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Back to the Knacks Summary


Dramatic Attention</b>

Requirements: Charisma 3

When the character speaks, people listen. Anyone wishing to talk over the character or ignore her while she is talking must succeed at a Willpower roll with a difficulty of her Kismet. The subjects may do other things while listening to her, but they must listen.

<b>Friend to All Nations</b>

Requirements: Charisma 3 or Manipulation 3

Everyone likes your character. The character may cancel up to her Kismet worth of external penalties based on being around strangers or being unfamiliar with local customs. She will find friends quickly and easily.


Requirements: Charisma 3 or Appearance 3

You just seem so... needy. Anyone not actively hostile to your character must fail a Compassion roll, with a die bonus equal to half your Kismet (rounding up), if they do not want to help or protect you. If doing so would violate an Intimacy, they may remove 2 dice. If doing so would violate a Virtue, they may remove 3 dice, and if doing so violates their Motivation, they may violate four dice. One Willpower may be spent to cancel a success on the roll, and a second may be spent to ignore it.

<b>Method Actor</b>

Requirements: Manipulation 3

Never slip up. The character gains her Kismet on bonus dice on all rolls to pretend to be someone that she is not. These bonus dice can even resist magical attempts to discover who the character is, and apply to both disguise rolls and acting.


Requirements: Wits 3

The character can carry on numerous conversations at once. She reduces the DV penalty of all Social actions or flurries by 1 at Kismet 1-3, and by 2 at Kismet 4-6.

<b>Nautral Leader</b>

Requirements: Charisma 3 or Presence 4

The character's words carry gravitas and the unspoken aura of command. The character adds her Kismet in dice to all rolls to inspire others or give orders.

<b>Silver Tongued Devil</b>

Requirements: Manipulation 3

When you've got to get someone else to do something... the character is an excellent tempter. She gains her Kismet in bonus dice on all rolls to persuade someone to do something.


Requirements: Charisma 3 or Temperance 3

The character's words resonate with truthfulness. The character receives her Kismet in automatic successes on any roll to convince someone that she is being truthful, as long as she is being truthful. If the character is ommitting information but is being generally truthful, apply the bonus as bonus dice, not successes.



Requirements: Charisma 3 or Appearance 3

There are some people that just look good all the time. All the damned time. The character may ignore up to her Kismet in external or internal penalties to Social rolls due to bad situation, clothing, grime, tiredness, or the like. She never looks dishevelled; even when she is muddy and wet, she carries it well. She never has embarrassing acne or mosquito bites, and she always smells perfect.

<b>Distracting Appearance</b>

Requirements: Appearance 3

The character has a knack for making herself the centre of attention, allowing others to slip by unnoticed. The character provides a die bonus equal to her Kismet to all rolls made by others to go unnoticed (usually Stealth and Larceny) for as long as she is drawing attention to herself. She also receives a die bonus equal to her Kismet to draw attention.


Requirements: Stealth 2, Appearance no higher than 3

The character naturally blends into the background, and people tend to forget details about her. All attempts to track the character or remember details about her suffer a die pool penalty equal to her Kismet.

<b>Perfect Poise</b>

Requirements: Wits 4 or Willpower 7

The character is never shaken, and does not show her emotions. She gains her Kismet in automatic successes on any roll to appear calm and collected.

<b>Sex Kitten</b>

Requirements: Appearance 3

The character is devilishly handsome. Anyone interacting with her has their Temperance reduced by 1 for the purposes of resisting lust, and she adds her Kismet in dice to all seduction attempts.


Requirements: Charisma 4

While the character may not be traditionally beautiful, she covers for it well, standing out in a crowd. The character adds half her Kismet (rounded up) to her Appearance in social combat, up to a maximum of the Appearance of her opponent. This Knack has no effect on opponents whose Appearance is less than or equal to the character's.


<b>Clear Voice</b>

Requirements: Presence 3

The character has a voice that really carries. No intervening sounds can make it harder to hear the character.

<b>Judge of Character</b>

Requirements: Investigation 3

Sometimes you can just get the measure of a man. The character adds her Kismet in automatic successes to rolls to discover a target's Virtues or Intimacies.


Requirements: Larceny 3 or Stealth 3

People just can't follow the character or learn what she's up to. All attempts to track the character or uncover her private life suffer a die penalty equal to her Kismet. All attempts to eavedrop on her suffer an external penalty equal to her Kismet.


Requirements: Valor 3, Temperance no higher than 3

Some people respond badly to emotional blackmail. When someone uses the character's Intimacies, Virtues, or Motivation against her in social combat, apply a penalty against them equal to the character's Kismet in dice (after applying the bonus).


Requirements: Willpower 6, Integrity 3 or Conviction 3

Nothing can interfere with the character's goals and ideals. When the character is resisting a social attack that opposes a Virtue or Intimacy, her opponent loses dice equal to her Kismet rating. When the character is resisting a social attack that opposes her motivation, her opponent loses successes equal to her Kismet rating.


As usual, any new ideas are welcome.