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Steel Mirror Refraction
Cost: 8 motes, 1 willpower, 1 lethal
Duration: Permanent Essence in turns
Type: Simple
Minimum Melee: 4
Minimum Essence: 4
Pre-requisites: Dichotomy of Beginnings and Endings Spirit

Description: From dividing attention to dividing mind, the character discovers next how to divide his body. Literally splitting into two, an exact reflection of the character steps out as if from his own shadow.

Effect: Literally, the character becomes two. The 'duplicate' is not a doppelganger or other such unreal being; there is no 'second' character, simply two instances of the character who used this Charm. All gear, charms, etc is duplicated- however, one of the entities wields two copies of the character's left-handed weapon, and the other wields two copies of the character's right-handed weapon. Essence must be split between the two entities equally, but whatever is unused is recombined at the end of the duration. Both are under the control of the player character, but roll initiative and act seperately. Only the heaviest damage sustained is retained by the character at the end of the duration- if either is killed, the character falls to Incapacitated when the duration lapses, and is well advised to spend any remaining turns he has fleeing.

In the case of expendables other than these, such as Willpower or limited uses/ uses per interval on an artifact or Hearthstone, either character using one reduces (or increases, in the case of Limit) the total for both. This Charm does not end if either character is disarmed or loses a weapon, but it will invariably be missing when the duration ends. Any Charms either activates which extend beyond the duration of this one continue to affect the recombined being at the end of Steel Mirror Refraction.

Frequent use of this Charm irritates the Spiders and is likely to draw Sidereal attention, as it can cause minor knots or fraying as a thread temporarily is subdivided into two parts.
