ryshassa. Words fail me for how grateful I am that you decided to join us in our crusade."

Anne: Placed foward, Anne blushes, her golden hair falling over her petite face, her ice-colored eyes, already getting annoyed for being always, always out of her league... she bows to them, "A.. a pleasure to meet you!"

Alexsei: He smiles, bowing slightly as both groups come into view of each other in perfect synchronisation. "Ah, so you are Cael Pattona the Windwraith, the rather famous privateer. It is a pleasure meeting you here." He smiles warmly, before turning to the young man accompanying him. "Prince Alexander of Whiteshield, it is a true honor to meet you, and I must express my relief to see you safe, majesty." He turns back to Cael, giving a pleasant nod. "And I understand we have you and others to thank for that, sir. You have to be commended."

Those two seem to... shine. As if they held the hope of peace in the North on their shoulders... And in light of the recent events... Perhaps they indeed do.

Pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, Alexsei then turns to the shy, visibly uncomfortable girl standing in front of Cael. "And you are lady Anne. It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, also, milady." Folding his arms behind his back, he looks back at the three of them, nodding slightly.

"I am Alexsei Krauser, funeral priest and scholar of the First Age, At your service."

Ryshassa: Ryshassa bows her head respectfully to each in turn, black, finely-textured strands of hair shielding her eyes but a moment as she does so. "Indeed... it is a pleasure to meet you both, Cael, Prince Alexander. As mentioned, I am the healer Ryshassa, of Gethamane." She straightens, then, layers of silk sleeves whispering softly against one another as she moves.

She graces the prince with a smile as he addresses them. Shining white hair, fair face fresh with innocence and hope for the future, regal even in his youth -- the sight of him stirs her heart. "If my presence here heartens you, Prince, I have already begun to do my job. In the meantime, though, I will at the very least offer my consolation for what has befallen your kingdom, and will do all I can to help make things right again."

"And Cael..." Her gaze slides towards him, regarding him with a brief moment of silence. She seems to recall some daring accounts of piracy involving him, and a certain entanglement with the Haslanti League... but surely this man could not be anything but trustworthy, particularly in the company he now keeps. "I have heard of your... exploits, as well, and I do look forward to us working together in harmony."

Anne's shy interjection nearly catches Ryshassa off guard, and she feels a pang of guilt at neglecting her, as out of place as she must feel. Her face softens, an almost motherly cast, as she addresses her earnestly. "Of course, it is wonderful to meet you as well, Anne. No one person is any less important, we all give our own strengths to the cause. So do not feel shy with me."

Cael: Cael is dressed in a simple looking black shirt and pants, though a closer look reveals they are made of fine material. On his rings there are a few rings, and arcs of gold show from under his sleaves, curving out onto his hand. Over this he wears an immaculately white greatcoat. His face looks young and he has a sunlit smile on his face, though the tone of skin betrays a mongrel bloodline, not of pure northern stock.

Still bearing a tolerant smile from Falling Dusk's introduction, he thanks the god for the introduction with the merest move of his head, and then adopts the pose of a formal greeting in Gethemane, performing it flawlessly.

"It lifts my heart to see you here, Ryshyassa, Alexei, I am truely glad you have decided to aid us against the dark."

He nods to acknowledge Alexsei's comment too

"It was what I could do to help the light still shine."