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I haven't seen you in a long time and I don't really plan on seeing you now. Sorry. I'm too busy, most of the time, and life's just gotten busier.

I took a job not very long ago. It doesn't pay as well as I like but it has some upside if I get it done. It's good, mostly honest work, for a good cause. You'd be proud of me, I think. I've met a lot of new people on it and they're all very...interesting. But good people, I promise. Nothing too illegal.

Anyway, I wrote first of all to say that I haven't died yet, but second of all to...apologize, really. I think you might have been right about this whole business being a shit idea. I should have stayed with you, what you do is...important work. I just have that idiotic sense of adventure, you know? Even when I almost died a few times, it still wasn't any big thing, I knew I'd be coming out okay and still having a good time. This job is different. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but it just seems so much...darker, more real, -scary-. It's not something I ever really wanted to do, even if it's something that I have to do.

Look, I don't want to burden you, all I'm saying is that I'd maybe had been better off staying with you and taking a job down there. I'd still hate it, of course, but it'd be different. I'd at least have a purpose. Before I was so scared of being locked down and stuck into something, but now I understand why people do it: it's safe, it's quiet, it gives them a -home-.. It's too late now, of course, it's been fucked up beyond any repair (mostly not my fault!) and honestly it's not that bad what I'm doing, but I just wonder what it would have been like if I didn't leave, and now's the first time I think it might have been better.

Like I said, too late now. I have to go. Saving Creation, they say we're doing. Don't worry, I -promise- it's not anything bad, I haven't murdered anyone...innocent. Maybe once the job's done I'll come visit, we'll get some tea or something.

Your son,

Unassailable Volition of Immaculacy

P.S.: I took your advice and found a girl to settle down with. She's sweet, you'd like her.

P.P.S.: I really hope you aren't dead.