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Back to the age of Bagrash Kol

The North: Grand Empire of the Sorcerer-King

Thirty years ago, it began to grow. It has expanded in fits and starts, ever-growing despite the legions of magical force that have been thrown against it. Heaven shakes at its power, and the world trembles as he directs it. He is Bagrash Kol, and the North is his complete domain.

The Empire of Bagrash Kol

Unlike the Dynasty, whose power derives from their heredity and the Mandate of Heaven, Bagrash Kol has reshaped the Empire into what could generally be called a meritocracy. Kol has divided his Empire into administrative districts, not unlike those of the old Shogunate, each of which contains roughly one million people and is controlled by a governor

The Metaphyiscal Nature of the North

For all intents and purposes, the North is changing. The Terrestrial gods of the region have been forced out, or forced to bow their knee and accept Kol's domain as law. With a handful of exceptions, the Celestial gods have no power or authority in the Empire - Kol weaves his own custodians as he reshapes the land to suit his needs. Fate moves in the North as Kol wills it, and the Eye of Autochthon filters destiny - in his hands, even the Loom itself can only react, not alter, the tangled webs of fate that are woven.

Kol's control of the North expands slowly, whenever he can force the obedience of local gods. Using the Eye, he takes mystical control of the dragon lines of a nation or landscape, tying them into his empire and taking them away from the world. As of yet, no one has figured out how to undo this transmutation, but the effects seem to be minor. Exactly what Kol can accomplish with this control is debatable. Certainly, his control of terrain seems more total within his empire, but as the limits of the Eye aren't known this could be as much a political concern as a physical one.

Territories of the Empire

Bagrash Kol controls the North. From his seat of power in the flying city-castle of , through the ancient cities of Gethemane and Whitewall, to the barbarian tribes that pay him allegiance and the city-states of the Northwest, the entire Direction is his. The only nation not yet absorbed is Cherak, which still pays nominal tribute to the Realm, and their ability to hold out is likely not to last.

Westerly, Kol's empire stretches to the Nine Duchies of the coastal Northwest. A year earlier, they rebelled against the Realm and attempted to join Kol's expanding empire, but were crushed before the Sorcerer-King could accept their fealty. Now, with their dissenting elements crushed, they represent one of his first failures in years. However, his agents continue to spread into the Duchies, and if war breaks out with the Realm, it may take place here.

Kol's eye, however, is focused to the East. His forces have spread around the great nations of Halta and Linowan, bordering Sijan, Greyfalls, and the Confederacy of Rivers in general. Agents of the Sorcerer-King bring their focus to bear against all four nations, trying to bring them into the Empire's fold.