This background represents characters that have been trained extensively in thaumaturgy either under the watchful eye of a single master or at a dedicated school such as the Heptagram.
While I have no problem with the system in Exalted 2nd edition I didn’t like how necessary it was to spend bonus points- given that a sorcerer character will need those bonus points in order to reach essence 3. In short I’m attempting to make it a little more viable for players to follow the fluff where most sorcerers began learning minor essence manipulation before undergoing the five ordeals.
How does it work?
Thaumaturgy is a background like any other- each dot invested in this background provides the knowledge of a single degree and 3-4 suitable procedures. In addition to this here is an additional benefit. Once per story a character’s level with this background can be used to provide a bonus to social interactions that directly involve their knowledge of the arts. A 5 dot thaumaturge would have substantially more luck at warning a king of an ill omen in the stars than his 3 dot counterpart would in the same situation.