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The Mouth Of The Void

Leaving a young, handsome child prince on the garden, Fiona heads into the lybrary... the feeling of awe and energy within the Manse never as powerful or awe-inspiring as within it, the book covers shining slightly in the dim magical light of the lybrary... a fountain of wisdom and knowledge.

And the way she was taken in here, with warmth for the first time ever since the gold begun to burn on her forehead marking her as ‘anathema’, having access to such treasures... it was a good destiny indeed. Flapping the pages of the lybrary, she reads about skyships and lots sorceries of the first age, about the creation of wonders, the metaphysics of Malfeas and its Yozis, and discussions on the story of Brighid, the first sorceress. An incomplete collection poorly patched together, with random volumes of collections and references to other books... but yet, more lore than Fiona had seen on her young life.

Lost in these discoveries, she barely heard Adrianna’s entrance as her gentle hand landed on the young Twilight’s shoulder. The Holysword Matriarch and Queen of Whiteshield didn’t look a day past 30, with the beauty of youth and the maturity of age and motherhood. An accomplished sorceress herself, even if Fiona already surpassed her on the magnitude of her power, she still had many Terrestrial tricks to teach. Her smile was warm as she sat on the table opposite to Fiona... “Hope I am not interrupting... are you enjoying yourself?”

Fiona: Fiona looks up. "Oh, hello!" she smiles back. "Not at all - and yes I am, very much, thank you!"

Queen Adrianna: "I'm glad." She says, smiling and stealing a glance at the pages of 'The White treatise', "Cedric wouldn't stop talking about the magic she saw you do... just the display alone willl never leave his memory, it seems... this house seems to be very found of you."

Fiona: Fiona blushes. "I'm glad he liked it - and I really like it here," she smiles. "I'm very happy I found you!"

Queen Adrianna: She smiles, happy at the Solar’s words, "Nevethless... it is dangerous knowledge you have here, child... already, you have more power than most I have ever seen or heard about, aside from old books I always considered legends... what do you intend to do with it?"

Fiona: "I'm... not sure yet... but..." she pauses to get her thoughts in order. "It seems to me that... there are things wrong with the world... and maybe I was given this power so I could help fix them. So I want to try and find a way to do that."

Queen Adrianna: There always are... but it's always good to see people who want to make it better." She says, looking at Fiona like a mother, "You're just too cute, you know. Where are you from, my dear?"

Fiona: Fiona blushes even more. "Thanks! Oh, I'm from," she gives the name of her home area.

Queen Adrianna: "And what was your life like, there?" She says, her face held by the tips of her rigt hand, an amused smile at her face... she knows much, but her skin and hair seem like she has never known what a commoner's life was like.

Fiona: Fiona grins. "Well, not amazingly exciting... my father's a merchant, not one of the really big names, but we didn't have trouble getting by. I always liked exploring, though."

Queen Adrianna: "Hmmm, a merchant? What did he trade in?" She asks, taking the the book and trying to find some detail in it, "Wonder what sort of ambient made a Chosen... specially a cute one like you."

Fiona: "Fabrics, salt, ale and suchlike, things there are always buyers for."

Fiona blushes again at the compliment :)

Queen Adrianna: "'An ordinary village girl', is it what you want to tell me?" She smiles, "Well, I suppose you would be the pearl in village parties and festivals... but you never got to go into these, did you? So young, and seems to have traveled so much since you Exalted... we will have a gala in a couple of weeks, Fiona. Not quite as lively as a village festival, but certainly prettier, specially if we can have you with us" She says, modestly ignoring how pretty her own household looks, "... would you like to take part?"

Fiona: Fiona perks up. "Ooo, that'd be great! I don't think I'll turn too many heads in this company, but I'd love to take part, thank you!"

Queen Adrianna: "Well, we can never have too much beauty, now, can we?" As she says so, she gets up, her hands waving in the air, her anima flaring in a stark, windy whitearcane symbols appearing in the air, circles of runes appearing at her fingertips, touched by her delicate fingers like a piano as she closes her eyes, uttering the words of power in Old Realm, 'Servant of my soul, ye who shall never fail to deliver my will, be it in farthest fire, in the farthest water, in the farthest wood, in the farthest air or in the farthest earth, come forth, my servant, and bring my will to the farthest corners of Creation!'

