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Garden of Endings

A Garden in the Violet Bier of Sorrows...

After walking in stairways of light and soul.

After walking among Flying Arms, Valkyries, Jackals, the Soul-Collectors.

After glancing upon the Celestial Sphinx. At the Heavenly Butterfly. At the Lotus of Life.

After seeing the Wheel of Souls, and repairing it.

Now, they laid on the grass... Alexsei Krauser, the Black Wing of Conclusion. Lonely Amethsty, the Violet Silence. Golden Fox, the Yellow Flash. Not too far from them her familiar, Karima, laid down on the grass, curled upon itself, the golden, glowing great fox trying to sleep. Amethyst, sprawled on the grass, simply looked at the sky of Yu-Shan through the open ceiling of the garden, and could only voice one thing.

"That was so... intense."

Alexsei Krauser: In the grass he sits, his legs folded under himself and his hands on his thighs as he peers at the changing skies from above the rim of his spectacles.

"It is no common happening, no. But everything has its place, and it is that knowledge that usually ends up rearranging anomalies in the proper order." He smiles a bit, sliding his hands in the sleeves of his robe as he lets the breeze caress his skin, and his thoughts wander briefly to Creation... And to the war waging there, the conflict he is now a part of for better or worse. Of the people fighting this war, allies and friends... And of course, briefly his thoughts wander to his Belladonna, still helping with the war effort while she remains upon Creation's surface.

He lets the thoughts linger for a moment longer before focusing once more - time will come where he can partake in these reflections for a longer time.

He peers back at Amethyst. "We are the embodiment of that concept - perhaps even more so than many others. Fighting and learning are not very different things, at the core - only different applications."

Gennadi: White. The sheer perfection of it is blinding in the light. No decorations, no variation in color... it's almost painful to look at. White coat upon white shirt upon white pants with a white smile. The closest to respite one gets from it is the ivory buttons that hold the long coat closed, the faint shadows that ripple across it as Gennadi moves only serving to frame the blinding effect.

And with him, a woman seemingly made of whiteness herself. "Fancy meeting you here! I hope I'm not interrupting anything important." He bows politely, hands hidden within loose white sleeves. "Just giving a bit of a tour before my torture and interrogation."

Lonely Amethyst: "I wish I could be as confident on that as you are. I bring endings to things I can understand, but tha..." She stops when she hears Gennadi's voice, tensing. She gets up slowly, eyes dripping with venom as she looks the Serenity over... "Ah, torture.."

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: She felt... uncomfortable in this place. The Jadeborn had souls as resiliant as Exaltations, and thus weren't truely mortal... but the heady Essence of the place caused one to notice transitions.

The end of a heartbeat. The cessation of the sigh of a breath drawn. The death of the sound of one's own footstep. Indeed, it wasn't a place with which she was comfortable.

Still, she bore it with her typical stoicism. She elegantly had her arm placed through Gennadi's like some escort or another, even though she was bemused he had taken such pains to match her. The footfalls of her slippered feet were as silent as a mouses shadow. She purses her lips at the word torture, and crooks her eyebrow. Ah, at least with Gennadi, she would never lack for melodrama.

Gennadi: "Only the finest in agony and despair, the best in hooks and hidden barbs. At least I hope so, anyway. I'd be terribly disappointed if my appointment was for something... subpar."

Lonely Amethyst: "Our Lord Galan the Grand Inquisitor was around a little while ago, I am sure he will be glad to see you."

She falls back on the grass again, leaving that for Alexsei, but throwing a single barb... "Think he is busy with everyone else, filling paperwork and sighing in relief. If you weren't too busy doing... whatever unsavory things you usually do, you would know about it... the Wheel was just threatened. Everything nearly broke, in the Department of Abstract Matters. We saved Heaven, too, while at it."

One hand fell over her belly, and realised how the shirt was...

And we need a shower. Damnit, I don't think I've ever sweated so much in my whole life.

After that, having to deal with you is a walk in the park, Genn.

Alexsei Krauser: ... this might get uncomfortable.

He smiles at the new arrivals, inclining his head as he sees the faces of Gennadi and Opal. "Nothing that cannot be suddenly interrupted, in any case." He answers, smiling amusedly in Gennadi's direction. "And Lady Opal... A good day to you. I hope you find Yu-Shan to your liking." He listens to the following quips with a certain apprehension, preferring that things stay amiable, if at all possible... Even though it seems sparks are about to fly.

