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PC's Artifacts

Band of the Alert Watchman - Level 1

A simple starmetal/bronze alloy band that sizes itself to fit its wearer. Aside from the metals used in its alloy, it is completely unremarkable in any way. In the First Age, bands such as these were given to Sidereal investigators to aid them in their duties. There were occasionally times when astrology was too risky or plain impossible to use when attempting to find a fleeing criminal, demon, or fae. Thus, these bands were imbued with 2 drops of blood from the finest police officers in all Creation. The first drop represented the officer’s ability to track their target through many blocks, districts and towns, if necessary. The other drop represented the toughness of the beat cop who actually had to arrest a potentially dangerous criminal.


Adds +2 to investigation rolls attempting to track a criminal’s path.
Adds +2 to lethal soak

Commitment: 2 motes.

The Split Blade - Level 3

A single daiklaive made for warriors who want a weapon for a variety of situations. This sword could split into two weapons at the simple mental command of the wielder. The twin weapons were faster and provided an edge in attack, speed and parry while when whole added to damage. The weapon may only be split or recombined once a turn.\\ Commitment costs: 8 motes

Orichalcum blades get their normal +1 to speed, accuracy and defense and the user may summon his weapon to his hand just as if he had used Summoning the Loyal Steel. This power costs 2 mote to use.

Moonsilver weapons get their +2 accuracy and by spending two motes the sword will start wriggling its way to the Lunar. It will go around obstacles but being locked in a room will stop it.

Jade swords gain their normal +3 speed and are harder to disarm. Someone trying to disarm someone with one of these weapons is at an additional +2 difficulty to do so.

Soulsteel versions are dark mirrors of their solar counterparts. They have the normal +1 accuracy and drain the users essence in motes from foes the deal at least one damage to. The user may also summon the sword to him just like if he was using Blade-Summoning Gesture. Cost is 2 motes.

Speed +3   Accuracy +2	  Damage +8L   Defence +2   Minimums S2
Speed +6   Accuracy +3	  Damage +4L   Defence +4   Minimums S2, D3, M3

Stardust - Level 3

Committment 5

     This dagger, balanced for throwing, was a gift to Faye by her father, Wolf Star. The dagger has a long history, which streches back to during the Primordial Wars, the result of a joint study of stardust between the Twilight and the Sidereal. The dagger has never fallen to the ground, it's bearer has never died, and it is said that if it were ever dropped, the bearer will die. The dagger is immacualtely balanced, better than any other weapon of it's kind. It will balance on any edge and usually hovers an imperceptable amount above the ground, so small that you cannot see it, which is why it balances so well. It is accompanied by a fine, jeweled sheath, also made of starmetal, that keeps the stardust from leaking out of the blade. The blade creates in infinate number of blades of stardust, as long as the blade is kept charged. When it is about to be discharged, the character is warned, and they place it outside during the night with a hearthstone set in the socket. During this time, the hearthstone gives no effect or essence regeneration, as all it's power is focused on attracting stardust from miles upon miles around.


Accuracy +4
Damage +2L
Rate 3
Range 30
Speed +4
Accuracy +3
Damage +2L
Defense +1

     The real power of this weapon is in that every blade it creates a poison that is a poison of destiny. Stardust, it was theorized, is the force that creates bad luck. Therefore, they created this poison to destroy a person's luck. They exploited this property by attracting and concentrating the stardust into one place. The attunemnt covers neutralizes the particular poison that the dagger creates.


<b>Venom Type Stardust
Difficulty 4
Success 0
Failure 0
Duration/Penalty 1 scene/+1 TN

The Steadfast Ranger's Aide - Level 3

History\\ In Realm Year 451, a small council of sorcerors, artificers, and military officers was gathered to develop an aide for scout troops. The First Age ranger armors the Realm had stockpiled were far too few in number, and required maintenance that, generally, was not available. Ten years of research, study, design and redesign produced the Steadfast Ranger's Aide. Originally intended to replace the ranger suits, the new model did not live up to expectations, providing inferior protection and more limited benefits. However, this new design was reproducable with comparative ease, and a fair number were produced before the suits were deemed too expensive for general use. A few were issued, and remain in service, but they are uncommon, as Charms or other artifacts can cover most of the benefits the suits provide, without the unfortunate side effects.

The suit itself is formed from particularly stiff, dark leather, cinched firmly over the wearer's body with small straps running along the outside of the legs, torso, and arms, secured with white jade buckles. On the left breast of the garment, a small emblem is placed, typically made of jade. On the inside of the right forearm, a slim, stiff pocket is placed, usually studded with bits of jade. An attuned wearer of the suit will find that it is remarkably comfortable, in spite of a rather tight fit, and that she is more agile than usual. Further, she will find that she has excellent balance on any surface capable of bearing her weight, and that she does not grow weary. In addition, the wearer can transmit reports to a commanding officer by writing the report, then folding it and inserting it into the pocket on the suit's left forearm. The letter will be transferred to a small jade case, where it may be easily read by the commander, who may write a response and send it to the suit's wearer in a similar manner.

On the downside, wearing armor over the suit completely negated all of its effects except for the communications device.

System\\ Attuning the suit requires 6 motes (regardless of what sort of Essence-wielder is attuning the item), and takes about fifteen minutes, during which the wearer adjusts the various straps and buckles to fit her. Once the suit is fully attuned, the wearer enjoys the following benefits:

Enhanced agility: The wearer gains +1 Dexterity, and has perfect balance on any surface capable of supporting her weight. The enhanced Dexterity provided by the artifact explicitly only applies when the Dexterity Attribute is rolled, and thus does not enhance unrolled uses of the Attribute, such as initiative.

Spider-like climbing: The character may reflexively spend 4 motes to cling to a vertical surface. The motes for this effect are committed for the entire time the character hangs on such a surface, but are released as soon as the character returns to a surface where she has stable footing.

Increased endurance: The wearer gains +1 Stamina and +2 Resistance. The increased Stamina provided by the artifact explicitly only when the Stamina Attribute is rolled, and thus does not enhance unrolled uses of the Attribute, such as the character's natural soak. Additionally, the character enjoys a +4 soak against bashing and lethal damage (whether or not this counts as armor is left wholly to the Storyteller's discretion).

Communications: The character may relay a message back to a small jade case, which is ideally in the hands of a commanding officer, or superior. To do so, the character records whatever information she wishes to share on a piece of paper or silk, then tucks this into the small pocket on the character's forearm. She then spends one mote of Essence, and the letter is transported to the jade case. To reply, the bearer of the jade case simply writes her message, places it in the case, and spends 1 mote. The message takes one turn from the moment it is sent to reach the recipient. In either case, when the message arrives, it vibrates slightly to alert the recipient. The act of sending the message is reflexive, but creating the message may not be, depending on what Charms or other devices the user has.

However, the suit is not compatible with armor. Wearing any sort of armor or other protective gear (including Silken Armor or Perronele, the Living Armor) negates all benefits that the suit provides, except for the communication power. Additionally, armor generally does not fit properly over the suit, unless specifically made for that purpose, and wearing armor over the suit may impose an increase Mobility Penalty or Fatigue value, at the Storyteller's discretion.