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The continued tales of the Five Shinging Lords, as told by Unbreakable Lotus, and scribed by a Fidelitious Endelibler, as Forge calls it. I think the name's a bit too stuffy, but that's neither here nor there.

Upon the next morning, I rose with the Sun, as is my custom. Alas, due to the ribaldry three of my companions partook in the night before, their awakening was painful. Black coffee, and lots of it, was recommended. After all was squared away, southward we travelled.

Koresh makes for a fine mount, and was ridden by not only myself but Forge as well. He and I became close companions as we travelled, swapping stories and lore and such. His scientific learning is much more than mine, but we see eye to eye on many more occult teachings.

We headed to Blue as our first stop on the way to Melibone. Travelling with us were a contingent of Rei's porters, as they had just finished taking a small herd of her horses to Tinal. Rei's family farm was on our way.

We managed a good clip, and about a week out of Tinal, we were almost to Blue. We stopped the evening and were happened upon by a pair of travellers; a young man with noble features and his companion, a thin, pale woman with long, raven-black hair. He gave a common name, while she went by Innocent. We invited them to share our fire for the night. They agreed, and sleep took us all as the night wore on.

In the morning, we woke to the screams of one of Rei's porters. He hopped and wailed, obviously in distress. When asked what was wrong, he presented a small charm, once a shining good-luck talisman from the Court of Spring. Now, however, it was a charred, blackened thing. We looked around, trying to find the cause of such a thing, but no spirit in the area laid claim. We went to ask our newfound friends, the man and woman, but they were nowhere to be found! Our suspicions were aroused, but we decided to let it slide; we had more important things to attend to.

We arrived at Blue with no more incident. We took in the sights of the city while the Sun still shone; my companions settled in one of the two bars of the town, while I perused the local temple. The old man there was most amiable to answering questions, but alas, he knew not a single thing that could desicrate a charm like the one I now held. I thanked him and joined my companions. We spoke of the matter a bit more, as well as theorized what lay to the south. Just before we went of to sleep, we noticed the bartender slip a note to a cloaked man, who immediately galloped off on a horse. When asked what that was about, the bartender, named Stumpy, if I remember correctly, said he had been instructed by a woman named Dove to send word to her in Tinal via horse-messenger should he ever see Rei. We thought this odd, but since he knew nothing more, we dropped the matter.

We rode south with the Sun, heading now to Rei's farm. Along the way we heard tales of war brewing between Amil and the combined forces of Faunel and Gan. We remarked on the oddity of this; Amil and Faunel had always been peaceful with one another, and Gan, though militant, never expanded his borders.

Again we pushed south, agreeing to double back with all due speed in order to determine just what was going on. A brief stop at Rei's farm confirmed our fears; Gan and Faunel were massing forces near Faunel's border with Amil. We pressed south, eager to return.

Arriving at the Melibone border, or what amounted to one in a barbarian nation, we let our presence be known. A hunting party met us and we asked to see their leader. They asked if we were gods and, having delt with such things before, we answered a staunch 'yes'. We journied swiftly, and soon arrived at the encampment of Aylott. We met with him, feasting at his tent and speaking of things. We asked his purpose in these lands, to which he merely responded 'To Live'. Unfortunately, a few words were exchanged that made our presence unwelcome, and we were impolitely ejected from his lands. If we did not leave the lands of Melibone before sunset, we were to be attacked. Being in the center of Melibone, two days from the border, we found this a most unfair agreement.

A few hours out, we began to plan an action that would teach old Aylott a lesson. He carried a moonsilver daiklaive, also called 'Melibone'. Our aim was to steal it from him, humiliating him for his rudeness.

The plan was thus: Rei, Forge, and I were to stay at our location and draw out the hoardes of Aylott, depleting the number of eyes watching their leader's tent. Te Sha and Snake would sneak into the encampment under the cover of night and steal the daiklaive.

Forge summoned the Lesser Minions of the Eyeless Face, an act that not only provided us with capable soldiers, but was visible enough to attract the attention we desired. The hoardes spilled out of the encampment, and we three steeled ourselves for battle. In the meantime, Te and Snake snuck in. Snake stood guard while Te deftly plucked the sword from Aylott's sleeping form, and dragged it out of his tent. No sooner than Te had cleared the tent flaps, however, Aylott awoke, and cried out in rage. Te dashed for his horse, greatly encumbered by the blade but resolute in his flight. Aylott burst from his tent, shifting into a half-horse form as he charged young Te with all his beastly might. Te was hurled and kicked, but refused to either stop running or drop his prize. When all seemed lost, just as Aylott stood to smash poor Te to pieces with his hooves, Snake interposed himself between the Lunar and his prey.

Snake challenged Aylott to a one on one duel, and I hear it was a mighty fight, indeed. Snake style clashed with Horse style, and many blows rained upon each combatant. Chest-Shattering Kick met with Snake form, countered by a viscious set of pressure point crippling blows. In the end, both fighters pushed to their utter limit, Snake called forth a mighty blow, and forced Aylott to his knees.

The two ran for safety, found at their companions side. Now, our tale.

Upon Koresh rode myself, Forge, and his freshly-summoned Minions. Rei was astride her horse, bow at the ready. Before us charged the men and beastmen of Aylott's hoarde. We decided to charge ourselves, and smashed into them with the might of the Sun.

Mine were the first blows to land: Mighty sweeps of my hammer, Mountain-Of-Judgement, knocked man, horse, and beastman alike from my path. They, in turn, battered others. This, in conjunction with Koresh's bulk, made short work of the army; splitting them into two. Rei filled the air with her arrows, and the Minion's terrifying faces and claws convinced those who had doubt in their hearts to flee. Within minutes of our charge, the army was broken and fleeing.

We rested while we waited for our companion's return, and were relieved to see their forms on the horizon.

We slept, and set out for Faunel the next morning.