ExaltedConspiracyTheory/Kennedy Assasination

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The Warren Commision came up with the idea that one bullet killed Kennedy. This was no ordinary bullet, its referred to as "The Magic Bullet." Nostradamus buffs and some conspiracy theorists believe that the shooter was hiding in a "grassy knoll." What dastardly man could use "The Magic Bullet" fired from the "Grassy Knoll?" This man would have to have resources beyond his means, this would have to be the man who has been manipulating all of history for as long as we know it, disguising himself in identites such as Jesus, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Elvis (he's not really dead of course.) Who could this man be? I believe Exalted reveals this answer.

The Man is....

Dace. Dace, that fundament pillar of the Illumanati who has been working with forces beyond the scope of humans for millinea in his bid to control all of humanity. The fight with Ma Ha-Suchi was a sham, no man is that stupid to take on a Beast God. It was really the disgusial for a much more insidious meeting in which they discussed how they would take over the world through manipulations unseen to the eyes of others.

And they would have gotten away with it! But i humble servant of public intrest, who is now concerned that his very life is at stake, was here to unveil this mask of deception. Fear not for me, fear for the sufferings you would have had to go through had this not been made known to the world.
