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Active Knacks: Favourable

Cost Reducers

Always Prepared</b>

Requirements: Wits 3 or Investigation 3

Whenever the character is in a tough situation, she happens to have something applicable. The Kismet cost to arbitrarily have useful objects onhand is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 0. This does allow the character to make any number of Kismet 1 alterations, at the Storyteller's discretion.


Requirements: Appearance 3 or Presence 3

The character is stunning and beautiful, and draws suitors like flies. The Kismet cost to develop romantic connections with others is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 0. This does allow the character to make any number of Kismet 1 alterations, at the Storyteller's discretion.

<b>Catlike Tread</b>

Requirements: Perception 3 or Larceny 3

Obstacles just don't bar the character's path. The character may reduce the Kismet cost to remove obstacles to her getting somewhere by 1, to a minimum of 0. This allows the character to make any number of Kismet 1 alterations, at the Storyteller's discretion.


Requirements: Strength 3 or Valor 3

The character's competitions lead to single-person fights. The Kismet cost to prevent assistance coming to a competition or conflict directly involving only the character and a single opponent is reduced by 2, to a minimum of 0. This does allow the character to make any number of Kismet 1 or 2 alterations, at the Storyteller's discretion.

<b>Everybody's Friend</b>

Requirements: Charisma 3 or Socialize 3

No matter where the character goes, she finds friends. Maybe she just makes them very quickly, or maybe they're all from her hometown, or from earlier wanderings. Regardless, people just seem to flock to her. The Kismet cost to 'happen' to run into old friends or companions is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 0. This does allow the character to make any number of Kismet 1 alterations, at the Storyteller's discretion.


Requirements: Perception 3 or Survival 3

The character always eats and drinks well. She finds the best restaurants, the best food, the oasis, and the like. The Kismet cost to find food or water, or to get good food or drink is reduced by 2, to a minimum of 0. This does allow the character to make any number of Kismet 1 or 2 alterations, at the Storyteller's discretion.

<b>Generic Face</b>

Requirements: Manipulation 3 or Performance 3

Somehow, the character just looks like other people. Everyone is always mistaking them for other people, to their benefit. The Kismet cost to be mistaken for someone else, either a specific person or a member of a group, is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 0. This does allow the character to make any number of Kismet 1 alterations, at the Storyteller's discretion.


Requirements: Appearance 3 or Presence 3

Somehow, the character attracts bodyguards, protectors, and the watch, living in a bubble of protection. The The Kismet cost to attract aid from any source is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 0. This does allow the character to make any number of Kismet 1 alterations, at the Storyteller's discretion.

<b>Trivia King</b>

Requirements: Intelligence 3 or Lore 3

A lifetime of study has left the character with random pieces of information floating around her brain. The character may reduce the Kismet cost to offset penalties for information being hard-to-find by 1, to a minimum of 0. This allows the character to know potentially any trivial piece of information.

Situation Changers

<b>Big Spender</b>

Requirements: None

The character can burn through her Kismet with amazing speed. If the character is Kismet 1-5, her Kismet is increased by one for the purposes of how much Kismet may be spent on a single roll. At Kismet 6, it is increased by 2 (due to the reduction in how much that affects).

<b>Death Defiance</b>

Requirements: None

Some people are just bloody hard to kill. Whenever the character is subjected to an effect which would kill her, she may spend Kismet to avoid death. Either 3 or 6 Kismet may be spent. If 4 Kismet is spent, the character survives but is rendered Incapacitated, and if 6 Kismet is spent, the character is unharmed. This will be represented by a highly unlikely co-incidence which will vary from character to character. This Knack may not be activated more than once per scene. In the case of dangerous situations, an Incapacitated character should be, if at all possible, removed from harm by the coincidence.

<b>Destiny Nexus</b>

Requirements: None

Co-incidences dog the character even more than they do most heroes. The character may make a single 1-pt Kismet alteration and a single 2-pt Kismet alteration for free each session. These alterations must be passive rolls.

<b>Good Luck Charm</b>

Requirements: Charisma 3 or Perception 3

The character's friends lead blessed lives. The character may spend 1 extra Kismet to add dice or allow re-rolls of any observed action. In the case of rerolls, the higher of the two actions must be taken. This may only be done once per scene per target.


Requirements: Manipulation 3 or Perception 3

People don't like being around the character; she causes trouble. The character may spend 1 extra Kismet to reduce successes or force re-rolls of any observed action. In the case of rerolls, the lower of the two results must be taken. This may only be done once per scene per target.

<b>Master of Destiny</b>

Requirements: Willpower 6

The character is a rock in the sea of destiny, unaffected by the currents. The cost of any Kismet targeting her from another character is doubled. This applies after any other modifiers are applied. If the new cost is higher than the user's permanent Kismet rating, the effect may still be activated; if it is higher than the user's temporary Kismet remaining, it may not. The character may not waive this in the case of others attempting to help her.


Requirements: Compassion 3 or Willpower 6

The character has found someone that is as important to her as she herself. The character chooses a single person upon purchase of this Knack. She may spend Kismet for that person as though she was them. This applies to all non-Knack uses of Kismet, and may be used any number of times.