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Essence 3 Charms

Elemental Warrior's Nature</b>

<b>Cost: Variable motes, 1 Willpower, Type: Simple (Speed 4, DV -1)
Keywords: Elemental, Obvious
Duration: One Scene

Drawing elemental energy around herself, the character charges it into herself or her weapons. This Charm is purchased once for each of the five elements. Upon activation, the character may create elemental armor around herself, elementally charge any weapon she carries (including a bow or natural weapons), or create an elemental anima that can be used to throw bolts of energy. Each weapon or armor created costs 4 motes, with 1 Willpower required for all combined.

Elementally-charged weapons increase their damage by (Essence)L and become elemental damage, always dealing lethal damage. Elemental armor stacks with ordinary armor and grants the character an additional (Essence) to all soaks. Elemental bolts have the following stastistics: Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage (Essence +1)L, Range (Essence x10) yards. In addition, the character gains a special advantage depending on the element in question:

Air weapons buffet and slow their targets; a successful hit applies a further -1 DV penalty until the target's next action. Air armor pushes weapons away, applying a -1 external penalty to attack rolls against the character.
Earth weapons apply crushing damage, increasing the character's pre-rolled damage by 2 and post-rolled damage by 1 when determining Knockdown and Stun, and increasing the difficulty of resisting those effects by 1. Earth armor is stronger than other armors, increasing soak by an additional 3 points.
Fire weapons are extremely hot, increasing damage by +3L. Fire armor strikes those who attack the character; they must soak 3L environmental damage, with a Trauma rating of 3.
Water weapons slip around armor to strike at their enemies; they reduce armor soak by 4, but have no effect on less armoured targets. Water armor cushions the character from heavy blows, reducing post-soak damage by 1 die.
Wood weapons tear at their opponents, causing a great deal of pain. Every successful hit inflicts a -1 wound penalty on the target for the duration of the scene; no more than 4 points of penalty may be applied in total. Wood armor is living; every strike against it has its post-rolled damage reduced by 1 level, but this also reduces the armor's soak by 1, to a minimum of 0 - if the armor has 0 soak, it does not reduce damage. The armor recovers 1 soak per action.