As she finishes the chant, the runes coalesce in a querubim, a winged creature, a shining blue bird that perched atop her wrist, "Magdalena, my darling... could you come here first thing in the morning? I really, really need you to make a dress worth of nobility for a certain girl... hope all is well there, darling!" blowing a kiss, she lets the cherub go, flying over the window as she watches, turning back to Fiona, "No, before you ask, I hardly ever use this... and most Dragons don't do so in fear of wrecking their furniture. But I wanted to show it to you and ask, do you know this spell, sweetie?"

Fiona: "Thanks!" she smiles. "I like it - I don't know it, though."

Queen Adrianna: "An Infallible Messenger... I think it will be easy to learn, for you... if you were able to get so much being so young!" She says, gritting her teeth for a moment, "Oh, I'm sorry... but it feels almost infuriating a girl so young knows so much that I spent ages trying to master, sweetie... just can't help it.But I would be delighted to teach you, if you will have me as a teacher."

Fiona nods sympathetically. "I don't blame you. But - I'd really appreciate that, thank you!"

Queen Adrianna: She smiles, nodding, as she walks out... "One last thing... do you trust us, Fiona?"

Fiona: Fiona blinks. "Yes, of course."

Queen Adrianna: "You say you don't know how to help... I am glad to help you, but I would like you to help us, if you can... our little kingdom could always use someone like you. If you trust us to do the best, then why not do so with us? Royal apprentice... and probably royal magician before long, the way you are advancing?"

Fiona: Fiona smiles. "It'd be an honor!"

Queen Adrianna: "I'm glad." She says, then keeps walking out... stopping right before the door. "I offer you this, because I also trust you, Fiona... and I know how harsh a world is out there. The Lover not much far to the north, the Bull just a short ways to the south... many powerful like you, who could seek to have you if you were on your own... and, much as I worry for your safety, I also worry about your power. I trust you, Fiona, but I still don't know if I trust your power... one I wouldn't like seeing turned against you, or my country. And the best way to keep it in control is to keep it with us..." She says, walking out and closing the door after her, letting her words hang in the air....

Fiona: Fiona nods quietly to herself. I can understand her point of view on that one - I might feel the same way if I were her.

Whiteshield: The time of reading passes, but before even another hour is through, she notices it is not sunlight coming down the window anymore... and that her tummy is making these odd funny noises it makes when it complains that she has forgotten other things in her body need nourishment aside from her mind...

Fiona: Fiona looks up, blinking. Oh, I didn't realize it was that late! She gets up and puts away the book she was reading, before heading down for dinner.

Alexander: Half a corridor out of the lybrary, stepping out of his room, Fiona almost bump into the oldest prince of Whiteshield, Alexander. He backs up a step for Fiona to pass, his face still looking bruised from earlier, but clean from the bath, the scent of his clean clothes and his perfumed bath strong this up close, the clothes on the colors of the royal family of Whiteshield, white, gold, and purple. "Good evening, lady Fiona!" he says, smiling, with a courtesy, "How are you? Heard you watched me getting my feet knocked out of me earlier.." He says, embarassed.

Fiona: Fiona stops so Alexander can proceed. "Sorry! - I'm well, thanks, hope you're feeling okay? I did - you were great! I mean, sure, he can still beat you, that's why he's your teacher - he's been at it for years - but you fought really well!"

Alexander: "Well, I try...." the boy sounds even more embarassed, "But... thanks. I wish I did better, though... you should see my father, or my older sister. They do it so much better than me... I'm supposed to be a lord here, maybe even a king... and I'm still too far ways from that." He says, shaking his head, "I wish I had seen yours, though... Cedric wouldn't be quiet about it, that cute brat." He says, smiling, the usual older brother attittude feeling so much more mature than his younger siblings....

Fiona: "Well, you've still got plenty of time," she says with the naive optimism of the young, admiring the prince, then giggles at the last comment. "I'll show you sometime if you like."

Alexander: "I'd love that... to see your caste mark, too! They say so much of it... I can't believe on some of the things my mother says you can do!" He begins walking with her, the well-lit corridors of the Manse comfortable and warm around them, "Mother said you might end up being our royal sorceress... and you are old as me! That makes me wonder if I do have plenty of time..."

