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Charm Lists

The powers that individual gods or Primordials have at their disposal are limited in number, and thus many of those powers must be versatile and multi-faceted in order to be at their most useful. In addition, many Charms are very similar to one another - one god might throw lightning while another summons orbs of flame, but both are using the same Charm. Most gods have a single Charm from each Essence level, but some have more Charms of lower Essence than they technically require.

When Avatars learn Charms from spirits, they learn the Charm in the exact same manner that the spirit in question knows it. Avatars can learn the same Charm from different spirits in order to develop a variety of uses - but few of them bother to really do so.

Charms do not have any prerequisites other than a required Essence rating; however, many of them use particular die rolls that encourage an Avatar or spirit to have the appropriate Attributes, Abilities, or Virtues at higher ratings.

Charms By Essence Level

Essence 1 Charms
Essence 2 Charms
Essence 3 Charms
Essence 4 Charms
Essence 5 Charms
Essence 6 Charms