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Revision as of 17:31, 5 July 2006 by FrivYeti (talk) (*All Passive Physical Knacks complete)
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Passive Knacks: Physical

Combat: Offense

Combat Whirlwind</b>

Requirements: Dexterity 3, Melee or Unarmed 3

The character is skilled at fighting multiple opponents. She gains +1 rate, and when directing attacks at multiple opponents, may cancel up to her Kismet worth of multiple action penalties on each attack. This Knack does not apply if the character hits a single opponent twice, nor does it benefit non-attack actions.

<b>Disarming King</b>

Requirements: Dexterity 3, Unarmed or Melee 3

The character is skilled at removing an opponent's weapons. An opponent's Wits + Melee roll to keep a weapon when the character makes a Disarm check is at an internal penalty equal to the character's Kismet.


Requirements: Dexterity 3

The character can strike without leaving herself open. She reduces the total DV penalty of her action or flurry by 1, as long as she made at least one attack.

<b>Fists of Stone</b>

Requirements: Strength 3

Some characters know how to leave a mark. All of the character's unarmed attacks have their damage increased by his Kismet.

<b>Heavy Hitter</b>

Requirements: Strength 3

They set 'em up, and you knock 'em down. The character adds her Kismet to her Strength when determining whether opponents suffer from knockback or knockdown, and may choose which of the two effects her target suffers. In addition, knockback and knockdown checks are made at a -1 external penalty.

<b>Merciful Warrior</b>

Requirements: Compassion 3, Valor 3

When the character wishes to, she can be a merciful opponent. The character may choose to apply an opponent's Lethal soak to all of her attacks that deal Bashing damage. In addition, she may deal Bashing damage with any weapon that would normally deal Lethal damage without penalty.


Requirements: Strength 3

Most physical objects can't be hurt by human hands. But some characters are different. The character reduces the soak of all inanimate objects by double her Kismet, to a minimum of 0.

Combat: Defense

<b>Lucky Breaks</b>

Requirements: Stamina 2

The character is incredibly hard to kill; attacks just roll off her. The first time that this Knack is purchased, the character gets an extra -0 Health Level. This Knack may be purchased a number of times equal to the character's Kismet.

<b>One-Man Army</b>

Requirements: Dexterity 3, Dodge 3

It is impossible to back a truly skilled opponent into a corner. The character may cancel up to her Kismet worth of co-ordinated attack bonuses by any and all opponents.

<b>Quick Recovery</b>

Requirements: Athletics 3, Wits or Awareness 3

You can't keep a good man down. The character reduces the DV penalty of all non-combat actions (Rise From Prone, Dash, Miscellaneous, etc) by 1.

<b>Standing Strong</b>

Requirements: Dexterity 3 or Stamina 3

The character always keeps her balance. She receives +1 die to Athletics rolls based around balance, and is completely immune to all knockdown and knockback checks that are not caused or enhanced by Knacks or Techniques. Against these, she receives a die bonus on her check equal to her Kismet score.

<b>Tough Cookie</b>

Requirements: Stamina 3, Kismet 1

Some characters are as strong as stone. The character's Bashing and Lethal soak are increased by (her Kismet +1), as long as she is not wearing armour. If she is wearing armour, use only the higher of the two ratings.


Requirements: None

Sometimes, you have to even the odds. If the character is unarmed, all attacks against her by armed opponents suffer an external penalty equal to her Kismet. If she is armed only with a melee weapon, ranged attacks against her suffer this penalty. If the character uses a weapon, this Knack ceases to function for the duration of the scene.


<b>Awakened Essence</b>

Requirements: Unarmed 2

The character learns to harness her Essence. She now has an Essence pool, can raise her Essence, gains the benefits of Awakened Essence, and can learn Martial Arts Techniques.

<b>Fast Healer</b>

Requirements: Stamina 3

One minute the character is down, the next she is ready to roll. This Knack varies by Kismet. At Kismet 1-2, the character treats every health level as one less serious level for the purposes of healing (-1 heals as -0, and so on). At Kismet 3-4, it becomes two less serious (-1 and -2 as -0, -4 as -1, and Inc as -2.), and at Kismet 5-6 it becomes three less serious (-1, -2, and -4 as -0, and Inc as -1). The character cannot improve healing past the -0 level with this Knack, but it stacks normally with healing magics.

<b>Fast On Her Feet</b>

Requirements: Athletics 3

Faster than a speeding horse. The character adds her Kismet to her Dexterity to determine movement speed, and to her Strength + Athletics to determine jumping distances.


Requirements: Stamina 2, Resistance 3

Poison, drugs, and disease just roll off some lucky people. The character reduces the total number of times that she must roll for Poison damage by her Kismet, to a minimum of 1. In addition, time spent affected by disease is divided by her Kismet, and she gains one free success on all rolls to resist disease and poison.

<b>Optimized Metabolism</b>

Requirements: Stamina 3

The character doesn't need much to do a lot. She only needs to take one meal for every (Kismet +1) meals she would normally require, she reduces the number of hours she needs to sleep each night by her (Kismet +1), and she divides the amount of water that she needs to drink each day by her (Kismet +1).


Requirements: Temperance 3 or Willpower 7

Pain is but a minor concern to a true hero. The character may ignore up to half her Kismet (rounding up) worth of wound penalties, or other internal penalties based on pain or distraction. The character may not act while Incapacitated.


Requirements: Strength 3, Athletics 3

When it comes to being the group pack mule, the character is impressive. Add her Kismet to her Strength + Athletics for the purposes of lifting and carrying objects.


Requirements: Survival 3

The character is happy out in even the worst of the elements. She adds her Kismet as automatic successes to resist all environmental hazards, and reduces damage from these hazards by 1 (this can reduce damage to 0).


Suggestions for ever-more Knacks are welcome!