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THIC Custom Content Disclaimer: These charms probably won't work well with your system until you are using the full (unfinished) custom ruleset for THIC. Keep in mind when reading these that all Exalts start at Essence 2, there are no longer combos or caps on charm usages per turn. This makes fountains of Essence common when dealing with hot-headed Exalts (who often subsequently die thereafter). These are also still in heavy play-testing for balance issues. This is as much to give myself a backup of work as it is to share with everyone else.

Solar Endurance Charms

Ox Body Technique
Minimum Endurance: 1
Minimum Essence: 2
Duration: Permanent
Type: Permanent
Cost: None
Prerequisites: None
Description: Those who are chosen by The Unconquered Sun are blessed with sturdy frames and unrelenting flesh. For every point of Endurance they have, the Solar may purchase this charm once. Each purchase adds one of the following health levels; 1 x -0 OR 2 x -1 OR 1 x -1 and 2 x -2.

The Sun Moves Through The Sky
Minimum Endurance: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Duration: 12 hours per 3 motes
Type: Simple Action
Cost: 3m per 12 hours
Prerequisites: Endurance Excellency
Description: The Lawgivers strength is not purely in leading their lands or destroying their enemies. They also push their bodies endurance to its limits. For 3 motes, the Solar may run without stopping or needing to make an Endurance+Stamina roll for twelve hours.

The Sun's Light Unwavering
Minimum Endurance: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Duration: Essence turns
Type: Reflexive
Cost: 5m
Prerequisites: The Sun Moves Through The Sky
Description: The Solar is not hindered by petty things like pain and injury. They simply focus their will and press onward regardless. For 5 motes, the Solar may ignore wound penalties for a number of turns equal to their Essence.

Radiant Solar Resilience
Minimum Endurance: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Duration: Scene
Type: Instant Action
Cost: 8m, 1 willpower
Prerequisites: The Sun's Light Unwavering
Description: The durability of the Exalted is legendary; that of the Solars is doubly so. When Radiant Solar Resilience is activated, the Solar becomes completely immune to poisons, toxins, illness, intoxication, and wound penalties for the remainder of the scene. Most diseases will be ended immediately, barring diseases on the level of The Great Contagion. Those diseases that are magical and have no cure will still be stopped in their tracks for the duration.

Iron Skin Concentration
Minimum Endurance: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Cost: 3m
Prerequisites: Endurance Excellency
Description: The flesh of the Lawgiver is strong as iron and refuses to yield to those who would strike them. For 3 motes, the Lawgiver may add their Essence and Stamina to their soak for a single attack.

Iron Kettle Body
Minimum Endurance: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Cost: 5m, 1 willpower
Prerequisites: Iron Skin Concentration
Description: Those who would face the Solar Exalted face a foe as immutable as the Sun itself. For 5 motes and 1 temporary willpower, the Solar Exalted may subtract their Essence from the damage done to them from one attack.

Adamant Skin Technique
Minimum Endurance: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Cost: 8 motes, 1 willpower, 1 health level
Prerequisites: Iron Kettle Body
Description: The Lawgivers know that there are times when they simply are not allowed to fall before a foe. It is these instances that the Adamant Skin Technique was devised for. The Exalted pays 8 motes, 1 willpower, and 1 health level in Lethal damage and takes no damage from an enemy attack. Note that this is perfect. Even if a mountain falls on them, they will not take damage from the called event. However, they may still take damage from being trapped beneath a mountain afterwards.

Hauberk Summoning Gesture
Minimum Endurance: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple Action
Cost: 3m
Prerequisites: Endurance Excellency
Description: The warriors of The Unconquered Sun know every piece of their equipment. When going into battle, they are able to call to them their armor from wherever it may be stored. For 3 motes, the Solar calls their armor to them, as long as it is within (Essence x 50) feet and not trapped in a locked trunk or otherwise restrained.

Front-Line Warrior's Stamina
Minimum Endurance: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Duration: Scene
Type: Reflexive
Cost: 5m, 1 willpower
Prerequisites: Hauberk Summoning Gesture
Description: Those Lawgivers who stride the battlefield like great juggernauts strike with a speed that terrifies mortal men. When Front-Line Warrior's Stamina is active, the Solar takes no Mobility penalty from their armor.

Glorious Solar Plate
Minimum Endurance: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Duration: Scene
Type: Simple Action
Cost: 10m, 1 willpower
Prerequisites: Front Line Warrior's Stamina
Description: Those who face an unarmored Solar and think that their prey will come easy are fools. For 10 motes and 1 temporary willpower, a Solar may wrap themselves in the pure brilliance of solar Essence and in doing so, clad themselves in Glorious Solar Plate. This armor has a Lethal soak of 20 and no Mobility penalty. Furthermore, all undead attempting to attack the Solar wearing it must make a Valor roll against the Solar's Essence in order to not flee in fear.