Floating World Incantation

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Floating World Incantation

Celestial Circle. 30 motes

The Caster creates a number of invisible weaves in the essence of the air around him equal to his permanent essence. With these forces he may move the world around him with great force. He may manipulate the air with the power of his control of essence. As his action for the round the caster may have each of the weaves maintained perform one action within a range of essence x 20 yards, the actions of weaves may be held individually as desired. The caster substitutes Perception for any Attributes and Occult for any Abilities in actions he performs using the weaves created. The actions the weaves are capable of include:

  • The ability to exert force on something (lifting, breaking or pushing) using Perception + Occult instead of Strength + Athletics with the addition of his Permanent essence. If more than one force is used on a single application then the effects should be added together.
  • The ability to Clinch, Hold, Sweep, Throw or Tackle someone plus a number of auto successes equal to Permanent Essence for attack rolls. This may not be parried but may be dodged.
  • Wield a Weapon using Perception + Occult and adding auto successes equal to permanent essence. Charms may not be applied to attacks or defences made by these weapons and damage is based solely on the raw damage of the weapon plus extra successes from the attack. If the weapon is close enough to a character it may be directed to parry attacks.
  • Erect an invisible defensive weave that gives an area/person/thing a soak equal to the caster's Occult. A number of these may be placed at one time, they stack. This effect lasts until it is stopped or the spell ends, if used on an individual it is tied to the individual and moves with them.
  • Lift and hold dust/leaves/water etc. in a curtain or wall. This provides cover.

Items lifted may move 20 yards a turn for each force acting of them.

The entire commitment of a round's actions is required to have the forces act in a round. Even when he does not commit his action to them the forces require some concentration of the part of the caster, all dice actions the caster takes whilst this spell is active lose three successes as he is unable to concentrate fully. If the caster is damaged then there is a chance he will be distracted completely and must make a wits + occult roll with a difficulty equal to the damage he suffers for each weave or it dissipates. Even if all the weaves are dissipated the spell continues until the end of its duration, weaves may be recreated at no cost but to do so requires a simple action.

If the caster does not give his action to the weaves in a round then they remain in place as they are and do not move until he concentrates upon them again, the defensive weave application of this charm explicitly continues to protect the caster if it was placed in an earlier round.

NB: The Exalted can lift individuals to mimic flight.

(This spell is supposed to model a sort of telekinesis and as such is flexible, new applications and uses could well come up and should be included rather than excluded if possible)