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GEB and DSD stack.

Geoffrey C. Grabowski Exalted Developer, WWGS

FallingIcicle - 10/01/2003 22:36:31 -

I have posted a response asking him what exactly that means. Let's see what he says.

g_c_grabowski - 10/01/2003 23:07:37 -

It means if you have a 10 die pool to parry with and you're caught before your initiative tick, you can activate a combo with DSD and GEB, get 10 dice from DSD when you activate it ("buying" a parry) and buy another 10 dice with GEB, for a total of twenty dice on the parry. You can also do this after you take a full action, or use GEB to enhance automatic parries granted by a full scene parry Charm.

Is that clear?

Geoffrey C. Grabowski Exalted Developer, WWGS

FallingIcicle - 10/01/2003 23:09:54 -

Yes, thank you.

But I do have one other question. Is this a specific interaction between those two charms, or can you use GEB to add dice to any parry action?

g_c_grabowski - 10/01/2003 23:19:01 -

As I stated, you can use it with other parries. In general, dice-adding parry charms allow you to add the weapon's parry bonus under the current combat metarules. I think that may change but that's the way it is right now.

Geoffrey C. Grabowski Exalted Developer, WWGS