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Motivation: Find out what happened to her mother
Nature:Thrill Seeker
Concept: Traveling Explorer and Adventurer
XP Left/Spent: 12/0

2, Charisma 3, Perception 3
Dexterity 5, Manipulation 2, Intelligence 4
Stamina 2, Appearance 4, Wits 3

Aspect Abilities- Linguistics 3, Lore 3, Occult 2, Stealth 2, Throw 5 (essence attacks +3)

Favored Abilities- Awareness 3 (feeling of impending doom +1) , Survival 2, Dodge 4

Other Abilities- Athletics 3, Melee 3, Socialize 2, Investigation 1, Sail 1, Endurance 1, Martial Arts 1, Archery 1, Medicine 1, Performance 1, Ride 1, Presence 1

Familiar 4, Artifact 4, Manse 2, Breeding 2, Resources 2

Artifacts: "Azure Skyglass" This innocuous looking disc appears to be formed of a blue tinted glass that is actually Blue Jade, Stormcaller is in fact an elemental lense and was a gift from Rika's mother before she disappeared.

"Golden Dragon Bracers" Rika found these Hearthstone Bracers in a First Age ruin. Having never encountered yellow Jade before she holds this trinket as evidence of a sixth Aspect of Dragon-Blooded and possibly even Creation itself!

"Tempest Fury" Rika's lightning box was found in the ruins of a Shogunate outpost, it was something of a suprise to her that the ancient crystal contained pure elemental essence. Well that's a mistake she won't soon repeat...

Hearthstone Amulet- I'm thinking a gift from one of the other characters, I'll work out who.


Neverlost Stone - Earth
Whisper's Bane - Air
Gust-Motion Rock - Air

Equipment: Bullwhip, Breastplate, Knife and Slashing Sword

3, Conviction 4, Temperance 2, Valor 2
Willpower 8
Essence 3
Personal 13
Peripheral 30

Health Levels 0*1, -1*2,-2*2, -4*1, Incapacitated

Merits and Flaws</b>

Lore: Elemental Bolt Attack, Elemental Burst Technique

Linguistics: Wind Carried Words

Stealth: Feeling the Air Technique

Occult: Spirit Detecting Mirror Technique, Harmonious Luring Wind Song

Thrown: Whirlwind Shield Form

Dodge: Threshold Warding Stance, Flickering Candle Meditation, Elemental Forgiveness (Dodge)

Athletics: Effortlessly Rising Flame

Melee: Dragon Graced Weapon

dark brown hair, sky blue eyes, athletic figure, youthful appearance (I'll write something less generic once I get my thoughts in order)

- Friends with the other Dragon-Blooded on the island (possibly had a lover??)
- Her mother (also an explorer of some renown) failed to return from her own adventures.
- Set off on her own adventures finding the Lightning Box, Hearthstone Bracers and her Mind Dragon Ichtaca.
- Has been away from the Island for some time.

Rika is a born explorer with a fondness for the ruins of bygone cultures, she can be somewhat reckless and headstrong once she's decided upon a course of action. Socially she is much the same, often digressing from a conversation to share her recent theories with anyone who'll listen.

Ultimately though Rika is a friend for life and will never forget a debt owed to another.

<b>Familial Descent</b>
Terrestrial Exaltation is not unknown to Rika's family, her mother Akemi was also an Air Aspected Dragon-Blooded.

<b>Plot Hooks</b>
Is her mother alive?