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The character generation rules for my new darker Forest Witches

Character Generation

The Dragon-Blooded of the Forest Witches have allied themselves with powers they can barely comprehend in their pursuit of perfection.


Forest Witches though Outcaste are not idle in their goals any more than Lookshy or the Realm to this end they have 35 ability points rather than the typical 25 for Outcastes.

Minimum Abilities: Archery 1, Lore 1, Martial Arts 1, Melee 1, Performance 1, Presence 1, Ride 1, Survival 2 and Occult 2


The following list of backgrounds shows those that are available to characters as written in the appropriate source, together with the book they can be found in if appropriate:

  • Allies (Exalted)
  • Arsenal (Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon Blooded)
  • Backing (Exalted)
  • Breeding (Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon Blooded, as Outcaste)
  • Command (Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon Blooded)
  • Contacts (Exalted)
  • Familiar (Exalted)
  • Mentor (Exalted)
  • Resources (Exalted)
  • Whispers (Exalted: the Abyssals)

The Forest Witches and Manses

The Forest Witch’s strange allies seem unable to wield their powers in Demanses, some most notably the Numina have been unable to enter such an area. Meanwhile the Demanses within the Forest itself are inexplicably growing weaker as though their power and that of the Sea of Mind are incompatible.

There are five Manses that remain in the Forest and seven more in distant lands, however the Council often claims these and issues them on loan to favoured agents.


The Sea of Mind is believed to have existed before Creation, how such a thing is possible it’s agents aren’t entirely sure. However those who it invites beneath the water to the perfected city of Asiluth Eternal hear ghostly whispers of bygone ages. It’s unknown if these are the Whispers of the Numina, the dead or something very different.


Forest Witch resources are considerable and are at least the equal to those of a Great House thanks to the constant banditry. They purchase artefacts in the same way as Dynasts and Terrestrials of Lookshy.

Numina of the Mist

Forest Witches don’t chose to become Numina of the Mist; rather the Mist chooses them to better serve it.

A Numina is created exactly like a Dragon-Blooded except that upon being reborn the Dragon-Blooded loses her aspect and now pays an out of Element surcharge on all of her previous Charms.

In exchange for this the former Dragon-Blooded gains the Dematerialise Charm and the Cult background at 1 point. In addition to this she may now learn Spirit Charms for the standard cost.