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Perceptive Abilities

Acute Senses</b>

Requirements: Perception 3

The character's senses are unnaturally acute. The character substracts her Kismet in external penalties on all rolls dealing with her five basic senses.

<b>Bat Ears</b>

Requirements: Perception 3

The character is at home in the darkest night, or with her eyes closed, using her other senses to compensate. She suffers no penalties whatsover for being without sight, and has a 360 degree field of awareness. If the character suffers penalties to hearing while blinded, they also apply as sight penalties.

<b>Eagle Eyes</b>

Requirements: Perception 3 or Awareness 3

The character's eyesight is incredible. Double her range of vision in all situations. This also adds +50% to the range increment of her ranged weapons.

<b>Quick Reactions</b>

Requirements: Wits 3

The character is always ready for danger or opposition. She adds half her Kismet (rounding up) as automatic successes on Join Battle / Join Debate / Initiate War rolls.

<b>Sixth Sense</b>

Requirements: Wits 3 or Awareness 4

You just can't get the jump on some people. The character adds her Kismet to all rolls to detect ambush, unexpected attacks, or the like.


<b>Instant Expert</b>

Requirements: Wits 4 or Lore 4

The character doesn't actually know everything, but she certainly sounds like she does. She adds her Kismet in automatic successes to any roll to fake knowledge that she doesn't actually have.

<b>Master of Tongues</b>

Requirements: Linguistics 4

The barriers of language are parted for your character. The character may communicate basic expressions and sentances in any language, without ever having heard it before. She does not merely speak, but also uses gestures and sounds to communicate her ideas. Only simple thoughts may be transmitted in this way.

<b>Math Whiz</b>

Requirements: Intelligence 3

The character is a mathmatic genius. She adds her Kismet in automatic successes to all rolls to calculate or work out numbers.

<b>Jack of All Trades</b>

Requirements: Intelligence 3 or Wits 3

Some people just pick up bits of knowledge everywhere. Once per session, the character may use her Kismet in place of any Ability on a single Ability roll. She may use only some of her Kismet dice, saving the rest for later. The character may not add these dice to an Ability, only replace it.


Requirements: Intelligence 3 or Lore 4 or Investigation 4

Sometimes, you just have to know where to look. The character gains bonus dice equal to her Kismet on all research-based rolls.


Requirements: Any Favoured Ability at 3 or above

There are characters who are skilled, and then there are characters who have a depth of natural talent rarely seen. Choose a single Favoured Ability. The character gains one free success on all rolls of that Ability. This Knack stacks with all other Knacks. This Knack may be purchased once per Favoured Ability.

<b>Puzzle Wizard</b>

Requirements: Intelligence 3

Cryptography and strange puzzles hold no challenge to the industrious character. She may halve the time required for any extended problem-solving roll.



Requirements: Willpower 7

When everything is on the line, the character is ready to give it her all. The character may spend up to her Kismet +1 Willpower for automatic successes or Virtue channeling on each roll. She may not channel a given Virtue more than once.

<b>Iron Will</b>

Requirements: Willpower 8 or Temperance 4

The character has a formidable mind. She adds her Kismet to all rolls to resist unnatural mental control or influence.


Requirements: Willpower 6

The character is not easily annoyed. She takes no penalty for re-trying failed rolls.

<b>Pattern Combat</b>

Requirements: Perception 3, any combat ability at 3

The character has amazing skill at identifying fighting styles. Whenever the character uses the Aim action in combat, she may apply a 1-die bonus to attacks and defenses against that opponent for the remainder of the scene for every two ticks spent Aiming. She may not add more total dice than half her Kismet score, rounded up. This bonus stacks with other Knack bonuses.

<b>Perfect Recall</b>

Requirements: Wits 3

The character remembers everything that happens to her perfectly. When considering or studying her memories, she has complete recall of everything that she was able to notice at the time. Note that this does not increase a character's ability to notice something, only her memory of it.