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Street Fighter II was a treasure trove of easter eggs, packed to the brim with secret moves, hidden characters, and game-busting finishers only a few enlightened high schoolers would ever find. Elite and elusive, these gods of gaming spread their wisdom only through the rumors of the schoolyard. Through these rumors, the masses came to learn of Guile's comb-toss attack (press Fierce when it hits to make the spikes come out!), Ryu's machine gun, and, of course, the infamous and unstoppable Sheng Long. Even so, there were few among the greatest who could ever penetrate the veil of secrecy cloaking the game's ultimate move, an attack so invincible, so omnipotent, that it was quickly removed from every copy of the game except for the one at my friend's house.

I refer, of course, to the Elephant Punch.


Grieviously wounded after the first defeat of his life, Sagat fled in shame, secluding himself in the darkest jungles as he brooded on failure and revenge. Through force of will and unparallelled rage, he became the master of his new domain, subjugating all the creatures of the wild in his quest for power. The weak among the beasts bowed before him, pleading for his favor and earning none.

His only respect was for the strong–for the strongest.

His savage spirit drew many a foe, but one by one they fell to his ever-increasing strength. Finally, there came a great chieftain, who confronted Sagat from atop his mighty steed: An elephant, its size and strength unmatched in all creation. Sagat laughed, and dispatched the elephant's rider with a single strike–but the elephant, driven by the loyalty not of a beast, but of a brother, flew into a roaring fury, and the true battle began.

Into the night they dueled, trees crashing, rocks splitting till naught remained but a field of devastation, a monument to wrath. At last, the two torn combatants each rallied their strength, crashing together in a final blow. The elephant collapsed, its skull split in two, while its slayer left the scorched earth behind, flying through the air as if never to return.

As the pain of a thousand wounds bore down upon him, rending him to the bone, hammering away at his very soul, only one thought rebounded through his mind.

Now I understand...


To unleash Sagat's ultimate power, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Right as the round begins, immediately begin to charge down-back.
  2. While charging, hold LP, HP, LK, HK
  3. After 5 seconds of this, perform a a fireball motion towards your opponent, but take it over the top, not the bottom. A full half circle. Yes, you should jump.
  4. Release LP,HP,LK,HK and as you are falling, hit LK 5 times, you should kick. Make sure you hit your opponent. If he blocks, well, there's always next round.
  5. Exactly as you hit the ground, hit MK and MP at once.
  6. Then charge back, and hit HP, HP, HP, MP
  7. Hit forwards (like a sonic boom) with HP+MP+LP
  8. You should be towards the end of the screen. If not, start over.
  9. Hold forwards for 7 seconds.+
  10. While still holding forwards, hit HP, MK, LK, LK, HP+HK, HP+LP, MP+LK, then hit all the buttons at once.
  11. Charge down-back again, and this time hold Start for 10 seconds.
  12. Now, you need to hop up and down singing, "I'm gonna do the Elephant Punch! I'm gonna do the Elephant Punch!"++ Sing it at least 5 times in the time it takes to hold Start. Hop enough to shake the machine a little.
  13. Now hold all the buttons (all 3 kick, all 3 punch, on both sides), including both 1P and 2P Start, until the timer hits 03. Keep singing and dancing.
  14. When the timer hits 3, release. Sagat wil shout out, "Elephant Punch!" as his fist turns into a full-sized elephant's head. If your opponent is in range, which he will be, he will take 140% damage, even if he blocks.
  15. Listen for the elephant noise from Dhalsim's stage as Sagat strikes his victory pose.
  16. You have pulled off the Elephant Punch. Count yourself among the Awakened.

Till next time, remember: You must defeat my Dragon Punch to stand a chance.


+ Without getting hit, mind you.

++ To the tune of "Na na na na naa naa."