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Seventh Promise of the Wind

("Windy" to his friends-)

A standard Exalted version of Windy is available here.

Type: Solar
Caste: Eclipse
Nature: Explorer

Essence: 6
Virtue: Compassion
Flaw: "I Can't Stand You People Any More. I Have to Get the Hell Out of Here" (A wanderer's take on 'Heart of Tears'.)

Physical 2
Social 3
Mental 2

Sail (Mastered)
Socialize (Mastered)
Martial Arts – Mantis Style
Investigation (Mastered)
Awareness (Mastered)

Contacts 2 (Anyone and Everyone)
Artifact (Paired Orichalcum and Jade Fans: ‘Brother Sea’ & ‘Sister Sky’)
Artifact 2 (The 'Mantis Maiden'... His ship. She flies.)
Influence 2 (Chief Magistrate of Am-Herat, Western Alliance Merchant)
Followers 2 (His Crew and the Magistrate Judges)


Seventh Promise of the Wind (whose birth name was Tauari'i, though few outside the circle know that-) was born into a merchant family from the Western islands (The Pelikai’i Clan of the Islands of the Summer Moon) who made their living trading exotic items from all over Creation with the merchant houses of the Realm. He grew up visiting strange places, bartering with odd people, and moving on to the next port of call when he'd seen all there was to see. He's adaptable, curious, charming... and more than a little restless.

He Exalted during an encounter with a strange tribe in the East that had turned inexplicably hostile. His Exaltation didn't make much of a difference to his family, who were used to seeing some pretty odd things, but he took his ship and left them soon after, not wanting to sink their trade with the Realm through association with an anathema.

Even though he now has a permanent home in the Second City of the kingdom that the circle founded, he's never been inclined to stay there for long. (He says that he was born on a moving ship, and hasn't had time to throw the anchor-) "Home" is fine for a few days, but once he's spoken to everyone, recounted all the news and good gossip, and caught up on evertyhing that's changed since he last visited, the familiarity of the place starts to feel like a cage, and he sets off again.

Windy's curiosity and wanderlust have caused conflict more than once with the more stationary (some would say "more responsible"-) members of the circle... He's always had a bad habit of "wandering off" if they stayed in the same location for too long. He always comes back, and he's always been there when they really needed him... but there have been plenty of times when Zi and the others have been sorely tempted to tie him up and put him on a leash.

Giving him the job of wandering the kingdom as a magistrate and information gatherer was a brilliant move on the Khan's part. It means that when the circle needs the services of their well-traveled Eclipse they only have a limited area that they have to search to find him. Within the kingdom itself there are only so many possibilities... unless, of course, he's "wandered off" again. They've never really been able to break him of that habit. They've never been able to talk him into giving up the Mantis Maiden, either ("You know that taking the ship wouldn't stop him, right?"... "I know. But it would slow him down enough for us to catch up and haul him back before he was halfway to the far side of Creation!"), but at least they know where he is *most* of the time. With Windy that's about the best they can hope for.