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Revision as of 11:07, 26 May 2006 by GreenLantern (talk) (Oh. Didn't know this. Is it canon?)
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Well, we know the sky is a dome, and you can cut a hole in it and get to Celecyne and Malfeas.

During the night, the Sun shines upon Celecyne the demon desert. Celecyne is eternally lit, sometimes by the rays of the sun, sometimes by Lieger, the green sun. As long as Celecyne is lit, demons cannot escape Malfeas.

This is because the day and night of Creation and Malfeas are inverted. During Creations Day, it is night in the demon realm and Lieger shines upon Celecyne, baking the demon desert.

During Creations night, Lieger shines in Malfeas and the sun guards the Desert. Lieger cannot stop shining, as it is his nature to do so, and not even the Ebon Dragon can stop him.

Thus do the demons participate in their own imprisonment.


Canon? Cool Fiction? From what book? -- GreenLantern