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Primordial Shapings

All of the Primordials have the innate ability to manipulate the fabric of Creation and Malfeas, shaping the world in the way that the Fair Folk shape the infinite possibilities of the Wyld. The lowliest beings can perform only small shapings, but greater Primordials can create vast objects and entire species using their powers.

Primordials have a number of total Shapings equal to their Essence score minus one. There are nine Shapings in existence.

Shaping The Physical

Basic World Shaping</b>
Requirement: Essence 2

Using Basic World Shaping, the character can create physical objects that are solid or liquid in origin. This power covers the elements of Earth and Water and their natural extensions.

In order to make a shaping, a character must determine the size and complexity of the object. Size determines how long it takes to create, while complexity determines the difficulty of the roll to do so. The two tables are as follows:
Tiny Object (Size 0): Solids that weigh under a pound or up to a litre of liquids require only a Speed 5 action to create, and the expenditure of 3 motes.
Small Object (Size 1): Objects of up to twenty pounds or litres require thirty seconds of focus and effort, and spending 5 motes.
Moderate Object (Size 2): Objects of up to five hundred pounds of litres require two minutes of focus or effort, as well as 10 motes and a Willpower.
Large Object (Size 3): Objects of up to ten tons require ten minutes of focus and effort, along with 20 motes and a Willpower. (This covers most small houses).

Simple Elements (Complexity 0): Simple elements require successes on an Essence + Willpower roll equal to their Resources cost.
Composite Elements (Complexity 1): Raw resources that are a mix of materials require 1 success above those for a Simple Element.
Basic objects (Complexity 1): Objects forged from a single material require 1 success above those for a Simple Element.
Complex objects (Complexity 2): Complex objects with multiple parts require double their Resources value in successes, as well as doubling the time required to craft them.

Characters can create any mundane objects with this power, but may not create Artifacts. The total Size + Complexity of the object may not exceed the character's (Essence +1). If a character fails to gather enough successes on a roll, they must either continue rolling again with a second expenditure of motes and Willpower, or allow the object to end half-finished.

While crafting, the Primordial may not be interrupted; if she takes any action other than crafting, including reflexive actions, the effect collapses, leaving a half-finished physical design that is considered complete and cannot be continued later. If injured, she must roll Stamina + Resistance at a difficulty of the number of Health Levels of damage taken to continue. Primordials cannot reshape objects once they create them; they must destroy them or affect them with Charms to work changes.

<b>Advanced World Shaping</b>
Requirements: Basic World Shaping, Essence 4

This Charm increases the scope and power of Basic World Shaping. First, the costs of all Basic World Shaping effects are reduced by 5 motes, to a minimum of 1 mote.

Secondly, three new Size ratings are added. Their costs are not reduced:

Massive Object (Size 4): Objects of up to one thousand tons require an hour of focus and effort, along with 35 motes and two Willpower. (This covers palaces and fortresses).
Immense Object (Size 5): Objects of up to one hundred thousand tons require six hours of concentration, along with 45 motes and 3 Willpower.
Colossal Object (Size 6): Objects of up to ten million tons require a full day of concentration, as well as 60 motes and 4 Willpower. This covers small towns or mountains.

In addition, the character gains the ability to create Artifacts of Levels 1-3. Such Artifacts cost 2 Willpower above the normal costs for the object, and multiply the time for an object of their size by four. Finally, they increase its Complexity by their rating. Construction requires a total of the object's (Artifact Rating +2) x5 successes. Willpower spent constructing Artifacts recover at a rate of one per week, and cannot be recovered by other means.

<b>Primordial World Shaping</b>
Requirements: Advanced World Shaping, Essence 6

This Charm maximizes the scope and power of Basic World Shaping. It was with it that the Primordials gradually crafted Creation itself. The first effect of Primordial World Shaping is that all Willpower costs of World Shapings are reduced by 1, to a minimum of 0.

Secondly, three final Size ratings are added. Their costs are not reduced:
Titanic Object (Size 7): Objects of up to two hundred million tons require a week of crafting and the expenditure of 75 motes and 4 Willpower. Small mountains and seas are covered by this category.
Regional Object (Size 8): Objects of up to one billion tons require two weeks of crafting, along with the expenditure of 90 motes and 5 Willpower. This covers typical mountains and plains.
Global Object (Size 9): Objects of any size greater the above can be crafted only after a month's effort and the expenditure of 120 motes and 6 Willpower.

