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Back to The Heroic Exalted

Storytelling the Heroic Exalted

In many ways, the Heroic Exalted are like Solars; powerful beings, charged with the defense of creation. However, their Charmset and the ideals that embody them lead the Heroic Exalted down paths that other Exalts do not, to the same degree, tread.

The following are a few things to keep in mind as a Storyteller or player of the Heroic Exalted.

The Burdens of Heroism

The most important thing to keep in mind for Heroic Exalted is that they are constrained in a way that other Exalts are not. Solars, Lunars, Sidereals, even Alchemicals can be self-absorbed and villainous, but that role is denied the Heroic Exalt. The power of Imposition prevents them from using their powers at the expense of others, and at first glance, this can seem a burdensome thing from a game standpoint, but there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, Imposition is internal; it depends on the views of the Heroic Exalt in question rather than on an external moral force (for the most part; the strictures against harming Autochthon are a special case). While this should not be license for a character to simply declare that people suffering isn't wrong to them, exactly what qualifies as a wrong can vary from person to person - one might consider the suffering of Fair Folk not proven evil to be wrong, while another could very well believe that slavery is a right and necessary part of the maintenance of Creation. The trick is to define the difference between things that a character does not believe to be wrong, and things which a character knows to be wrong but which he does anyway (typically embodied by poor Virtues). The first does not trigger Imposition, the second does.

This also means that, ultimately, Heroic Exalted can very much end up fighting one another, despite Autochthon's hopes. Consider a member of the Linowan who is Exalted; he will likely consider the destruction of Halta to be right and just, which could easily bring him into conflict with a Haltan Heroic Exalt. In addition, it is conceivable that, with the right derangements, a Heroic Exalt could wind up a dangerous villain because his beliefs compel him to acts that others would consider evil: perhaps he views the existance of the Wyld as wrong, and has made it his mission to destroy all people with Wyld mutations, regardless of circumstance.

The Role of Mortals

The second thing to keep in mind about the Heroic Exalted is that their power is drawn from the people around them. Heroic Exalted quite literally cannot exist in a vaccuum; without their connections to others, most of their Backgrounds fail and their magic fades away with it.

This should be a reminder to the Heroic Exalted; while they are strong, they are mortal. Be sure, as Storyteller, not to let mortals fall by the wayside as the Heroic gains in power. Show the strange duality between the increasing might that the Exalt can bring to bear, and the adoration and respect of the 'mere mortals' that surround her. Unlike other Exalts, there is no existing belief about Heroic Exalted, and their anima banner does not manifest itself in a way similar to the Celestial or Terrestrial Exalts; without extensive exposure, most will simply assume them to be god-bloods or other heroes. Heroic Exalted remain tied to the world around them; they cannot simply transcend it in favour of a world of their making, they must remake the world according to their desires.

Backgrounds As Traits

It can seem intimidating for a Heroic Exalt to depend on mortals and organizations for their power, and the relative ease with which such power can be lost should be balanced against the fact that these are traits which the character has purchased. In addition, the fact that these Backgrounds are required creates an additional dichotemy for Heroic Exalts: The difficulty with which they can use their Charms to increase their Backgrounds directly.

Heroic Exalts require high Background ratings to gain most of their extensive powers. These Background ratings must therefore be acquired, and the Storyteller should not shy away from allowing them to be. This can create a very different dynamic than many non-Dynastic games, as most Heroic Exalts will end up having numerous Backgrounds rated at 5. At the same time, it should not be a matter of just spending the experience. Backgrounds have to be earned, and in the process the power of the Mortal Exalted must be earned. It cannot simply be handed to those of skill; that skill must be used.

In situations where a character loses a Background, either through player mistakes or through the vagueries of the storyline, the Storyteller should allow the character to regain the Backgrounds quickly through some other story means - if her soldiers are killed, nearby villagers might flock to her banner, if she will take them. In game terms, imagine that, once the Background has been acquired, the character will have to fail their responsibilities fairly dramatically to lose access to her Charms.

Storytelling a Mixed Group

Heroic Exalted are of the Celestial level; placing them in a Dynastic game should be done only if the players involved are willing to deal with power imbalances. In a mixed Celestial game, Heroics will often find themselves occupying whatever places are not filled by other Celestials; they can fill Solar, Lunar, or Sidereal roles, if not quite as well as any of those three. They will be most useful in a nation-building game, in which case they will usually offer a second-place support role to a Solar or Lunar master, while being more public and obvious than Sidereal supporters.

Heroic Exalted are fully capable of running across any other Exalt type as an antagonist. Their nation-building is likely to upset both Sidereals and Lunars, who have their own plans, and especially Abyssals, who are having enough trouble with established Exalt types without needing a new, unknown problem thrown in the mix.


Should there be any other entries that I'm not thinking of? - FrivYeti

How do they interact with akuma? Can they become Infernals? I'm gonna guess the answer's no but Autocthon's a Primordial. If they got deranged, I can see his Heroes extending their allegiance to all living Primordials...