Fiona: Fiona walks along, enjoying the handsome prince's company. She blushes modestly at the compliment. "Well, honestly, it's more like fate chose me, I wouldn't normally be doing all this stuff already."

Alexander: "Well, it chose you for a reason, didn't it?... And when we look at you for a little while, I guess we can see why." He says, corteously, "Ever wondered why, though? I once read that all chosen have a purpose... even if most of the world thinks you are a devil, now."

Fiona smiles appreciatively at the praise, then nods, "I definitely wonder why - yes, I think fate chose me to do something, maybe to help fix what's wrong with the world - I don't know what yet, though, so, well, at the moment I'm studying and trying to improve."

Alexander: "From what mom says, you are doing a great job at it. She tries to hide, but she is quite jealous too!" He says, grinning, "Wish I was chosen too, so I could help my country right now... they try to pretend all is werll, my parents, but I heard them talking... about how we might not survive on our own. So many threats all around... ever heard of the Bull of the North?"

"From what mom says, you are doing a great job at it. She tries to hide, but she is quite jealous too!" He says, grinning, "Wish I was chosen too, so I could help my country right now... they try to pretend all is werll, my parents, but I heard them talking... about how we might not survive on our own. So many threats all around... ever heard of the Bull of the North?"

Fiona: "I've heard of him, though I don't know anything about him."

Alexander: "A conqueror... some people say he is a god, but most... well, they say he is like you. A barbarian warlord, he destroyed as few kingdoms so far... destroyed many legions of the Realm. He's close by... and all we can do is hope, _pray_ to the sun that he goes south instead of west and north... but... you know, fro all they get it wrong, I like the Realm... most of what I hear of it. I'd rather have it than someone breaking cities and civilization down... " He says, his voice afraid as if talking of some monster below his bed, "If I was like you, I could shine, and lead our army... keep us safe, at least. And maybe go over to him and smite him in the name of Whiteshield!" He says, raising his fist, his eyes lost in dreams for a moment.

Fiona: Fiona nods, "I know what you mean... let's hope someday we can do something about him! And for the moment - let's hope he doesn't come our way."

Alexander: "They talk about someone's lover sometime, but always in hushed whispers... guess they think I am to young to know of lovers and sex." He shakes his head, "I think it's the Bull's... he must be too ugly to have a wife, so he must only have a lover... or maybe barbarians don't marry... do they?"

Fiona: Fiona nods, "I've heard the Lover mentioned - I gather she's someone like the Bull, but I don't know exactly why she's called that - barbarians do marry, as far as I know."

Alexander: "I wonder... I should read a bit more on them. There must be some book on barbarians in the library... Otieno tells me not to fear them, though. He says barbarians are no match for someone who fights with discipline." Then he stops, thinks... "Is there anything you are afraid of, Fiona?"

Fiona: Fiona considers this for a moment. "I'd say there is and I just haven't run into it yet."

Alexander: "You are lucky... I'm afraid, you know. Of all they expect of me.. I have to fight well, to administrate well, to know... and I never read enough, never train enough, never see my father listening to the commoners and making decisions enough... there's always more to do, and I always do so little."

Fiona: Fiona smiles encouragingly at him. "I think you'll do fine, don't worry."

Alexander: "I ever tell you you are too kind?" He says... and the talks continues as you two get the to the dinner. All the Royal family together, coupled with a couple guests, merchants on town, and even Millia there, chatting happilly about likes, dislikes, happenings... Millia's eyes on Alex, Cedric's eyes on Fiona, and compliments and talks on her fabled early shown of sorcery to Fiona's blushing. Happy times... the sort that should be frozen in time and kept forever in a crystal in heaven, and as happy a time as Fiona can remember, same when she was with her family.

But its eternity of fun ends sooner than one could expect, and soon, everybody is gone... and Fiona, back to the Library, as would be expected.... sleep didn't take long to come, with a tummy filled, until... until Fiona's eyes opened wide in shock, hearing the rumble of a storm outside, the crackle of lighting, the roar of thunder, the clash of steel, and the screams of men... awaken by the roar, Fiona's eyes open up along with the door, "Chi..ld..." the voice comes, Maria Brooks' voice, weak and hurt... "Chil..d... hel..p..." She says as she collapses bloodily close to Fiona...