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Fair Folk Sword Combat Charms by CrownedSun

Creeping Suspicion

 Cost: 5 motes, 3 gossamer
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Supplemental
 Minimum Staff: 4
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Unparalled Terror Technique

The raksha unleashes a string of dissent and disloyalty, scattering his foes and rendering them unable to coordinate or work together. His player rolls Manipulation + Thrown as a Staff Shaping attack. This Charm doubles any damage inflicted after the attack is rolled.

Used against creatures with no Staff Grace, this Charm functions as a work of glamour. The target social relationships are broken apart by the illusion of distrust and betrayal, causing him to mistrust and push away all those who are close to him. The target refuses to trust anyone who he believes has betrayed him, and quickly comes to believe that everyone is plotting against him, consorting with his enemies, or actively wishes him ill. He quickly separates himself from all of those he believes have betrayed him, ultimately ending up mad and alone, ranting against the shadows. Only a stunt or a charm can pierce the glamour-fed paranoia of this effect, and even then usually only for a short time. The effects of this charm last for one story. The Raksha can choose to exclude himself from this effect if he wishes, remaining the sole point of trust in the targets suddenly very dangerous world. This power does not work on targets whose Wits + Essence is greater than the raksha's Manipulation.


This is just my first attempt at a Staff charm, designed with Anarchs in mind. I'm not entirely sure how good it is; it'll probably get updated at some point. - CS