Finally, the character gains the ability to create Artifacts of Levels 4-6. Such Artifacts cost 20 motes and 4 Willpower above the normal costs for the object, and multiply the time for an object of their size by ten. Finally, they increase its Complexity by their rating. Construction requires a total of the object's (Artifact Rating +2) x8 successes. Willpower spent constructing Artifacts recover at a rate of one per month, and cannot be recovered by other means.

Shaping The Living

<b>Shaping The Beast</b>
Prerequisites: Essence 2

The Primordial is able to create basic plants and animals, forming their natures from the very Essence of the world. Using this Shaping, the character may create up to (Essence) creatures at once. A Primordial may not create a creature with Complexity greater than her Essence rating; Complexity is the sum of Size and Power ratings, as listed below.

Size 0: A creature up to the size of a mouse.
Size 1: A creature up to the size of a dog.
Size 2: A creature up to the size of a horse. (+1 maximum Strength and Stamina)
Size 3: A creature up to the size of a mammoth. (+5 maximum Strength and Stamina)
Size 4: A creature up to the size of a great whale. (+10 maximum Strength and Stamina)
Size 5: A creature up to the size of a small mountain. (+15 maximum Strength and Stamina)

Power: A creature's Power is equal to the sum of its point cost. Attributes and Health Levels cost two points each, Abilities and Willpower cost one point each, and Specialties are two per point. Non-sentient creatures do not have Virtues. Plants do not have Social Attributes and rarely have Mental Attributes, Dexterity, or much in the way of Abilities. Few animals have Intelligence scores. Attributes and Abilities past 4 cost double. In addition, characters may purchase Mutations for their new creatures. Positive Mutations cost 1 point each, while negative Mutations provide one point each.

A creature may not have Power more than one point greater than its Size.

Power 0: A creature with up to 10 points; a typical small plant, insect, or other simple being.
Power 1: A creature with up to 50 points; a typical small animal such as a cat or sparrow. Cannot have Attributes or Abilities past 5.
Power 2: A creature with up to 70 points; a more complex being such as a horse or wolf. Cannot have Attributes or Abilities past 6.
Power 3: A creature with up to 100 points; a powerful creature such as an omen hound or a strix. Cannot have Attributes or Abilities past 7.
Power 4: A creature with up to 150 points; a mammoth or tyrant lizard. Cannot have Attributes or Abilities past 8.
Power 5: A creature with up to 200 points; an ancient and devastating monster.

Crafting thinking beings requires an extended Essence + Willpower roll. For creatures of Complexity 1-3, one hour is required per roll. For creatures of Complexity 4-6, one day is required per roll. For creatures of Complexity 7-9, one week is required per roll. On each roll, the character must spend motes equal to the creature's Complexity x3, and one Willpower for creatures of Complexity 4 or higher. The character needs a total number of successes equal to (Complexity x2).

<b>Shaping The Thinking Being
Prerequisite: Essence 4, Shaping The Beast

This Shaping permanently increases the scope of Shaping The Beast; it allows the character to create thinking, ensouled beings. By spending an additional 2 motes and a Willpower per roll, and increasing the Complexity of the being by 1, the character can spend the creation points on a number of additional capabilities, purchasing Social Attributes, Intelligence, Virtues (all Virtues begin at 1, and cost 1 point each to raise, up to a maximum of 5), and Essence (which costs 2 pts per dot up to a rating of 3, and 4 pts per dot up to a rating of 6; Essence cannot be raised to higher than one below the Primordial's rating). The character decides which Virtues apply as the creature's base.

Thinking beings are able to learn; their Attribute ratings are considered to be "average" for their species, and they can raise them up to 3 pts higher. Abilities cannot be raised past 5. Essence cannot be raised past 6.

Shaping The Species</b>
Prerequisite: Essence 6, Shaping The Thinking Being

This Shaping permanently increases the scope of Shaping The Beast and Shaping The Thinking Being. By spending +5 motes and +1 Willpower, and by doubling the creation time, the Primordial can create (Essence x10) beings in a single creation process instead of the usual lower number. Alternately, +20 motes and +2 Willpower can be spent, and the initial creation time can be multiplied by 5, to create (Essence x50) creatures. It was in this manner (although gradually) that the greater Primordials created the first generations of every race in Creation.

=== Shaping The Process ===