And yes, as Amethysts stated, our Lord Dalan was here just a moment ago. You should be able to reach him shortly, if your... business is with him." He takes a look at Gennadi's clothes, and ponders for a moment before removing a flock of raven hair, rendered heavier from the sweat, away from his face.

"Would this business have any relevance to the happenings in the North?"

Gennadi: "Oh? Good job... Why, yes. It's my official report. Not just for him, of course, but dear Amy is too sweet for the fear of Heaven that I imagine should be inspired at this sort of official meeting."

Lonely Amethyst: "Some people simply lack fear when they should. Those people are never too smart, you see - and might pet their undoing to their dying breath, never realising their folly. And do not worry, I made sure I am part of your interrogation team. Galan is just busy now, so you will have to wait." She nods.

Gennadi: "Will wonders never cease?" He sits down easily, crosslegged and immaculate in comparison to his counterparts. "I suppose we've time for some smalltalk, then. I was afraid I'd not see you till it was time to return, Alexsei... how's your luck thus far, beyond the usual matters of the end of Heaven itself?"

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: She folds her hands demurely in her lap, and elegantly takes a seat in the grass beside Gennadi. Her lips pursed into a smile as Genn finished his round of banter, before replying to Alexsei's question. "Affairs will soon drag be back to the Terrestrial sphere, I'm afraid."

Alexsei Krauser: "Well, I will be meeting mwith Laisdach soon. Other than that, luck has seen it fit to bid me welcome with an hekatonkire stuck in the Wheel of Souls." He chuckles slightly, since it was something they could afford - now that the threat had passed. But soon thereafter, a shadow crosses his features, and he lifts back his head to the new arrivals.

"But there is something more. Something... worrying, about the state of the affairs we left behind." He ponders for a moment about how to word the next part, and nods to himself once he has reached a satisfactory conclusion. "The coming of the Hekatonkire, I fear, is related to the war we have left behind. There were... images, trapped within the beast's soul. Imprecise, and incomplete, of course, and time was too precious to delve for more... But here is what I could figure out."

"There was a decisive battle fought in Spire. I saw that... the battle was such that the area was almost cleansed of life. Kanti is definitely the one who has sent the Hekatonkire to the Wheel - I was doubting at first, but as the shadows became more precise, I recognized her traits... The previous disciple of Stolen Sunsets. I had heard what was said about her Fate after Stolen Sunsets abandonned her, and have heard of her state since these events through some accounts, including that of my wife. But there... She was shining with purpose. I recognized not only her face, but the very fire she used to put in her dancing, a long time ago. The same consumate sense of devotion to a cause. There is no mistake."

"There were other silhouettes in there, as well. An older man in plate armor, visibly a skilled veteran. Another, less of a visible warrior, but having a powerful aura nonethelles - and a strong force of character. There were two more shapes in the void of the Beast's souls, but I could not identify them." He shakes his head, staring downwards for a moment. "Although I have no names for them yet - those are the faces of our enemies."

He turns back to Opal, and a sad smile crosses his lips as he nods politely to her. "I am afraid we will be in need to return fairly soon also. The state of affairs seems such that our assistance will be required in the near future..."

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: "Such is the gravity of events, is it not?" She said, in a soft, quiet voice.

Gennadi: "Hrm. Interesting information, yes. My own travails are far less interesting... I've simply visited an old friend, spoke with a superior or two, and gotten ready for training." He sighs. "Oh, if you would, relay to your wife that I've someone who wishes to speak with her."

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: "Such is the gravity of events, is it not?" She said, in a soft, quiet voice.

She brushes a few strands of her hair from her eyes as she considers the things imparted, her clockwork mind turning over the symbology. Oh, if only dead behemeoths stuck in fates workings were more clear when one read images from their mind. She firmly resolved to build a thing for that purpose. Hmm, maybe a mirror? A spyglass?

She blinked a bit at her uncharacteristic train of thought, and looked back toward Gennadi. She frowns at him and arches an eyebrow.

Alexsei Krauser: He lifts an eyebrow, then nods. " To my wife, you say? Well... of course. Is there a name I should give to her?"

Gennadi: "Have I forgotten something else important, dear/" He smiles pleasantly. "I'm sorry, it seems that Alexsei has gotten all the interesting parts. My own news is simply par for the course..."

"Spring Blossom. I call her petal, myself, but we go way back... sometimes to my dismay. A simple discussion, a lunch... nothing too important."

Lonely Amethyst: Amethyst simply watches now, worried... the things on the North. The things those two were dealing with...

Hekatonkires and broken lethe, legends and Solars. Such a situation...

It seemed so dire, and yet what else could they do about it?

And she was not jealous about Blossom.

