Motivation: Restore the White Dove Organisation
Concept:devious ally
Anima:vines seem to wrap around her exposed skin
XP Left/Spent: 0/0
<b>Strength 2, Charisma 3, Perception 2
Dexterity 5, Manipulation 4, Intelligence 3
Stamina 2, Appearance 5, Wits 2
Aspect Abilities- Archery (3) Medicine (2), Performance (3), Ride (2) Survival (1)
Favored Abilities- Martial Arts (5) Larceny (4), Dodge (5)
Other Abilities- Lore (2), Integrity (1), Awareness (2), Linguistics (1)
Ability Sepcialties- Martial Arts +2 (paired weapons)
Artifacts 3, Resource 2, Contacts 2 (Guild and Realm Navy)
Artifacts: Paired Green Jade Short Daiklaves and Jade Breastplate
<b>Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 3, Valor 1
Willpower 6
Essence 2
Personal 8
Peripheral 20
Health Levels 0*1, -1*2,-2*2, -4*1, Incapacitated
Merits and Flaws</b>
False Shell Emollient Attack, Veins of Wood, Attractive Floor Greasing Posture, Stem Branch and Log Approach
Ill Lilly Form, First Martial Arts Excellency, Third Dodge Excellency
<b>Join Action , Soak , Mobility Penalty , Fatigue , Dodge
Fist: Speed , Accuracy , Damage B, Defense , Rate 5, Tags
Yasmir is breathtakingly beautiful with sparkling blue eyes and long black hair that betrays the occasional green hue as part of her wood aspected heritage. She often dresses in green to accentuate her breeding marks and draw attention to herself.
Yasmir is the daughter of Vengeful Orchid's late husband Timon, the two of them had a somewhat uneasy relationship given their mutual interests in control of the White Dove but there was never open conflict between the two women. When her father was killed and her stepmother missing she fled Port Calin and began the gradual reconstruction of the White Dove Organisation.
Contacts within the Guild have recently lead Yasmir to the conclusion that Vengeful Orchid is alive.
Yasmir's greatest strength is that she knows her own weaknesses, but its lead her to be quite craven she hates the sight of her own blood and will happily abandon her allies if she feels her life is at risk. It's not that Yasmir's a bad person it's that she knows that she'll be no good to anyone if she's dead!
<b>Familial Descent</b>
Yasmir draws her Terrestrial linage from her now deceased father Timon, her mortal mother died during childbirth
<b>Plot Hooks</b>
Yasmir may not have escaped Port Calin by chance and it's possible that the Immaculate Order is using her to locate Vengeful Orchid.
Being the little viper that she is Yasmir would love a chance to humiliate or otherwise outmanoeuvre Vengeful Orchid in some endeavour *if* she thinks she can get away with it.