ExaltedMUSH/Greyfalls MagicalGeography

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== Thaumaturgical Geography

It’s impossible to talk about the significant manses and demesnes in Greyfalls, because you’d be here reading this all day if I were to try. It’s just a better idea all around to quantify who has what and the rating of each. What follows is a break-down of what’s owned and what’s up for grabs.

The Satrap’s Manses: 3x Manse 3 (Kata-Sculpting Gem, Gem of Perfect Passage, Gem of Grace), 2x Manse 2 (Gem of Surface Thoughts, Art-as-War Gem [+3 to MA], 3x Manse 1 (Stone of Quick Thoughts, Gem of Medicine, Bureaucracy Stone [+2 to Bureaucracy])

The Other Leaders: While none of the other positions officially own any manses, the Satrap has a few of the above hearthstones allocated to the different positions. Who gets what isn’t public knowledge.

Everybody Else: All of the other Houses own one 2-point manse and one 1-point manse in the Greyfalls Satrapy, with the following exceptions: Ledaal owns a 3-point manse, Mnemon owns a 3-point manse and another 2-point manse, and Peleps owns a 3-point manse. House Cathak has no manses in the Satrapy, and Nellens only has a 1-point manse.

Demesnes: There are basically as many 1- and 2-point demesnes as the STs would like there to be. Of the 3-point demesne variety, there’re four uncapped in Greyfalls, one of which is sitting in the center of Greyfalls proper. There’s one 4-point demesne to the northeast of the city of Greyfalls by about forty miles, and there’re no 5-point demesnes in the area.