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Nahia Ur-Kari

(This is an outdated version of the character. Here's the new one.)

Description: Nahia is above-average in height, battle-hardened yet voluptuous, with supple skin bronzed by the sun. She has piercing dark green eyes and thick jet black locks streaked with a white crest at the top -- but the white is not at all a sign of age, if one judges by her smooth, flawless complexion. Her hair is typically worn loose, tousled and untamed waves streaming all the way to her waist, accented in places with small beaded braids and dark feathers. A pair of glossy black cormorant wings drapes across her back like a great feathered mantle, and in fact may appear as if it is a cloak except to the most observant. Underneath, she wears little more than a moonsilver bikini, which despite appearances helps ward her body from all but the most menacing of blows, as well as increases her mobility underwater. In battle, she wields a moonsilver harpoon whose chain she uses to bind her foes or reel them in after a good throw of the spear end.

History: Nahia was adopted by the chieftain of the Ur-Kari island tribe to the southwest. But Txomin the Great Albatross and his wife, Usoa the Blind Dove, favored her above their blood-born sons and daughters. So the treacherous few among them deigned to conspire against the tribe, choosing for their ally Usoa's former lover, Zurinye the Quiet Seagull, who had since allied herself and the barbarians under her command to the Lintha. This led to a great battle that wiped out the Ur-Kari from their home isle of Eveshorn, triggering in the process Nahia's Exaltation as a Lunar of the Full Moon Caste. Txomin perished in that battle, as did Zurinye, leaving Nahia with but a single other survivor -- her mother. As a Lunar of the No Moon Caste, Usoa stayed behind in this life to ensure Nahia's Caste would be is fixed and she would receive the training she needed to master her newfound powers. At the end of a year of training, Usoa bestowed Nahia with the moonsilver artifacts she now carries, and bid her go out into the world to quench her thirst for adventure.

Personality: Nahia's greatest desire is to live life to its fullest, and experience all that Creation has to offer. She loves a good fight as much as she loves a good party, and the thirst for adventure burns in her blood. Hers are simple pleasures, those that take little thought and little consideration to indulge in. At first impression she may seem too carefree to take much at all seriously, but Nahia is quite fiercely protective of those who earn her trust. As much as she tries to hide her "soft side", she can't stand to witness cruelty that is wanton or unfounded, and -- if provoked sufficiently -- will vehemently work against those who take advantage of the downtrodden. Most of the time, though, she'll just claim she's along for the ride -- and if she can both enjoy and profit from the process, all the better!

Nahia's Extended History - The long version.

Nahia's Equipment - Artifacts and Hearthstones.

Nahia's Forms - Totem, Blood Library and Ascension.

Lunar Character Sheet

Name: Nahia Ur-Kari

Caste: Full Moon

Concept: Barbarian princess and huntress without compare, living her life to the fullest!

Nature: Thrillseeker

Totem: Cormorant

Tell: Nahia's Tell comes out mainly through her cormorant wings. They normally appear to be a cloak of feathers she is wearing, rather than actual wings. The base difficulty to notice her Tell is 6 - 3 (Ascension form) - 1 (Totem) = 2. Her Skin-Sheath may increase or decrease this, so that the actual difficulty ranges from 0 (during which the Tell is always obvious) to 4. Nahia usually keeps it at diff 1, but will increase it to 4 if she does not wish to be spotted as a Lunar.

Anima: When Nahia's anima banner becomes iconic, it displays a cormorant with wings spread wide. Its backside is as black as the moon's shadow bleeding moonlight at the edges, while the front facing her foes -- including underside of the wings, neck, and belly -- is a luminous silver-white.

Anima Powers

  • Shapeshifting Mastery: Flesh Armory. Adds half (rounded up) her Essence to one statistic of her natural weapons, always. (+2 Acc for all Natural Weapons. This includes the various weapon types comprising Ilar Ehiztari, her moonsilver harpoon, as the Hearthstone socketed into it makes it count as Natural).
  • Celestial Prowess: Predator's Pace. May spend 5 motes to double her flying, running and leaping distances.



  • Strength 4
  • Charisma 3 + 1 (9 exp) = 4
  • Perception 5


  • Dexterity 4 + 1 (12 exp) = 5
  • Appearance 3 + 1 (Skin-Sheath) = 4
  • Stamina 3 + 1 (9 exp) = 4


  • Wits 4
  • Manipulation 2
  • Intelligence 2


(These are my own divisions, more to help this list look less of a mess ^^;)


  • Archery
  • Brawl 3 + 1 (6 exp) = 4
    • Specialty: Clinches - 1 (3 exp)
  • Dodge 3 + 2 (14 exp) = 5
    • Specialty: Ranged Attacks - 2 (6 exp)
  • Martial Arts
  • Melee 3 + 1 (6 exp) = 4
    • Specialty: Moonsilver Weapons - 2 (6 exp)
  • Thrown 3 + 1 (6 exp) = 4


  • Craft
  • Medicine
  • Linguistics 1 (Riverspeak, Seatongue)
  • Lore 1
  • Occult


