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Protean Charm Changes:

Shapeshifting Charms

Hide of the Cunning Hunter: Proteans do not have tattoos, so this Charm is altered as follows:

Cost: 5 motes
Duration: One Day
Type: Simple
Minimum Manipulation: 2
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: None
This Charm weakens the Tell of the character, allowing them to hide among mortals. Reduce the degree of the Tell by 1 (that is, Essence 2-3 is treated as no DBT, and Essence 4+ is treated as 1-2 DBT). An Essence 1 Protean may hide his Tell completely with this Charm.

Masking the Brilliant Form: This Charm stacks fully with Hide of the Cunning Hunter. It requires Essence 2.

Finding the Spirit's Shape: Proteans with this Charm (ie all of them) can reflexively turn into a True Form for 1 mote, regardless of what form they're in, and can reflexive transform into another form by committing 3 motes of Essence to it. This counts as movement for the turn. A Protean may spend 4 experience to turn any form into a True Form. Also, this Charm has minimum Charisma 1.

Deadly Beastman Transformation: This Charm is changed a LOT. It may be purchased multiple times. Each purchase provides a new Hybrid form, which is a True Form. The Hybrid Form costs 5 Essence to transform into, reflexively, and does not count as a Charm use. This Essence is committed.
When purchasing this Charm, a character gains 6 transformation points, which may be spent as follows (they modify the character's base stats while in hybrid form):
2 points may be spent on Strength, Stamina, Perception, or a Gift
3 points may be spent on Dexterity, Appearance, Intelligence, or Wits
The character may purchase additional transformation points at a cost of 2 XP each. Any given Hybrid form may not have more than 10 transformation points per dot of Essence the character has.

Body Enhancement

Crouching Tiger Excercise: The character may increase her Strength by 1 for every 3 motes spent, plus 1 Willpower total, up to a maximum addition of her Essence. This is a Simple Charm that lasts for the scene.

Moonsilver Monkey Excercise: The character may increase her Dexterity by 1 for every 5 motes spent, plus 1 Willpower total, up to a maximum addition of her Essence. This is a Simple Charm that lasts for the scene.

Unarmed Combat =

Body Weapon Technique: If the character's unarmed attacks already do lethal damage, that damage is increased by half the character's Essence (round up).

Sinuous Striking Grace: This Charm is Scene-Length duration.

Hydra Head Attack: Ignore the Initiative-based restriction on this Charm.

Coiled-Cobra Stance: A character may split her die pool on a turn that this Charm is activated; the bonus applies to all truly unarmed attacks made.

Grasping Pseudopod Method: This Charm is Scene-length, Reflexive.

Body-Breaking Kata: This Charm doubles post-soak damage before rolling instead of extra successes. It must be activated before soak is applied.

Foot-Confusing Buffet: Double the initiative penalty of this Charm.

Ranged Combat Charms

Two-Target Method: Apply the full rolled attack against the first target; if it is dodged or hits successfully, apply the same roll to the second target. Parry successes by the first target reduce successes against the second.

Arrow-Shaping Method: The character may spend 1 mote per arrow as an Instant effect, or 6 motes and a Willpower to transform any arrows for the scene.

Defensive Charms

Steel Paw Style: If the character can already parry lethal attacks, this Charms adds half her Essence (round down) to the parry attempt.

Flowing Body Evasion: This is an Instant, Reflexive Charm, costing 5 motes and a Willpower. If the character succeeds on a Dexterity + Dodge roll with no modifiers, they perfectly dodge one attack. This Charm cannot be comboed with Charms that boost a dodge attempt or Charms that convert Dodge dice to automatic successes, and the character cannot take an automatic success for having a large die pool.

Pack-Saving Method: This Charm may be used after a Lunar has taken her action for the turn.

Invunerable Moonsilver Carapace: This Charm is considered Instant duration, but its effects last for the turn. It applies a 1-die penalty to Dexterity and Perception instead of 3. This Charm also increased the Protean's Hardness by 4; this may exceed the normal 12 Hardness limit.


Form-Fixing Method: This Charm does not exist.

Tattoo-Cutting Wisdom: This Charm does not exist.

Moonsilver-Shaping Ritual: This Charm does not exist.

Sorcery Charms: Both these Charms follow the normal Sorcery rules.