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The Science of Enchantment

Roll: Intelligence + Crafts (Fire) or Crafts (Air)

Unlike the other sciences, Enchantment cannot stand alone. While it lacks the raw power of many other sciences, it has an enduring nature that makes it both popular and profitable, for its power is the ability to hold other paths in special objects, keeping them for an important occasion.

Specifically, a character who wishes to purchase Enchantments must already know an appropriate Ritual from another Science. Each Enchantment Ritual purchased allows the character to take a single other ritual that they know and lay it into an object. When they do this, they name a condition that must come to pass for the object to activate - this condition may be as specific or vague as necessary.

Because of this, there are three basic categories of Enchantment ritual, each of which has dozens, if not hundreds, of variants. In addition, Enchantments take a variable amount of time to work, plus the time of the ritual that they are copying. A character may not fast-cast Enchantment.

Enchantments also have what are known as 'chain rituals'. These rituals must be cast simultaneously with the main ritual, but are rolled seperately from the main ritual. Their Essence cost is added to the ritual's, and they modify the time the ritual takes.

Student Enchantments

Instill Essence</b>

Essence Cost: 8
Difficulty Modifier: +2
Resources Cost: 1

With this basic ritual, the character enchants an object with magic. This ritual takes two hours, plus the time of the other Ritual that it mimics. At the end of this time, the character makes her roll as usual. If the roll succeeds, the character may apply the extra successes as successes on the secondary ritual, which imbues the item. The item may only activate once, when the trigger that the character chooses occurs - the trigger could be danger, Essence affecting the target, a command word, or the like. When this happens, the other effect resolves normally. If the effect is not used within (the character's Essence in weeks), it dissolves without effect. This ritual may only mimic Student Rituals. It must be purchased once per Ritual.

Adept Enchantments

<b>Imbue Essence</b>

Essence Cost: 12
Difficulty Modifier: +3
Resources Cost: 2

This functions as Instill Essence, above, but with two alterations. First, it requires four hours, plus the time of the Ritual being imbued. Secondly, it may mimic Adept Rituals, rather than Student ones.

Master Enchantments

<b>Impart Essence</b>

Essence Cost: 16
Difficulty Modifier: +4
Resources Cost: 3

This functions as Instill Essence, above, but with two alterations. First, it requires six hours, plus the time of the Ritual being imbued. Secondly, it may mimic Master Rituals, rather than Student ones.