  • Athletics 3 + 1 (6 exp) = 4
  • Awareness 3 + 1 (6 exp) = 4
  • Endurance 2 + 2 (10 exp) = 4
    • Specialty: Enduring Fatigue - 2 (6 exp)
  • Larceny 1
  • Resistance 1 + 2 (6 exp) = 3
  • Survival 2 + 2 (10 exp) = 4
    • Specialty: Tracking - 1 (3 exp)
  • Ride
  • Sail 1
  • Stealth 1 + 1 (2 exp) = 2


  • Bureaucracy
  • Investigation
  • Performance 1
  • Presence 1 + 2 (6 exp) = 3
    • Specialty: Intimidation - 2 (6 exp)
  • Socialize


Artifact 3 + 2 (4 bp) = 5 (Ilar Ehiztari, Quicksilver Skin-Sheath)

  • Ilar Ehiztari was the weapon of Nahia's now-deceased father, Txomin the Great Albatross, a Full Moon Lunar and the leader of the Ur-Kari tribe. The Skin-Sheath belonged to Nahia's mother, Usoa the Blind Dove, a No Moon Lunar who is now one of three surviving members of the Ur-Kari.

Blood Library 2 (2 bp)

Manse 3 (Gem of the Protean Silver Bond)

  • The entrance to the Manse Nahia's Hearthstone originates from is underwater, nestled amidst the reefs of a small, deserted island in the Southwest. It was socketed into Ilar Ehiztari by her father, and Nahia has kept it there since.

Mentor 1

  • Nahia's mother Usoa is also her Mentor, who fixed her Caste and taught her how to use her abilities as a Lunar. As far as Nahia knows, Usoa is still residing alone on the southwestern island of Eveshorn, and she has not seen her since departing from home.

Resources 1

  • Nahia knows little of riches nor does she have a strong desire to hoard them. She has enough money to get by as a humble traveler, but hates to stay in cities anyhow, preferring to hunt her own food and sleep out in nature when she can.

Totem 2


Ascension - the charms making up Nahia's ultimate form!

Attribute - all instant supplemental

  • Dice-Adders - 1m per die added
    • Silver-Soul's Dexterity
    • Silver-Soul's Perception
    • Silver-Soul's Stamina
  • Success-Converters - 1m per die converted to success
    • Dexterity of the Moon-Kissed
    • Perception of the Moon-Kissed

Physical Enhancement

  • Ox-Body Technique x2 - permanent, adds -2x8 health levels.

Close Combat

  • Hydra Head Attack - 3m per extra attack.
  • Foe-Driving Attack - 5m, 1wp for a number of extra attacks equal to Dexterity.

Ranged Combat

  • Nature's Harmony Advantage - 1m instant supplemental, Lunar ignores all environmental penalties (i.e. rain, wind) for a ranged attack.
  • Knowing the Wind's Path - 1m instant supplemental, Lunar ignores all cover penalties (including shield) for a ranged attack.


  • Bowing Reed Method - 4m instant reflexive, grants a full dodge pool above and beyond the normal dice action.
  • Bending Before the Storm - 1m instant reflexive, allows Lunar to ignore penalties for successive Dodges when making a Full Dodge.
  • Feline Guard Technique - 4m instant reflexive, grants a full parry pool above and beyond the normal dice action. Usually limited to the parrying weapon's Rate, but Rate can be bought at 1m per point.


  • Ever-Wary Fox Technique - 3m indefinite simple, makes ambushing the Lunar difficult as long a the motes are committed, except for immaterial beings and those with sufficiently powerful magic to counter the effect.
  • Blood on the Wind - 5m simple, lasts one day, can follow any mundane prey without a roll and receives +Ess in autosux for Per+Survival rolls to track supernatural beings.


Cormorant Cannot Fail (7 exp)

  • Nahia presses her hand to her lips, then gestures outward as if to throw a kiss. A single feather floats out from her hand; on one side it is black as the moon's shadow, while on the other side it is as silvery-white as the moon in its full splendor. But before it can come to a rest either moonlight side or shadow side up, she makes as if to stab, crush or trample it (depending on the movement the Combo is activated for). The touch splits it into multiple feathers, all the same as the first, black and white turning end over end, like a moment shattered into infinite possibilities -- at least ONE of which must be a success!
  • Charms: Silver-Soul's Dexterity (1 exp), Dexterity of the Moon-Kissed (2 exp), Bowing Reed Method (1 exp), Bending Before the Storm (1 exp), Feline Guard Technique (2 exp)
  • Use: This is a more general use Combo. It may be used to bolster an attack or other Dexterity action with autosuccesses (guaranteeing no botches) while still providing a reflexive defense, or purely to combine reflexive defense charms.