Really she isn't! At all!

Alexsei Krauser: He nods, making a mental note to check upon Spring Blossom eventually, then smiles. "This is noted. I will transmit her the message."

"As for now... Well, the situation is dire, but stable as it stands. We still have a little bit more time to take care of our business here - but I expect to leave as soon as my training with Laisdach is completed. The signs are in place... Something is brewing, and we will most probably need to intervene."

Gennadi: "I do not think I will have the liberty to manage that, I'm afraid. There are so many things I've got to catch up on here... speaking of which, I need a visit from you after your training." He runs a hand through his hair. "Or would appreciate. I can hardly give commands, now can I?"

Galan: He walks into the room clad in an ornate robe, many of the embroided figures and trimming denoting his authority. His skin is violet, and he has horns as a deer's from when hang symbols of his office in a strange symmertry, eyes of a predator and hands of a gardener. And he walks into the garden, calm and quiet.

Galan, God of Punishment, Bureaucracy's End, Inquisitor King.

"Gennadi Ilkov, you have come at long last. We shall hear you now."

  • Gennadi stands, patting Opal on the shoulder when she is about to follow him. "Not now..." As he turns to Galan, that irrerepressable grin shines back. "From where I stand, you're the one who's late. Let's get this taken care of."

Alexsei Krauser: "Well, that could be arranged, yes. I will find a way to contact you once this training session is over. Perhaps then we can meet up and see what you require... unless it is more urgent."

He pauses, inclining his head as Galan comes back into the garden, the proper sign of respect for the Inquisitor King.

"Greetings again, Lord Dalan. I suppose, now that we are no longer needed, that I will retire to my temporary quarters and have a much needed watch. The report on the Wheel incident will be filled by the end of the day, My Lord."

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: She was indeed starting to rise, but she frowned a bit as Gennadi forstalled her. She sighed a bit and merely resumed her sedate expression. "I am to play the part of the woresome maiden, mm?"

Lonely Amethyst: Amethyst gets up... and winces. She thought she would have fun, seeing Gennadi being a smartass to Galan and getting what is coming for him. And yet... that was singularly not fun as he said that just now. Why couldn't she just enjoy it, she thought, putting in her best mask of lack of care, walking towards Galan.

Galan: "You are not to be in the Hearings, Exceedingly Sublime Opal. But you may see the open portions of the Violet Bier of Sorrows at your leisure - we will have questions for you, as well, at a later time." Galan nods. "Greetings, Alexsei Krauser. I will be looking foward to it. Know, always, that we will never forget what you did." He says, then looking at Amethyst and Golden Fox, adding. "What you all have done."

And thus he turns, walking out of the room...

Alexsei Krauser: "Well then." he says, rising to his feet also. "I suppose it is time for me to go as well. Thank you deeply for the help at the Wheel, Amethyst - It was definitely a challenge, but having someone reliable made that easier." He smiles, then turns towards Opal.

"And as for you Lady Opal - I hope you continue to find your stay here pleasant still. Perhaps if time permits it, we can meet up again at a later date - I am deeply sorry about the rush, but the trip that had started as a busy business trip has now become even more busy and pressing." He inclines his head politely, then crosses his hands behind his back. "I shall see you later then, both of you. Please be safe, my ladies."

And with that, he gives a final parting bow, and starts heading to his quarters, for a much needed bath and change of clothing before he would start up his paperwork process...

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: She seems to frown slightly at his leaving, but then nods her head as decorum demanded. She rose to her feet with his departure, and effected a brief bow. She glanced over toward Amethyst, and nodded faintly toward her, "A pleasure." She said, her voice as melodolic as the wind through a chime.

With that, she walked away, her mind a-buzz with questions.

Though she feared the Ending the answers might bring.

Narrator: As he walks out of the Garden, something surprises Gennadi.

Standing before him is a great, tall Spirit with skin of onyx, seeming to melt on the shadows of the Violet Bier of Sorrows. He had the face of a Jackal, sculpted in Onyx, and had little covering his body but collars, bracers and piercings of the purest gold inlaid, the only thing breaking the stark color schemes being a few incrusted sapphires and his white, golden-trimmed pants and skirt. Behind him there was another, more lean, not as strong and tall Jackal, a female that was shorter, but whose sinuous walk betrayed strength... not greater than the taller one, but at least equally deadly. This shorter, female one had no gold, and more sapphires held by something spiritual and white, making her form a contrast even greater than the older one. Jackals. A deeply symbolic creature to Death.

