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Sigilistic's Views

The REAL Contenders

  • Ragara
  • Mnemon
  • Sesus


Ragara: Ragara is easily the wealthiest House hands down. Their banks and vaults are the backbone upon which the Realm economy is based. Even if they do not ascend to the Scarlet Throne, it will be impossible to claim the Imperial mantle without their support. They could literally bankrupt any would-be Emperor/ess whom they disapproved of. Still, money isn't everything, and they certainly are as potent militarily as their more martial cousins Houses Sesus.

Mnemon: Wealthy, strong, respected. These are all good descriptors of House Mnemon. Mnemon presents a STRONG claim to the Scarlet Throne. It boasts arguably the most powerful Dragon-blooded in the world as it's head and founder. It has a sizable number of House legions, and a respectable amount of wealth. But Mnemon is too much like her mother, and nobody really wants another Empress. 700 years of her misrule and deliberate sabotage of the Imperial admistration were enough thank you. Besides, Mnemon is a sorceress, and let's not forget that practitioners of sorcery are hardly the types to be trusted.

Sesus: With both incredible wealth AND a sizable amount of legions under it's banner, I personally believe that barring A)inevitable PC interference or B)Mommy-dearest's return, House Sesus would be most likely to win. As masters of politicizing, they no exactly how to wage this kind of war. As the oldest of the Houses, they have an air of legitimacy. And let's not forget that Sesus and Cathak are very close in relation, often inter-marrying, thus adding that much more military might to their banner if needed.

The Losers:

Cynis: While granted not ALL Cynis are drug-addled sex- fiends, alot are. Worse, alot of their elders are. With upper management living for it's next needle/fuck, you can see how Cynis is strongly handicapped. Still, with it's exclusive trading rights and formidable contacts, Cynis will prove an invaluable ally in the struggle for the Scarlet Throne.

Ledaal: They don't even WANT the title. Ledaal have always mystical in bent, and tend to look at the bigger picture. They're too busy worrying about Mask of Winters, Ma-Ha- Suchi, and Bull of the North to fight like rabid dogs over the increasingly meager morsel that the Throne has become.

Cathak: They have soldiers. Lots of them. They have skilled generals. Lots of them. But muscle alone doesn't make you Emperor. Ask Julius Caesar. No, House Cathak alone doesn't have a chance for Imperial status, but with House Sesus, at least they have a chance to become the (second) most prominent House.

Tepet: They've fallen too far, too fast. Each and every day that Fokuf sits on the throne as Regent, jerking off to Immaculate skin mags, is a slap to the face of this once- proud House. They have few soldiers now, and most of them serve under the Roseblack, who is really her own faction.

Iselsi: Who?

V'Neef: While this House does possess considerable wealth and more than it's fair share of pluck, to be realistic, nobody would accept one of theirs as Emperor/ess. It's like hiring someone with no references to be CEO. They just don't have the standing or the connections that the bigger houses do.

Peleps: House Peleps controls the largest navy in the world. They also have control of the largest number of magistrates and judges. Finally, they are one of the wealthiest houses. So why aren't they in the forerunner's block? One word: V'Neef. Even a cat scratch can kill if allowed to persist and grow infected. V'Neef is that cat scratch, and they serve as the focus of much of Peleps time and energy. Time and energy that can't be focussed on the struggle for the throne. I'd be willing to be one of the frontrunners is sponsoring V'Neef for just that reason, much like El Presidente Bush donated money to the Ralph Nader plan to siphon crucial votes away from Gore.

Nellens: Who?

Again, all of this is my own opinion, worth exactly as much credit as you give it. And again, this is all barring the obvious and inevitable outside interference, whether by PC's, Deathlords, Fair Folk, Roseblack, or one pissed off Demonic Empress.