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This setting involves a more impressive time scale than the canonical one, with quite a few 'unknowns'. Instead of a history encompassing 1,800 years since the departure of the Celestial Exalted, this world puts forth a reality where nearly 12,000 years have past. Understandably, this has made records of the ancient past spotty at best. For example, nobody is quite sure when the Raksha appeared, or the Yozi. Nobody is quite sure when the Ancients left, or what happened to them precicely. Nobody is certain when the Consumption came to be, or how many times civilization has collapsed as a result of it.

At the same time, much of the 'Lost Glory' theme of Exalted is modified as well. While the Ancients and the Terraformers had strange and advanced technolagy, by and large the Terrestial empires have accomplished a great deal as well. Modern Lookshy even considers itself to be the equal of the Ancients in terms of technical knowledge, a claim which some regard as absurd given the abundance of unduplicated technolagy in the system (jump gates, space elevators). Supporters of this idea would counter that Lookshy simply uses these ancient devices out of convienance while savants focus on more pressing and immediate problems; why reinvent the wheel?