The Violet Bier had a few Spirits of such disposition, but those were not them - if nothing else, the Gold gave them away... and their Onyx build and bodies seemed built for only one thing. They were Soul-Collectors for Lady Taru-Han, those that took the souls Alexsei had many times dispatched to Lethe in the South. He had seen at least the slender, shorter one during his time in Lady Taru-Han's office...

The taller, stronger one bowed his head. "Alexsei Krauser. It is a great pleasure to meet you."

Alexsei Krauser: Taken by surprise at being addressed to by name - and by servants of Taru-Han, no less. He takes a step back, taking a moment to realize what happened before actually breaking into a formal bow, suddenly self conscious of his slightly discheveled, unwashed self.

"Greetings, Honored servants of the Wheel. What brings the honor of such a personal greeting?"

Narrator: "The Honor is mine, Gardener. I am Sekhem Em Pet, Harvester-King of the South, Sheperd of Burning Souls. And you should know why you receive such honor." He says, as he begins to walk within Gennadi, still whispering, but it is not long until they break into the light outside of the Violet Bier, and then he continues, his voice in a normal tone... and only now Alexsei can clearly hear it, and see it... as regal as a king's, and yet, always a snarl.

"You have saved our world, earlier today. True, Golden Fox sped you all, brought you and Amethyst there, helped move the soul; True, Lonely Amethyst used her powers and her connection together with yours'. True, my lady Taru Han was there to oversee it and make it happen; And it is true that she was there," He says as he points to the Jackal-Lady that follows their steps, "Helping to get the corruption through the Wheel. But they all followed you. They all heard you. When the moment came, you were the leading voice among all, and although all shall receive their gifts - beyond the simple knowledge of this - you deserve a greater boon."

Alexsei Krauser: So... that is what this is about?

The compliments touch him dearly, and for a moment he maintain his bow, uncertain of shich word to use, or how to react to such an honor. He had never considered himself glamorous, nor had he ever performed any of these tasks for awards or boons - only because he had, from the very experience of his Exaltation, believed firmly in his duty as a shepherd. This has been a dormant belief in him all his life, and once he was given the powers to help him act upon these things, he had never looked back.

And so for a moment, Alexsei remains silent, his head inclined, mulling over the words. Once he finally straightens up to speak once more, it is still with a deeply humbled stance.

"Your words are generous, servants of the Wheel. I have never taken part of this for the honorifics, nor for the glory - I was made an instrument of Saturn's Wheel, a sorrower and a chronicler as well as a guide to the waywards souls who happen to have lost their way. What was done there could not have been accomplished without the efforts of all, and I merely used my skills to try to help them converge theirs."

"I am deeply humbled by your words, Glorious Ones. But know that in the harmony of the Wheel, and the peaceful sigh of the spirits once again at rest, I find my boon."

Sekhem Em Pet: "I see. I must say you manage to impress me even more, Lord Krauser." He nods, and steps aside, the female stepping foward. "This is Anupu Al Hadei. You remember her from the effort. We are peaceful functionaires... but at times, we must fight. For Taru-Han. For Heaven.And against certain Underworld Spirits and Demons who might seek to drive us and our charges astray from the River of Lethe. It is a rare occasion, but of those, Anupu is my greatest fighter - my equal in this respect."

"And she has decided to follow you, Alexsei. She has asked her leave of her duties to help you."

Anupu Al Hadei: She takes a few steps foward, and Alexsei can see the translucent spiritual material holding her sapphires turning into red... the deepest crimson. The material seemed so shift between those, the light of the wheel and the violent blood. Violence and Harvest, Sheperd and Killer. She knelt close to him, still silent... and finally she spoke, and it was not like a snarl. "I am Anupu Al Hadei, and it would be my honor, Alexsei Krauser. You had a voice of leadership when others faltered, you had a clarity of purpose few retain. I am convinced that I might follow the Wheel better to stay by your side and protect your life than I would if I continued to be a Harvester, much as I will ever honor and love my honored profession."

Alexsei Krauser: He listens carefully... And once again inclines his head at such a strong display of loyalty. "I... am not certain what to say, Sekhem Em Pet. I am not used to these kinds of words - especially not from fellow servants of Lethe. This means a lot to me, Honored one. Much more than you would believe." He then turns to Anupu Al Hadei, and smiles down at her kneeling from, before doing the only thing he deems right to do.

He kneels down, to help her rise again.

"Rise, Proud one. You need not kneel before me. Your devotion to your cause is unquestioned, and we are both servants of the same ideals... Rise, and stand proudly."

