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Abyssal Anima and Charm Changes

Anima Changes

Dusk: The Dusk Caste gets the following anima abilities:

1. By spending 5 motes, the Dusk Caste may raise his troops to a fighting pitch. Anyone fighting alonside the Dusk may choose to add one die to all Valor rolls for the duration of the scene. This is a fully optional bonus die, and if the character wishes to fail Valor checks, they may forgo it.

2. By spending 5 motes, the Dawn Caste may fill his enemies with unholy fear. All Valor rolls made by the Dawn Caste's opponents are at +1 difficulty.

Daybreak: The Daybreak Caste gest the following anima abilities instead of their standard anima:

1. The Daybreak Caste may spend 5 motes to reduce the difficulty of any extended action by 1, to a minimum of 1.

2. The Daybreak Caste may spend 5 motes to reduce the post-soak (pre-rolled) damage of a single effect by 2. This may reduce post-soak damage to 0.

Dusk Caste Charms

Archery:</b> Bloodthirsty Arrow: This Charm has an Essence minimum of 1.
Flawless Archery Discipline: This Charm has an Essence minimum of 3.

Daybreak Caste Charms

<b>Investigation:</b> Incomparable Agony Technique: This Charm is opposed only by the Essence of the target, which is reduced immediately from the diepool of the Charm user.

<b>Lore:</b> Essence-Scattering Blast: This Charm does not require Willpower to use.