Cormorant Calls Her Flock (9 exp)

  • Nahia radiates the silver-white light of the Full Moon, which bleeds out of her into the form of a flock of cormorants, symbolizing the inherently social nature of these seabirds. As she lunges forward to strike, the cormorants (shadow-black on the back side, but silvery-white under the wings, neck and belly) surge forward with their leader, swarming all around her and her enemy. From that luminescent cocoon of wings, attacks seem to lance out from everywhere at once, while Nahia proves as slippery as a fish in water, dodging aside as a seemingly endless supply of cormorants dive to take her place. Their sharp, hooked beaks jut out swiftly and stubbornly to turn aside what blows might happen to slip past them.
  • Charms: Foe-Driving Attack (5 exp), Bowing Reed Method (1 exp), Bending Before the Storm (1 exp), Feline Guard Technique (2 exp)
  • Use: This is the spam attack Combo. At the moment it has no adders or converters to speak of, so it will rely more on an overwhelming number of attacks, plus (potentially layered) fullpool reflexive defenses.

Cormorant Knows No Obstacle (9 exp)

  • When Nahia activates this Combo, she appears to be bathed in moonlight as she lifts her chosen projectile high above her head. Between her hands forms an orb of feathers, each shadow-black on one side and silver-white on the other, pulsing and expanding to run across the full length of the projectile as fluidly as water. Feathered wings sprout from the projectile's body while a phantasmal cormorant's head forms at the tip, the beak menacing and sharp while the eyes shimmer with a predatory gleam. The same silvery gleam is reflected in Nahia's own eyes as she hurls her projectile towards its mark.
  • Charms: Silver-Soul's Dexterity (1 exp), Dexterity of the Moon-Kissed (2 exp), Nature's Harmony Advantage (2 exp), Knowing the Wind's Path (2 exp), Bowing Reed Method (1 exp), Bending Before the Storm (1 exp)
  • Use: This is intended to be used for a single big ranged attack unhindered by environmental penalties or cover, plus a reflexive dodge defense that can be augmented with the Dexterity adder and/or converter as needed.


Internal Compass (1 bp)

  • Nahia doesn't get lost very easily, which is a good thing when she is flying or swimming across miles and miles of ocean.

Flying Wings (6 bp)

  • Nahia obtained this mutation during her coming-of-age ceremony.


Barbarian (+1 bp)

  • Raised in the Ur-Kari tribe of the southwestern isles.

Disturbing (+2 bp)

  • A natural predator, Nahia has an aura of menace about her that gives her -1 to all social interactions other than intimidation.


  • Compassion 2
  • Conviction 3
  • Temperance 1 + 1 (3 exp) = 2
  • Valor 3 + 1 (3 bp) = 4

Essence and Willpower

  • Essence 2 + 2 (45 exp) = 4
  • Willpower 7 (Conviction + Valor) + 1 (2 bp) = 8
  • Personal Essence 4 (Essence) + 16 (Willpower x 2) = 20
  • Peripheral Essence 16 (Essence x 4) + 16 (Willpower x 2) + 16 (Valor x 4) - 16 (committed) = 32
  • Total Temp Essence 52

Health Levels

  • -0 x 1
  • -1 x 2
  • -2 x 10
  • -4 x 1
  • Incapacitated

BP and Experience Distribution

Bonus points (total: 15, unused: 0)

  • Backgrounds: -6 bp
  • Virtues: -3 bp
  • Willpower: -2 bp
  • Merits: -7 bp
  • Flaws: +3 bp

Experience points (total: 301, unused: 0)

  • Attributes: -30 exp
  • Abilities: -108 exp
  • Charms: -90 exp
  • Combos: -25 exp
  • Virtues: -3 exp
  • Essence: -45 exp

Combat Statistics


  • Brawl (fist): Spd 9, Acc 12 (13 clinch), Dam 4B, Def 11, Rate 5 (1 clinch)
  • Brawl (feet): Spd 6, Acc 12 (13 clinch), Dam 7B, Def 6, Rate 3 (1 clinch)
  • Brawl (Ilar Ehiztari/chain): Spd (12-24), Acc 14 (15 clinch), Dam 8L, Def 11, Rate (7-1) (1 clinch). To simulate the various lengths of chain, one can increase Spd while sacrificing Rate, at an exchange of +2 Spd for -1 rate.
  • Melee (Ilar Ehiztari/spear): Spd 18, Acc 18, Dam 13L, Def 14, Rate 3
  • Thrown (Ilar Ehiztari/javelin): Spd 9, Acc 15, Dam 13L (Piercing), Range 10, Rate 1. On a successful hit that does damage, it "sticks" into the foe, who may be reeled in towards the wielder with a contested Strength + Athletics roll. If the wielder wins by 3 sux or more, the harpoon is forcibly pulled out, inflicting 2L (normally soakable) damage.


  • Dodge: 14 (+2 against ranged attacks)
  • Soak: 2L/4B/0A (natural). With the Skin-Sheath, soak can vary from 6L/8B/4A to 14L/16B/12A; this can be changed reflexively once per turn. In battle, Nahia usually keeps it at 12L/14B/10A, since any higher would make her Tell unmistakable (see full writeup of the armor for details).


  • In Ascension form, all Spd increases by +3. All Acc, Def and Dodge increase by +2. All Dam increases by +2. All Soak increases by 1L/2B. In addition, Nahia emits a fear aura that gives -2 to dice actions to all those who oppose her.