He then arises when she does, Holding his hands in front of his lap before speaking once again. "I... Thank you for such confidence in me. To be recognized at such by the devoted servants of Taru Han is a very great honor for me, one I am, in fact, unsure oif deserving... But I have learned thorough my years never to depreciate or dishonor a gift or its giver by refusing it bluntly..."

"The offering you give me is a precious one, and a most touching gift, Anupu Al Hadei. And therefore... I will accept you help. I will accept, but as a fellow servant of the same ideals."

Anupu Al Hadei: "Thank you, Lord Krauser. You honor me more than you can imagine with your acceptance." She says, head still politely low.

"I swear I will strive to be as perfect in your service as I was in Sekhem's."

Sekhem Em Pet: Sekhem looked at Alexsei, inhuman eyes shining with what could be only one thing.


"You are a very humble man, lord Krauser. How rare."

"I must leave you with this boon, then. Believe me, while it was my idea to give you a gift, it was Anupu's desire to follow you. You have inspired many of us this day. You all have, but you in particular. And do not worry, Amethyst and the others shall be equally rewarded by me and my Mistress." He nods, taking one step back.

"I trust I can leave? There are many dead to be seen past the River of Lethe in my Beloved South."

Alexsei Krauser: "It is I who is honored by your gift, Anupu. I have no doubt about your skill nor devotion... I will strive to be worthy of such a gift, and allow you to fulfill your chosen purpose to the best of my abilities..."

He is, in fact, very humbled that anyone would chose to serve him is a notion almost alien to him - he has become used, especially in the recent decades, to being more frowned upon than praised. And so, such a display of... admiration and loyalty only makes him feel very grateful to be able to receive such an honor.

He inclines his head to Sekhem Em Pet, and smiles in his direction. "Thank you deeply, Sekhem, for your kind words and, most of all... For your belief in me. It means much more than I can say." He nods at the servant of Taru-Han, then holds both hands closed together in a gesture of thanks. "Your devotion is admirable, Loyal Guardian. May your journey be safe, and your will remain true. Those who take their duties to heart such as you do are rare - take pride in that."

He smiles, then leaves the elder to be on his way... And then turns to Anupu, smiling at her. "I will need to get back to my quarters, and wash before I fill in some paperwork about the Wheel incident. Is there anything in particular you wished to do, Proud One?"

Sekhem Em Pet: "Farwell, lord Krauser. May we see each other again, many times."

He says with a bow, "May the Wheel not claim you for a long while."

And then, he is gone...

Anupu Al Hadei: While Anupu looks up at him, admiration on her eyes. Proud One. She nearly shivered at the name. He was much more than she even had imagined before, so much more. She smiled - as much as a Jackal can smile, at any rate - and shook her head, before speaking in her voice, soft, soothing, with the cold of a reaper. "No, Lord Krauser. I only wish to walk with you, to learn of your life, and aid you in what you can. If you will allow me to walk you to your quarters?"

Sekhem Em Pet: "Farwell, lord Krauser. May we see each other again, many times."

He says with a bow, "May the Wheel not claim you for a long while."

And then, he is gone...

Anupu Al Hadei: While Anupu looks up at him, admiration on her eyes. Proud One. She nearly shivered at the name. He was much more than she even had imagined before, so much more. She smiled - as much as a Jackal can smile, at any rate - and shook her head, before speaking in her voice, soft, soothing, with the cold of a reaper. "No, Lord Krauser. I only wish to walk with you, to learn of your life, and aid you in what you can. If you will allow me to walk you to your quarters?"

Alexsei Krauser: "Well, if that is your wish, of course, you may. There will not be much to do today besides some bureaucracy - and it is boring enough for me that I would not want to inflict it on you." He chuckles, then shakes his head.

"There might be more troubled times ahead, however. I will soon be meeting with my Honored Master here in Yu-Shan - and therefore, I will scarce for now. But if you are to follow... We will soon be headed to war, and therefore we will need to find our way through various very dangerous situations... What I would suggest, while you are still in Yu-Shan, is that you take your time to make the preparations you need. Once we leave... Then we will be in hostile territory, against the minions of the dead. And there, you will have the opportunity to use your abilities to their full potential.

He nods, then starts the walk back home, accompanied by the spirit who has chosen to help him in his endeavours. The boon he was granted was a very flattering one, and he is glad - but as he walks, his mind turns out to the tasks ahead... And the things he would have to come to expect.

Soon... I will have to face myself again. And see if I truly have it in me - to walk the path I have set for myself. To fulfill my duties, and to fight for the things I believe in...

And to protect what I hold dear.


I will be by your side soon...