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Revision as of 17:50, 6 May 2004 by FourWillowsWeeping (talk)
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Be Polite. The Wiki is not a forum where we hash out our differences in week-long flamewars; it is not the place for personal attacks and inflammatory comments. This is our garden that we have made together with our hands, and you are obliged not to plant weeds among the flowers.

Know What You're Talking About. This is a corollary of the previous. Don't ever say, "Hey, I hear this Charm is broken, but I'm too disgusted by the very idea of its brokenness to investigate the situation any farther, so please discuss for me." Weed.

When Critiquing, Construct. "This is bad," is not a critique. "I think that, for XYZ reasons, Charm A would work better like this..." is.

We Have Discussed It Already. I guarantee it.

This is not a place for commentary.