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The never born children that Ratex Il steals away from her victims are not committed to the realm of the dead. No, not at all. Instead, they fester and bubble in the clotting womb of Ratex Il and are born the G'Broggassmir. The children of Ratex Il are born with all the splendor of their sires. They beam the radiance of a hero, their strength and beauty the things of legend in the realm of Creation. And yet, once one begins to look more closely, their feet are cloven hooves and they hide mule ears beneath their flowing hair. Like her father, Ratex Il too is incapable of former glories and all the G'Brogassmir are sterile mules who blazing glory fades the longer they are exposed to air. They regain their beauty by bathing in their mother or in a foe's blood, and so are frequently challenged any who will listen to a duel for fear of growing powerless.

Often, the G'Brogassmir are summoned by sorcerers as shock troops or assassins, but this is a poor use for them. Those who know the true nature of the G'Brogassmir call upon them to lead a village into an uprising or stir up a rebellion with a vast city-state. Their heroic presence is enough to make many mortals bow down in praise. And truly, nothing excites a G'Brogassmir more than doing something it can claim is heroic and proving its mother fully fertile once again. However, the curse of the G'Brogassmir is that their leadership with always fail at a critical moment and their glory will be robbed from them once again.

Nature: Gallant Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 6, Stamina 4, Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4, Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3

Virtues: Compassion 3 Conviction 4 Valor 5 Temperance 2

Abilities: (Being born literally of the stuff of heroes, they have 3 in all combat pools but one ability should always be at 5 for a particular G'Brogassmir) Thrown 3, Brawl 3, Melee 3, Martial Arts 3, Archery 3, Occult 2, Awareness 3, Stealth 1, Ride 1 (Horses +2), Presence 3, Endurance 2, Resistance 2, Dodge 2, Socialize 2

Charms: Materialize (pg 292 core), Principle of Motion (Pg. 292 core), Measure The Wind (Pg. 291 core), Instill Obedience ( Pg 54 ST Guide), Bloodshift (Custom, see below), Conquering Aura (Custom, see below)

Permanent Essence: 2, Willpower: 6, Essence Pool: 65 Cost to materialize: 55 Health Levels: -0 x 2, -1 x 3, -2 x 3, -4 x 1, Inc.


For every (Essence/2, rounded down) days that a G'Brogassmir goes without bathing in its mother's blood in Malfeas or without bathing in a (formerly) living human's blood in Creation, its glory and radiance start to fade. For every 12 hours after its time limit is up, the G'Brogassmir loses one dot in each of its abilities. Every 24 hours, it loses one dot in each of its attributes. Once any of its attributes are reduced to 0, the G'Brogassmir is changed into a small red stone with the G'Brogassmir's form trapped inside. Only two days of soaking in fresh blood (the blood must be kept fresh!) can free it and return it to its former glory.

Furthermore, should they be attempting to rally villagers, soldiers, mercenaries, etc. into battle, they will botch at least one critical roll at ST's discretion while leading their force and trying to maintain morale.

Custom Charms


Charm Type: Reflexive
Charm Duration: Instant
Charm Cost: 5 motes
G'Brogassmir can only be so long without bathing in the blood of their mother or a living creature before they begin to deteriorate. However, they have developed a method to speed the bathing process. When a target is slain, the G'Brogassmir may be spend 5 motes with their hand on the target's body to absorb their blood through the G'Brogassmir's hand. The blood courses through its body and allows up to 2 x Essence in HLs of blood to be stored within its body. Normally, this is plenty for the G'Brogassmir to bathe in later, which they often do by spewing it into the air above them and showering in it. If the blood isn't released within two days time, it is released into their mother Ratex Il back in Malfeas.

Conquering Aura

Charm Type: Simple
Charm Duration: Scene
Charm Cost: 8 motes, 1 willpower
The G'Brogassmir appear to mortals as the heroes they've longed for so desperately and as such the G'Brogassmir have taken to being exceptional vain. Conquering Aura allows the G'Brogassmir to increase any social interaction dice pools by 2x its Valor for the duration of the scene. Anyone with Essence equal to the G'Brogassmir rolls a Perception + Essence roll at a difficulty equal to the demon's Essence to see through its bravado. Those with Essence higher than the G'Brogassmir have the difficult decreased by one die per dot of Essence higher than the G'Brogassmir they are. The roll can be completely removed by a high enough level Essence user.
