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Back to FrivYeti/TheHouseSetting


(Note: This applies to normal Solars, not to Cult Solars or those with fancy upbringings.)

CASTE: Any Solar caste. NATURE: Any.

ATTRIBUTES: Primary 8, Secondary 6, Tertiary 4, as normal.

ABILITIES: 25 Ability Points, with at least 10 points in 5 Caste and 5 Favoured as normal.

BACKGROUNDS: As normal. HOWEVER. Use the revised Background list, as follows:

From the Core Book: Allies, Backing, Contacts, Influence, Mentor, Resources From Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded: Henchmen REVISED BACKGROUNDS: Artifact, Familiar, Followers, Manse

Artifact: Solars purchase each Artifact as a seperate Background, rather than pooling their dots into one Background.
Familiar: See the Familiar section in the Miscellaneous section. I'm too lazy to copy/paste it everywhere.
Followers: Followers applies as follows:
o - Up to three followers
oo - Up to ten followers
ooo - Up to twenty-five followers
oooo - Up to fifty followers
ooooo - Up to one hundred followers
Manse: As with Artifact, Solars purchase each Manse or Demense as a seperate Background if they are lucky enough (and powerful enough) to have more than one.

VIRTUES: Solars begin play with 6 dots of Virtues. A single Virtue may be purchased up to 4 with these points; the others may be purchased up to three.

CHARMS: 10 Charms, as normal.


BONUS POINTS: As normal.